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Classroom Based Learning Improvement Practices |
ABS-6 |
Analysis of Teacher and Student Communication Patterns in Science Learning: Teacher or Student-Centered? Nurussaniah Nurussaniah (a*), Muhammad Aqmal Nurcahyo (b), Ira Nofita Sari (a), Dwi Fajar Saputri (a)
a) Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, IKIP PGRI Pontianak, Jalan Ampera Nomor 88 Pontianak, Indonesia
b) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Kalimantan Barat, Kubu Raya, Indonesia
One of the students^ learning activities related to 21st-century skills is the ability to communicate. Therefore, it is necessary to find out how learning tendencies and patterns of communication interaction are built from the learning design that has been planned by the teacher, as this is able to serve as the basis for building more effective learning designs. A descriptive qualitative method was used in this study and the data were obtained from dialogue transcripts in learning material classification and monohybrid inheritance. These data were collected through observation and documentation by using cameras and sound recordings. Afterward, it was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively by counting the number of words spoken by the teacher and students as well as calculating the frequency of occurrence of important keywords from the concept of the material being taught. The results showed that the learning design is successful in the construction of students^ thinking skills. The students acquire abstract and systematic thinking skills in the first learning and second learning, respectively. These two skills are among the Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) needed to face the industrial revolution 4.0. Conclusively, when building further learning designs, teachers need to create learning scenarios that is able to stimulate students^ ability to communicate and convey ideas.
Keywords: communication- teacher-centered- student-centered- science- lesson study
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| Corresponding Author (Nurussaniah Nurussaniah)
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Classroom Based Learning Improvement Practices |
ABS-11 |
a) Prodi Pendidikan Kimia, FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak, *dedeh.kurnia9[at]gmail.com
Separation Chemistry is a course in the fourth semester in the Chemistry Education Study Program. This course is close to the proof of the concept of chemical analysis methods through experimental activities. Experimental activities carried out by students can develop activity. researchers used Google Classroom as a learning media and project assignments were used to improve students^ critical thinking skills in separation chemistry courses. This type of research is a Classroom Action Research conducted with Lesson Study. Data collection techniques used were observation, documentation study, and tests. Implementation of the application of project-based learning models through Google Classroom media from the first cycle to the second cycle. The sample was 10 students who took the separation chemistry course. The data in this study are in the form of learning implementation results, student project results in designing experimental chemical separation methods by extraction and chromatography including planning, implementing and reporting activities, as well as the results of critical thinking skills tests through the results of project assignments. The results of the study showed an increase in the learning process, project results and students^ critical thinking skills in the first and second cycles, respectively, namely 77% to 85%, 57% to 85%, and 63.8% to 70.8%. Based on these results, it is concluded that the application of a project-based learning model through google classroom can improve the thinking skills of students in the Chemistry education study program FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Pontianak in the Separation Chemistry course.
Keywords: Lesson study, Project-based learning, Separation Chemistry
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| Corresponding Author (Dedeh Kurniasih)
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Classroom Based Learning Improvement Practices |
ABS-32 |
Preservice Biology Teacher Perceptions of Concepts and Biology Teaching Reni Marlina (a,b), Hadi Suwono (a*), Ibrohim (a), Hamdani (b), Erwina Oktavianty (b)
a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
b) Teacher Training, and Education Faculty, Tanjungpura University, Indonesia
Biology teachers are considered to have a conception of the nature of biological science, scientific concepts, and how to study and teach it. Teachers^ images of the nature of science and teaching biology are analyzed and compared with their classroom practice when teaching biology. The data collection procedure was interviewed, which was analyzed using cognitive maps and classroom observations. The results reflect teacher candidates^ conceptions of the nature of biology, which is exciting learning for students. Students will play an active role in the teaching and learning process. He follows the strategies obtained from the introductory teaching skills courses and biology learning strategies in class. Students^ behavior in class is entirely at odds with the conception of prospective biology teachers.
Keywords: Preservice biology teacher- Biology concepts- Biology teaching
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| Corresponding Author (Reni Marlina)
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Classroom Based Learning Improvement Practices |
ABS-50 |
Pengembangan Strategi Asesmen Berbasis Portofolio Elektronik untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa pada Materi Konsep Mol Wiwi Siswaningsih*, Nahadi, Azmii Nur Aziizah, Dina Daniati
Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan strategi asesmen berbasis portofolio elektronik yang valid dan reliabel sebagai assessment for learning yang dapat dijadikan feedback bagi peserta didik untuk meningkatkan kreativitas pada materi konsep mol. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan 4-D. Sumber data penelitian ini diperoleh dari dosen, guru, dan siswa kelas X di salah satu SMA Kabupaten Bandung. Instrumen asesmen portofolio yang dikembangkan berupa task dan rubrik penilaian yang disusun berdasarkan indikator kreativitas abad ke-21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen asesmen portofolio yang dikembangkan memenuhi syarat valid dan reliabel. Selain itu, strategi asesmen berbasis portofolio elektronik yang dikembangkan dapat meningkatkan kreativitas peserta didik pada materi konsep mol berdasarkan perolehan rata-rata nilai N-Gain sebesar 0,57 yang dikategorikan sedang. Hasil angket respon peserta didik secara keseluruhan memberikan tanggapan yang baik mengenai penggunaan strategi asesmen berbasis portofolio elektronik sehingga dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kreativitas peserta didik pada materi konsep mol.
