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61 Other Areas of Education ABS-52

Science Philosophy as an Alternative Approach in the Development of Critical Thinking Capabilities and Pedagogic Competencies of Physics Education Students
Ahmad Syukri, Sukarno
Corresponding Author: Ahmad Syukri

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62 Other Areas of Education ABS-54

Implementation of Education Toward Orang Rimba Perception at Pandemic Words in The Linguistics Landscape
Diana Rozelin, Mailinar, Ulfatmi Azlan
Corresponding Author: Diana Rozelin

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63 Other Areas of Education ABS-58

Higher Order Thinking Skills in early childhood
Pepi Mulyani, Heny Djoehaeni
Corresponding Author: Pepi Mulyani

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64 Other Areas of Education ABS-62

Learning Motivation of Muslim Students in Studying Science and Non-Science in Higher Education
Fadlilah and Zainal Hartoyo
Corresponding Author: Fadlilah Fadlilah

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65 Other Areas of Education ABS-67

Applications for Evaluation of Arabic Lessons In The Learning System at MAN Model Jambi Indonesia
Kasful Anwar Us (a), Wahyudi Buska (a*), Yogia Prihartini (a), Diana Rozelin (a)
Corresponding Author: Wahyudi Buska

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66 Other Areas of Education ABS-68

Muhadatsah Learning Strategy in Improving Arabic Language Skills at MAN Kerinci Jambi Indonesia
Yogia Prihartini* (a), Budi Sanjaya (a) Wahyudi Buska (a) Muhammad Ridha D.S. (b)
Corresponding Author: Yogia Prihartini

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67 Other Areas of Education ABS-84

Covid-19 in the flow of technology :The impact of using E-Learning in learning history
Ray Agung Maulana
Corresponding Author: Ray Agung Maulana

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68 Other Areas of Education ABS-86

The constraints of Parents Accompanying Online Learning in the Pandemic Covid-19
Teti Maryulina, Hani Yulindrasari, Iding Tarsidi
Corresponding Author: Teti Maryulina

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69 Other Areas of Education ABS-113

Religious Moderation and the Continuity of Using E-Learning During the Pandemic of Covid-19
Erni Haryanti
Corresponding Author: Erni Haryanti

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70 Other Areas of Education ABS-120

The Relationship of Self-Concept and Self-Confidence with Student Creativity at SMA Islam Harapan Ibu Jakarta
Muhammad Teofani Kartanegara
Corresponding Author: Muhammad Teofani Kartanegara

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71 Other Areas of Education ABS-123

Exploratory Sequential Analysis Of Lecturer^s Works Productivity Reviewed From Empowerment, Academic Culture, And Knowledge Management
Sri Setyaningsih, Lina Novita
Corresponding Author: Sri Setyaningsih

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72 Pedagogy ABS-5

Putu Kerti Nitiasih, I Gede Ratnaya
Corresponding Author: Putu Kerti Nitiasih

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73 Pedagogy ABS-24

The Classroom Management during Covid-19 Pandemic: An Evaluative Study
I Gusti Ketut Arya Sunu (a*)
Corresponding Author: I Gusti Ketut Arya Sunu

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74 Pedagogy ABS-46

The Effect of EDI Learning on Science Literacy Ability and Critical Thinking Skills of Physics Education Students
Corresponding Author: Sukarno S

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75 Pedagogy ABS-51

Improving Educational Digital Literacy Capabilities and Online Class Management for Physics Education Students through SAPR Learning Techniques
Minnah El Widdah, Sukarno
Corresponding Author: Minnah El Widdah

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76 Pedagogy ABS-78

The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Learning Approach on Science Literacy Ability and Science Process Skills
Lukman Hakim, Sukarno, Mardiana, Kompri, Isna Yuliastuti
Corresponding Author: Isna Yuliastuti M.Pd.

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77 Ubiquitous Learning ABS-9

Development of a Simulation Model for Buyan Lake Conditions (Area) Based on Community Environmental and Social Factors
I Gede Aris Gunadi (1,2), Gede Indrawan(1), Dewi Oktofa Rachmawati(2), Muhamad Fauzan(1)
Corresponding Author: I Gede Aris Gunadi

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