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Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Learning Designs on the Topic of Salt Hydrolysis Using Natural Materials Indicators to Develop Students^ Collaborative Skills
Dwi Ajni Shafarwati (a*), Asep Supriatna (b), Sumar Hendayana(c)

a) Departement of chemical education, Bandung, University Education of Indonesia.
Jalan. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


A study entitled ^Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Learning Designs on the Topic of Salt Hydrolysis Using Natural Materials Indicators to Develop Students^ Collaborative Skills^ aims to describe the implementation of the learning design and the profile of collaborative skills based on the developed learning design. One of the challenging 21st-century skills is collaborative skills. Schools still use teacher-centered learning which cannot improve collaborative skills optimally and the delivery of material is not contextual with everyday life, technology, and green chemistry/ ESD. This qualitative study used a qualitative method with the analysis of transcripts and student worksheets (LKPD). The instruments used were the assessing salt hydrolysis concept in textbooks and e-books study sheet, the studying lesson plans and teaching materials used by teacher study sheet, interview guidelines, validation sheets for the material design, analysis for students^ worksheets, and audio and video recordings of learning and learning observations which were transcribed. The results showed that learning designs covered students^ problems, predicting students^ responses and teacher assistance/anticipation designed in three stages of preliminary, core, and closing activities. The result of implementation designed shows that learning tends to be student centered. The profile of students^ collaborative skills that develop in the implementation of learning design that appears the most was indicator 2 in sharing tasks 1, 2 and 3, indicator 1 in sharing task 4, indicators 1 and 3 in sharing task 5, and indicator 2 in jumping task.

Keywords: salt hydrolysis, collaborative skills, sharing and jumping task

Topic: Lesson Study and Learning Community

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