Keywords: Asesmen, Portofolio Elektronik, Kreativitas, Konsep Mol
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| Corresponding Author (Wiwi Siswaningsih)
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Classroom Based Learning Improvement Practices |
ABS-57 |
Universitas Negeri Padang
This article was written to analyze the implementation of the Case Based Learning method to increase student participation in learning Geography at the SMA Labschool UNP. This article is one of the outputs in the form of publications from the LPTK Lecturer Partnership program with teachers in schools carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2022. This type of research is classroom action research with the research subjects being students of class XI IS 4, totaling 32 people. This research applies Lesson Study for Learning Community/LSLC and is carried out in three cycles which include, 1) Plan, 2) Do, 3) See. The method applied is Case Based Learning which focuses on student participation during learning. Student participation data was obtained through assessment instruments and rubrics as well as interviews. The results showed that, 1) quantitatively, student participation in cycle 1 was mostly in the low category. While in cycle 2 it increased to 45% and in cycle 3 the participation increased to 60%. In terms of gender, female participants were 75% and only 25% male. 2) Judging from the quality of student participation, the highest quality of participation was during learning cycle 3 where the number of participants with very good category participation reached 35%. From the results of this classroom action research, it can be concluded that Case Based Learning can increase student participation both quantitatively and qualitatively in learning Geography.
Keywords: Case Based Learning, Geography Learning, Student Participation
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| Corresponding Author (Nofrion Nofrion)
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Classroom Based Learning Improvement Practices |
ABS-58 |
The quiziz media analysis eliminates student boredom learning in a new normal era Hana zhafirah
Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
The pandemic period, which has lasted from 2019 until the present, has caused numerous challenges in a variety of industries, including education. One of the most common issues is a lack of excitement and motivation in studying. This is felt since the learning carried out during the epidemic is uninteresting because it is solely done through learning platforms such as Whatsapp, google meet, and so on, causing boredom in children. As a result, the government chose to transition from online to offline learning. As a result, it is vital to reinvent learning through the use of learning material based on quiz games. The utilization of instructional material is critical in combating student boredom. Quiziz is one of the quiziz used. The goal of this study is to see if Quiziz can help students overcome boredom while learning in the modern day. While conducting this research at State Elementary School X, descriptive qualitative methodologies and data collection via interviews and student perceptions were used. Based on the findings of this study, it is possible to conclude that quiziz can help students overcome boredom, as indicated by the fact that as many as 22 students believe quiziz are enjoyable and can help them re-energize their interest in learning.
Keywords: quizizz, instructional Media, boredom
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| Corresponding Author (Hana Zhafirah)
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Learning Improvement in Social Sciences Education |
ABS-14 |
Department of Mathematics Education
Abstract: The aim of this research to test statistically related to the achievement and increase in mathematical literacy skills of high school students after obtaining a problem based learning model based on high order thinking skills and to describe student responses to the implementation of problem based learning based on high order thinking skills to teach composition functions and inverse functions. This research is an experimental research with a research design that is a non equivalent control group design. The population in this research were all students of Class X Science in one of the public high schools in South Lampung Regency. The sample in this research is class X IPA 5 as the experimental class and class X IPA 3 as the control class. The instruments used in this research are mathematical literacy ability test instruments and non-test instruments in the form of questionnaires and observation sheets. From this research, it can be concluded: 1. Statistically, the achievement of mathematical literacy skills of students who received problem based learning based on high order thinking skills was higher than students who received with a scientific approach- 2. Statistically the increase in mathematical literacy skills of students who received problem based learning based on high order thinking skills was higher than students who received with a scientific approach- 3. Student responses to the implementation of problem based learning models based on high order thinking skills to teach compositional function and inverse function material to high school students are included in the positive category.
Keywords: mathematical literacy ability, problem based learning model based on high order thinking skills, composition function and inverse function, high school students
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| Corresponding Author (Eyus Sudihartinih)
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Learning Improvement in Social Sciences Education |
ABS-28 |
Analysis of Students^ Retention Ability in Learning Movement Organs System Using Puppet Media Sri Wahyuni, Yulita Dewi Purmintasari*, Dwi Fajar Saputri
IKIP PGRI Pontianak
The right learning media in delivering a mterial is very much needed in the learning process. The material for human movement organs is one of the materials that is close to the students themselves, but is hindered from being presented in class. The teacher can present the overall expirerience to each student. The puppet media of human movement organs is one of the simple solutions in presenting the bone learning experience. Analysis of student retention in learning the organ system of motion using puppet media is the purpose of this study. The research uses qualitative methods. The researcher acts as a key instrument for extracting data from direct field observations and interviews with teachers and students. Sources of research data are founders, teachers, students. The results of interviews and observations were triangulated for data validity. The data will be analyzed in a qualitative descriptive manner that is inductive. The results showed that the results showed that students were better able to understand the bone parts of the human movement organs by identifying the bone parts of the puppet components. After understanding the parts of the bones, students assemble them into a complete human movement organ. Unlike ordinary pictures, students can only see them without being able to put them together. Puppet media become miniature organs of motion that can be presented in lessons to provide real experiences for students.
