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Eneng rahmayanti- Sumar Hendayana- Riandi

FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The aims of study are to find an inquiry learning design of physics and chemical change material to promote students^ critical thinking skills and trajectories of physics and chemical change learning and identify profiles of critical thinking skills and overview of student^s conceptual trajectories. Research method of description qualitative was used in this study. The collected data were analyzed by Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA). The implementation of this research refers to the Didactical Design Research (DDR), it consists of 3 stages of analysis (prospective, metapedadidactic, and retrospective analysis). The implementation of learning is carried out at grade VII semester 2 of the 2021-2022 academic year at a junior high school in Sumedang Regency. It was found that the developded learning design is able to promote 12 indicators of critical thinking skills (Ennis, 1985) and the trajectory of students^ conceptual change. The learning design consists predictions of student^s responses and its anticipation of student^s responses which facilitated students to carry out investigation activities with materials related to the daily lives through learning strategies of group discussion and class discussion. Based on transcripts of student^s dialog, the percentage of identified critical thinking skills in both meeting I and meeting II are follows: PI 1.86% and PII 4.1% (initial activities), PI 43.54% and PII 56.94% (core activities), and PI 24.25% and PII 11.94% (closing activities). In addition, the identified indicators of trajectories of student conceptual change throughout the learning activities are as follow: clarity of concept (inteligibility and plausibility) when conducting investigations and group discussions, fully understanding during class discussions, and achieving succes (fruitfullness) during the evaluation process.

Keywords: : Inquiry learning design, critical thinking skills, conceptual change trajectory, Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA), physical and chemical changes.

Topic: Lesson Study and Learning Community

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