Keywords: Movement Organs System- Puppet media- Retention Ability
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| Corresponding Author (Dwi Fajar Saputri)
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Learning Improvement in Social Sciences Education |
ABS-38 |
Pendidikan IPA, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, 69162, Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi persentase miskonsepsi siswa pada materi suhu dan kalor serta mendeskripsikan profil miskonsepsi yang terjadi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 40 siswa kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 1 Surabaya. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada hari selasa tanggal 19 Juli 2022 di SMP Negeri 1 Surabaya kepada siswa kelas VIII semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen tes diagnostik four tier multiple choice yang berjumlah 20 soal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa kelas VIII A, C dan E di SMP Negeri 1 Surabaya masih mengalami miskonsepsi pada materi suhu dan kalor dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 43% yang termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Persentase miskonsepsi tertinggi terjadi pada indikator soal mengenai mengungkapkan kembali definisi suhu sebesar sebesar 90%, dan miskonsepsi terendah terjadi pada indikator soal mengenai menyebutkan kembali definisi kalor sebesar 13%.
Keywords: Four Tier Multiple Choice, Kalor, Miskonsepsi, Suhu
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| Corresponding Author (Nur Aisya Jamil)
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Learning Improvement in Social Sciences Education |
ABS-39 |
Analisis Scientific Reasoning skill^s Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPA Ditinjau dari Gender Lailatul Fitria, Badrud Tamam, Mochammad Ahied, Irsyad Rosidi, Maria Chandra Sutarja
Pendidikan IPA/ Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan/ Universitas Trunojoyo Madura/ Bangkalan/69162 Indonesia
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat dan perbedaan scientific reasoning skills siswa ditinjau dari gender pada pembelajaran IPA di SMPN 4 Pamekasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian ex-post facto dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan uji-t independen utuk menganalisis scientific reasoning skills berdasarkan gender siswa. Sampel penelitian yang diambil sebanyak 27 siswa, di SMP Negeri 4 Pamekasan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2021 pada siswa kelas IX semester genap tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes Lawson^s Classroom Test Of Scientific Reasoning (LCTSR). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa scientific reasoning skills siswa laki-laki maupun siswa perempuan kelas IX pada mata pelajaran IPA berada pada kategori operasional konkret. Scientific reasoning skills siswa berdasarkan indikator, nilai rata-rata tertinggi terdapat pada indikator penalaran proporsional sebesar 0,481. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata terendah terdapat pada indikator penalaran konservasi, karena pada indikator ini secara keseluruhan siswa tidak berhasil menjawab dengan benar sehingga nilai rata-rata 0.
Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran IPA, Gender, dan Scientific Reasoning Skills.
Keywords: Pembelajaran IPA, Gender, Scientific Reasoning skill^s
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| Corresponding Author (Lailatul Fitria)
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Learning Improvement in STEM Education |
ABS-3 |
Departement of Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
This study addresses students^ critical thinking skills profiles in learning about hydraulic pumps under a STEM Quartet Instructional Framework using a problem-based learning approach. This study was implemented in a VIII class at one Indonesian junior high school. Data collection and analysis considered learning observations, teacher interviews, document studies, and recordings (audio and video). The learning design is problem-based, consisting of two school-based activities and homework projects. The learning of hydraulic pump design uses a contextual problem related to the student^s daily life in Sumedang Regency, where the students live. The discussion allowed students to demonstrate critical thinking indicators. The profile of students^ critical thinking skills is seen from the appearance of indicators of critical thinking skills. The highest indicators of student critical thinking skills occurred in the first face-to-face meeting: asked questions (203 times), identified concepts (124 times), and delivered assumptions (188 times). The highest Indicators of critical thinking skills at the second face-to-face meeting are: described data or information (227 times), delivered assumptions (148 times), and asked questions (125 times). The indicators reflect differences in the stages of the first and second sessions. Meanwhile, the least indicator of critical thinking skills at the first and second face-to-face meetings was ^conveying the goal^. The lack of appearance of that indicator was influenced by the low attention of students to the goal. The results were influenced by the learning phases and individual and group characteristics.
Keywords: Lesson design, STEM learning, hydaurlic pump, Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA), students^ critical thinking skills.
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| Corresponding Author (Santy Nurmalasari)
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Learning Improvement in STEM Education |
ABS-7 |
Cultivating 21st Century Skills (6Cs) of SMPN 23 Pekanbaru Students through a STEM Project Suryawati E (a)*, Rahmi FO (b), Elviana T (c), Pohan C (d), Syafrinal (e), Harfal Z (f)
a) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Riau, Indonesia
b,c) Post Graduate Study, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Riau, Indonesia
d) Junior High School 23rd Pekanbaru, Indonesia
e) Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Riau, Indonesia
f) Department of English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Riau, Indonesia
A pilot project of STEM-based learning has been carried out at SMPN 23 Pekanbaru. This study was carried out with the aim of cultivating students^ higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) as referred to 21st-century skillset (the 6Cs, creative, critical, computational thinking, collaborative, communicative, character), and the demands of an independent learning curriculum. Needs analysis showed the students^ higher-order thinking skills were still low with an average of 56.21%. Therefore, it was necessary to make efforts to enhance thinking skills through innovative learning activities, such as the implementation of STEM projects. The selected STEM project was on the topic of the excretory system where student designed and built a miniature haemodialysis machine. It took place in class VIII G, with 37 students divided into eight groups. In conducting the project, four school teachers (science, mathematics, arts, and ICT) formed a teaching team. Collaboratively, the teachers planned, implemented, and reflected on learning guided by FKIP UNRI lecturers and technical assistants (postgraduate students). The implementation of learning through PjBL was carried out in stages including reflection, research, discovery, application, and communication. During the learning process, students tried and worked enthusiastically on group assignments. The implementation results has shown that a pleasant learning environment encourages students to fully focus on learning activities. Students collaborated and participated actively in learning activities, thus students understood the concept of blood washing and how the hasemodialysis machine worked. Students believed they had gained a great deal of new knowledge and were more enthusiastic about learning science.
Keywords: 21st Century Skills, PjBL, STEM, Haemodialysis
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| Corresponding Author (Evi Suryawati)
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Learning Improvement in STEM Education |
ABS-17 |
The application of stems to motivation and learning outcomes in chemistry material Lely Kurniati (a*), Kasmudin Mustapa (b), Afadil (c), and Dewi Satria Ahmar (d)
Tadulako University, Jl. Soekarno Hatta 9, Tondo, Mantikolure, Palu City, 94148, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effect of the application of STEM on motivation and learning outcomes in chemistry . This research is a quasi-experimental design research. The sample of this study was 25 students of class XI IPA 1 as the Experiment class and Class XI IPA 3 with 25 students as the control class at SMAN 5 Palu. The research instrument was in the form of learning outcomes tests, motivation questionnaires. The percentage of student learning motivation questionnaire data analysis obtained in the experimental class was 80.29% while for the control class it was 55.55%. where the difference is 28.38%. Student learning outcomes were analyzed using SPSS Version 25.0, where the significance value of the t-test analysis was 0.001 < 0.005 so that it can be seen that H0 is rejected or Ha is accepted. Based on the results obtained, there is an effect of the STEM approach on motivation and learning outcomes chemistry Materials.
Keywords: STEM approach, Acid-Base, Student learning motivation
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| Corresponding Author (Lely Kurniati)
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Learning Improvement in STEM Education |
ABS-43 |
Landscape of STEAM-inquiry in improving problem solving skills research over time: A Comparative Bibliometric Analysis Syahmani, Leny, Rilia Iriani, Rusmansyah, Farida Hayati, Shabrina Adzhani Febriati, Lila Mustarianti
Chemistry Education of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin
Natural Science Education of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin
Trends in STEAM research continue to change from year to year, it is necessary to map the STEAM-inquiry research landscape to improve problem solving skills with large databases using bibliometric analysis with comparative review. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the comparison of research developments with the topic of STEAM-inquiry in improving problem solving skills. The study used a comparative bibliometric analysis method with databases from Google Scholar and Scopus with steps of preparation and data collection, data processing I, data processing II, data analysis, and drawing conclusion. Collecting and processing data using Publish or Perish, Zotero and VOSviewers applications. The results showed that there were 1053 papers which were separated into 3 periods and classified into 7 dependent variables. Visualization analysis shows that STEAM-inquiry has been researched in the same research but is separate from inquiry, research trends from year to year between databases have different scopes, and further research deepens the research theme in yellow clusters in each database.
Keywords: bibliometrics analysis- comparative review- STEAM-Inquiry- problem solving skills.
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| Corresponding Author (Syahmani Syahmani)
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Learning Improvement in STEM Education |
ABS-44 |
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Pemberlakuan MEA di Indonesia tidak hanya berpengaruh terhadap bidang ekonomi. Dunia pendidikan memiliki peranan penting dalam meyongsong MEA.. Terdapat 4 keterampilan yang harus dimiliki siswa dalam menyongyong MEA yaitu keterampilan abad 21 4C yang terdiri dari Creativity (kreativitas), Critical Thinking (Berpikir Kritis), Communication (Komunikasi) dan Collaboration (Kolaborasi). Permasalahan pembelajaran yang dihadapi dalam pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar yaitu siswa kurang siap mengikuti pembelajaran sehingga guru banyak menggunakan waktu untuk memberikan konsep dengan metode ceramah. Kondisi tersebut berdampak pada kurangnya kreativitas siswa terhadap materi yang diajarkan, pada akhirnya sebagian besar siswa menghadapi kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas, latihan khususnya materi tematis. Saat ini terdapat pendekatan yang diyakini mampu meningkatkan ketermpilan 4C siswa yaitu Pendekatan STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). STEM merupakan pendekatan multidisiplin ilmu yang di dalamnya siswa belajar sains, teknologi, teknik dan matematika dalam satu pembelajaran yang tematis. Strategi yang digunakan adalah Lesson Study. Pelaksanaan Lesson Study bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran kolaborasi guru sekolah dasar. Pelaksanaan Lesson Study melibatkan empat guru, satu guru sebagai model dan guru lainnya sebagai observer. Kegiatan Lesson Study mencakup tiga tahap kegiatan yang merupakan satu rangkaian yang disebut siklus yaitu Plan, Do, dan See. Dalam tahap Plan dilakukan diskusi mengkaji perencanaan pembelajaran (RPP) STEM yang difasilitasi oleh dosen, dalam tahap Do dilakukan pembelajaran oleh guru model berdasar RPP hasil Plan, dalam tahap See dilakukan refleksi untuk mengkaji pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan guru model guna ditindak lanjuti pada pembelajaran berikutnya. Kesimpulan pelaksanaan Lesson Study dapat meningkatkan pemahaman materi melalui pembelajaran STEM oleh siswa dan kelas menjadi lebih interaktif.
Keywords: Kualitas Pembelajaran, Lesson Study, STEM, Matematika
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| Corresponding Author (Nurjanah Nurjanah)
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Learning Improvement in STEM Education |
ABS-45 |
a. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Scientific literacy is one of the skills that students in science learning must master. Students^ low scientific literacy ability is the basis for the implementation of this research. This research aims to analyze and describe the effect of the STEM approach assisted by animated videos on elementary school students^ scientific literacy. The research method applied in this study is a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group in science learning with the subject of Gravitational Force with 56 students as participants. The instrument used to obtain data before and before learning is a scientific literacy test instrument. Results imply that there is an increase in the scientific literacy ability of students who learn using STEM assisted by animated videos better than students who get conventional learning.
Keywords: STEM approach, scientific literacy, animation video, elementary school
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| Corresponding Author (Fitri Nuraeni)
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Learning Improvement in STEM Education |
ABS-46 |
Fostering Elementary School Students Engineering Skills through Ethno STEM Approach Fitri Nuraeni (a*), Hafiziani Eka Putri (a), Wulandari (a), Zhaza Nabila Zahra (a)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Problem-solving will run well if there is an engineering activity. Thus, students engineering skills become essential in problem-solving. This research aims to assess and analyze the engineering skills of elementary school students who experienced the Ethno-STEM approach through the pounding technique eco print compared to those with the conventional approach. This research uses a quasi-experiment research method with a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The lesson is implemented with a blended learning system by integrating several subjects: environmental education, science, and mathematics. The sample of the research is 48 fourth-grade students in Purwakarta. The students engineering skills test instrument is used to obtain data before and after the learning. Results show that the improvement of engineering skills of elementary school students who received the Ethno-STEM approach through the pounding eco print is better than those who experienced conventional lessons.
Keywords: Ethno STEM- Engineering Skills- Elementary School
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| Corresponding Author (Fitri Nuraeni)
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Learning Improvement in STEM Education |
ABS-47 |
PGSD Pendidikan Jasmani, Fakultas Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-based learning is a learning model that is projected as an effort to revolutionize future learning. The purpose of implementing this learning model is to prepare students to have the ability to support life in the future. This study aims to determine and test the implementation of the STEM model based on Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) in Physical Education Learning to increase Cognitive Aspects, Concentration, Independent Learning, and Increased Physical Activity. This research was conducted on UPI Lab School Junior High School students. The method used in this study is quasi-experimental. The experimental design used was Pretest-Posttest, Nonequivalent Control Group Design, where both groups received pre-test and post-test, and only the experimental group received treatment. The researchers concluded that the STEM based SRL program had a significant developmental impact on students^ cognitive, concentration, learning independence and physical activity with a sig. each of which is a cognitive of sig. 0.008, concentration sig. 0.002, learning independence of sig. 0.035 and physical activity sig. 0.000.
Keywords: STEM, SRL, Kognitif, Konsentrasi, Kemandirian Belajar, & Aktivitas Fisik.
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| Corresponding Author (Dian Budiana)
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Learning Improvement in STEM Education |
ABS-49 |
PREPAREDNESS OF PPG PRAJAB STUDENTS FKIP UMM FORCE 2021 IN STEM LEARNINGo Submit This Sample Abstract Nurwidodo, Trisakti Handayani, Iin Hindunis Sample Abstract
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
STEM learning is expected to be the foundation in meeting the demands of scientific, technological, engineering, mathematical literacy as required in 21st century learning. To meet these expectations, teachers are needed who master and are ready to realize STEM learning. This study aims to examine the readiness of PPG FKIP UMM students in STEM learning. The research was carried out in March, 2001 to February 2022. The sample used was PPG students in positions and pre-service classes of 2001 and 2022. The total sample was 43 PPG prajab students and 45 PPG daljab students. Sampling was carried out saturated (PPG Prajab) and randomly (PPG Daljab).
The results showed that there was a change in students^ understanding of STEM as content and STEM as a process where content consisted of an integrated quadro, while as a STEM process based on process design engineering (EDP), EDP is a cyclic process that applies in problem solving in the engineering world. . The position of the problem in STEM can be positioned as the beginning of learning, it can also be positioned after the analysis of the integration of STEM content from relevant curriculum documents. All STEM components have valuable educational meaning for the development of students personality. The importance of STEM learning in the framework of fulfilling 21st century life skills and future careers has been understood by students so that STEM learning becomes necessary. STEM learning is understood as learning that is characterized by active student involvement, processes in discovery or inquiry, collaborating with students in groups, solving real problems around the environment, through project-based learning or the 5E cycle. How to design learning is done by instructional analysis, applying EDP, designing scenarios using PBL, PjBL or Cycle 5E, implementing, reflecting on the process and results of implementation and redesign. The main obstacles encountered in STEM learning are the lack of understanding of STEM, exp
Keywords: PPG Students, STEM Learning, Readiness
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| Corresponding Author (Nur Widodo)
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Learning Improvement in Subject Matters |
ABS-34 |
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Multipel Representasi Materi Struktur dan Pertumbuhan Tulang Melanie Putri Harahap
Universitas Negeri Medan
The aim of this study was to develop multiple representation learning media in order to answer the problem of need analysis as overcome the difficulties of students in understanding bone structure and bone formation. This study was developed by ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation) model which has been assessed during validation process in order to get the feasibility on material aspect using questionnaire. Validation result showed that all of assessment aspect had been very good category. The aspect of assessment that is valued by material expert and teacher consists of material, readability, and gravity aspect. The percentage of content assessment achieved 97.08% by content expert and teacher assessment got the average percentage was 92.42%. The students also give the respond after using learning media in learning activity. The percentage of students responses achieved 87.43%. Learning media were suitable to be implemented during teaching and learning based on the validation result. This development research is expected to be used as an alternative learning media that can represent the three level of macroscopic, microscopic and symbolic levels and can improve students critical thinking skills.
Keywords: Multiple representation, ADDIE model, learning media
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| Corresponding Author (Melanie Putri Harahap)
21 |
Learning Improvement in Subject Matters |
ABS-37 |
a) Physics Education Department, Indonesia University of Education
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40134, Indonesia
The aim of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is to integrate the values of sustainable development in all aspects of learning to promote behavioral change towards a more sustainable and equitable society for all (UNESCO, 2006). Making a decision made by a person is determined by the rationality, perception, and cognition of the literature. ESD-oriented learning directs students to familiarize their way of thinking, acting, and behaving comprehensively based on the pillars of sustainable development. The excavation of skills obtained by students after learning is more dominated by the cognitive aspect which is more oriented in the way of thinking and tends to override their perspective of acting and behaving. This article aims to develop an integrated ESD Awareness and Cognitive evaluation instrument based on science learning for high school students. using the development research method through the ADDIE stages (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate), research samples of high school students in several regions in Indonesia will be selected by simple random sampling to meet the required data. The instrument in the form of a questionnaire that has been designed by Hassan, Noordin, & Sulaiman (2010) and Arba^at (2006- 2009) has been developed into a network-based instrument (online) and its quality characteristics are assessed through an online evaluation application. The application of evaluation using the online application of the instrument can be a quality, reliable instrument in terms of appearance, presentation, use, and quality of measurement using Item Response Theory of the 2PL model through eIRT in the data processing process. An integrated science learning-based ESD Awareness and cognitive assessment instrument for high school students has been developed, directed to be accessible and presented in a more attractive and targeted manner using an online evaluation application. The item parameters obtained indicate that the quality of the
Keywords: Online Based Evaluation: ESD, Sustainability Awareness
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| Corresponding Author (Agus Fany Chandra Wijaya)
22 |
Learning Improvement in Subject Matters |
ABS-40 |
Analysis of Science Literacy Ability of High School Students on Concept Work and Energy Uyun Komariyah, Ai Nurlaela
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.95, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan 15412, Indonesia.
The study aims to determine the scientific literacy ability of class XI IPA students at SMAN 3 Kota Cilegon on concept of work and energy. The method of the research used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study consisted of 145 students of XI IPA class. The research instrument used was a written test in the form of a description. The results of this study found that scientific literacy ability of class XI IPA students on the three domains of context, competencies, and knowledge was 51,76% with very low category, then on the domain of attitudes got a percentage 66,95% with good attitude category.
Keywords: Scientific literacy, framework PISA 2015, Work and energy
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| Corresponding Author (Uyun Komariyah)
23 |
Learning Improvement in TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) |
ABS-18 |
Master Program of Computer Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Computational thinking has become a hot topic in almost all developed countries in the world and has been implemented as part of the national curriculum for K-12 students, but in its application computational thinking requires learning models that provide direct experience to students such as experiential learning models. The experiential learning model prioritizes real experience as the object of student learning. The purpose of this research is to apply the concept of computational thinking for junior high school students in programming algorithms. The results of this study indicate that student learning outcomes in the experimental class have an average value of 87.826 and the control class is 81.36363. Based on the results of the t-test where the value of tcount = 1.33676 is smaller than ttable = 1.68107 then H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected, so that there is no significant difference between the learning outcomes of the experimental class students who apply the concept of computational thinking and the control class students^ learning outcomes. on programming algorithms, but gave a positive increase to students with an increase in the average score of students.
Keywords: computation thinking, experiential learning, algorithm and programming, drill and practice, higher order thinking skills
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| Corresponding Author (Lala Septem Riza)
24 |
Lesson Study and Learning Community |
ABS-1 |
FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The aims of study are to find an inquiry learning design of physics and chemical change material to promote students^ critical thinking skills and trajectories of physics and chemical change learning and identify profiles of critical thinking skills and overview of student^s conceptual trajectories. Research method of description qualitative was used in this study. The collected data were analyzed by Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA). The implementation of this research refers to the Didactical Design Research (DDR), it consists of 3 stages of analysis (prospective, metapedadidactic, and retrospective analysis). The implementation of learning is carried out at grade VII semester 2 of the 2021-2022 academic year at a junior high school in Sumedang Regency. It was found that the developded learning design is able to promote 12 indicators of critical thinking skills (Ennis, 1985) and the trajectory of students^ conceptual change. The learning design consists predictions of student^s responses and its anticipation of student^s responses which facilitated students to carry out investigation activities with materials related to the daily lives through learning strategies of group discussion and class discussion. Based on transcripts of student^s dialog, the percentage of identified critical thinking skills in both meeting I and meeting II are follows: PI 1.86% and PII 4.1% (initial activities), PI 43.54% and PII 56.94% (core activities), and PI 24.25% and PII 11.94% (closing activities). In addition, the identified indicators of trajectories of student conceptual change throughout the learning activities are as follow: clarity of concept (inteligibility and plausibility) when conducting investigations and group discussions, fully understanding during class discussions, and achieving succes (fruitfullness) during the evaluation process.
Keywords: : Inquiry learning design, critical thinking skills, conceptual change trajectory, Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA), physical and chemical changes.
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| Corresponding Author (Eneng Rahmayanti)
25 |
Lesson Study and Learning Community |
ABS-2 |
A Design of Evaluation for Lesson Study Program Based on Guskey^s Evaluation Model of Professional Development Harry Firman, Nahadi, Harun Imansyah
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The increasing number of lesson studies implemented by the Government, donors, and schools to improve the quality of educational processes and outcomes in Indonesia requires the support of evaluation process that estimate the success level of its implementation. Program evaluation needs to be a complement to the implementation of the lesson study, because it will provide information about the real success level of the program being implemented, as a basis for creating continuous improvement of the implemented program sustainably. This paper highlights an evaluation design for lesson study program based on Thomas Guskey^s model of evaluating professional development. Five-level of evaluation according to Thomas Guskey (participants^ reactions, participants^ learning, organization support and change, participants^ use of knowledge and skills, student learning outcomes) will be elaborated in this paper and applied to evaluation design for lesson study program. The measure, data structure, data collection which are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the lesson study program will be presented in detail.
Keywords: Lesson study, program evaluation, Guskey^s five level evaluation model, continuous improvement
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| Corresponding Author (Harry Firman)
26 |
Lesson Study and Learning Community |
ABS-8 |
Lesson Study Scientific Articles: Exploration of Learning Information Experiences as Best Practice Eny Winaryati1*, Iwan Junaedi2*Dodi Mulyadi3*, Safuan4*, Eko Andi Purnomo5*, Madya Giri Aditama6*
1Chemistry Education Departement. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
2Mathematic Education Departement. Universitas Negeri Semarang
3English Language Education. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
4informatics department. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
5Mathematic Education Departement. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
6English Language Education. Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendal Batang, Indonesia
Teachers have a strategic role in learning, because teachers have a lot of time to meet with students. Teachers strive for knowledge and skills that are transferred to students always increase. Without realizing it, teachers often change their learning strategies, with the hope that there will be improvements. This indicates that teacher has research skills. This skill is the teacher^s feedback on the responses that emerge from the students. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of information on the implementation of lesson study as best practice. The phenomenographic method was adopted to explore the experience of information obtained from the implementation of lesson study at Muhammadiyah schools in Central Java. Lesson study provides opportunities for teachers to always make continuous learning improvements, with the aim of improving the quality of graduates. Research activities have been initiated during the PLAN activity, because at this time discussions are being held to find learning problems. The more complex learning problem presented, the higher the way to solve it. DO activity is an opportunity to obtain many findings, as important notes for solving learning problems, which will be reflected in SEE activities. Recommendations for learning improvement are feedback from REFLECTION activities on the implementation of learning for the improvement of the next learning. This research skill has become a character when lesson study activities are carried out. The result of this lesson study activity is a best practice that is very feasible to be disseminated, through a form of scientific writing. It is hoped that other teachers will benefit from this good practice. Information experience When carrying out lesson study is a very meaningful insight, and becomes a valuable experience for researchers and others.
Keywords: scientific articles, lesson study, learning information experience, best practice
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| Corresponding Author (Eny Winaryati)
27 |
Lesson Study and Learning Community |
ABS-9 |
Exploring the Impact of Lesson Study as a Collaborative Teaching Strategy in Higher Education Herawati Susilo, Balqis, Frida Kunti Setiowati, Rahmi Masita, Maisuna Kundariati
Universitas Negeri Malang
Lesson study is a class-based & collaborative continuous teacher professional development strategy to optimize student learning services. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of lesson study on improving the quality of learning in higher education. This research is a mix method research, which was conducted for one semester. Learning is carried out in a hybrid way in the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year in six plant physiology classes using Problem-based Learning (PBL). The research subjects consisted of biology education students and undergraduate biology students at the Universitas Negeri Malang. The research instruments include chapter design, lesson design, lesson plans, lesson study observation sheets, essay tests on cognitive learning outcomes. Lesson study is carried out in three stages, namely plan, do, and see. The results showed that the learning designed and implemented with lesson study showed an improvement in each meeting. Improvements in learning can occur because educators and observers reflect on learning activities.
Keywords: Collaborative teaching, strategy lesson study, higher education
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| Corresponding Author (Maisuna Kundariati)
28 |
Lesson Study and Learning Community |
ABS-12 |
TBLA: Shifting Teachers^ Perspectives on Science Learning through Lesson Analysis Activities Erwina Oktavianty, Reni Marlina, Syaiful B. Arsyid, Tuti Kurniasih, M. Akmal Nurcahyo
Universitas Tanjungpura
This study at to describe the shifting of teacher^s perspective on science learning through lesson analysis activities in lesson study cycles. This research is descriptive studies. Ten science teachers participated in this study to analyze the science lesson transcription, then give an opinion as reflection. The data collection technique uses questionnaires and documentations. The result of this research presented that lesson analysis activities through Lesson Study provides space for teachers to analyze data-based learning to be used as learning improvements. So the quality of learning can improve, the students enthusiast in learning science and it give a good impact to the students learning outcomes.
Keywords: lesson study, lesson analysis, science learning
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| Corresponding Author (Erwina Oktavianty)
29 |
Lesson Study and Learning Community |
ABS-22 |
Science Teachers View and Peer Involvement in Reflective Practice : Based on Learning Experience in School Selvies Lea Babutta(a*), Riandi (b), Sumar Hendayana (b), Ida Kaniawati (b)
(a)Science education, School of Postgarduates Studies, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences education Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences education Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jl. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
The practice of reflection for teachers today is one of the keys to innovation and learning improvement. This is because reflective practice aims to promote analytical thinking from the teacher^s learning experience for better teaching and ultimately better learning and can be done collaboratively with peers. This study explores more deeply how the understanding of science teachers includes the involvement of peers in their reflective practice. Appointed based on the teaching experience conducted by 16 science teachers in junior high schools in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi. The analysis procedure uses data organization through interviews, documents, or observations. The identification of the main data was carried out based on the answers to the problems needed in the research obtained through online questionnaires and described in a qualitative descriptive.The results indicate that the teachers views on reflective practice are divided into 4 understandings: (1) The process of rethinking what has been learned whether it has going well or not, (2) Evaluating the problems faced in learning and teaching process, (3) Self-awareness in assesing in learning and teaching process and use it to improve the next one and (4) Consideration about strategies, tools/media used, material content and student understanding during learning. Most of the reflective practices carried out by science teachers themselves, without involving colleagues or other related parties, also without any supporting instruments or evidence. This study suggests that reflective practice and reflective forums can become a mandatory policy for every school in order to develop science innovation and learning in the future.
Keywords: science Teacher-Peer-Reflective Practice-
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| Corresponding Author (Selvies Lea Babutta)
30 |
Lesson Study and Learning Community |
ABS-23 |
West Java Province Education Agency of Indonesian Country
This study aims to improve the ability of teachers to implement of hybrid learning based on competency differentiation. To achieve this goal, research has been carried out to improve the ability of teachers to carry out hybrid learning based on competency differentiation, through the PLC model
The research subjects were all teachers of SMA Budi Istri Bandung, the research instruments included: (1) observing the implementation of hybrid learning based on competency differentiation by teachers and (2) assessing the ability of teachers to implement of hybrid learning based on competency differentiation. The data analysis was a qualitative interpretation run through the qualitative analysis and descriptive summary
The research findings indicate an increase in the ability of teachers, in carrying out hybrid learning based on competency differentiation, through the PLC model after being given treatment, compared to before being given treatment
Keywords: Professional Learning Communities, hybrid learning, competency differentiation
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| Corresponding Author (Yudhi Saparudin)
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