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91 Sport and culture in Asian societies ABS-231

Physical activity level of college students, the use and perception of campus public sports facilities
Xiaodan Zhang1, Zhenhao Yang2, Haigang Jin2

1. School of Sports Training, Tianjin University of Sport, Tianjin 301617,China

2. School of Physical Education, Tianjin University of Sport,Tianjin 301617,China-


Objective: To provide data support for formulating targeted policies of college students^ physical fitness promotion. Methods: A self-made questionnaire was used to investigate the daily physical activity (PA) and the use of campus public sports facilities among 1229 non-sports college students in Tianjin. Results: (1) The MVPA, the frequency of aerobic exercise, strength training times, the number of weekly exercises were significantly higher than those of girls. (2)The utilization rate of indoor ball sports facilities, indoor strength training facilities, outdoor ball sports facilities and outdoor running facilities of male students was significantly higher than that of females, and the utilization rate of indoor running facilities was significantly lower than that of females. (3)The utilization comfort of indoor ball sports facilities, indoor strength training facilities, outdoor ball sports facilities and outdoor running facilities of male students were significantly higher than that of females, and indoor running facilities and outdoor roller skating facilities were significantly lower than that of females . Conclusions: The daily PA level of college students is low. The types of public sports facilities used by college students are mostly concentrated in running and ball games, and their comfort level is above the average level. The improvement of campus public sports facilities plays an important role in promoting college students^ sports comfort and raising the level of PA.

Keywords: Physical activity- Campus public sports facilities- College students

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92 Sport and culture in Asian societies ABS-240

Integration of Sports and Medicine: A New Direction of Interdisciplinary Subject Learning in Physical Education
Jitong Xu, Hyunju Jin*

Zhejiang Normal University


Interdisciplinary Subject Learning (Below the ISL) with the aim of multi-disciplinary integration and promoting student development was the new content of Compulsory Education Curriculum Standards for Physical Education and Health (2022 Edition). As a typical example of interdisciplinary integration, Integration of Sports and Medicine (Below the ISM) has a high degree of adaptability to ISL. Therefore, ISM can be a new direction for ISL in physical education. In order to find out the possible problems of ISL with ISM as the theme, a thematic analysis was carried out with three basic elements as the analysis framework: the design of teaching materials, the evaluation system, and the teachers^ abilities. This provides a basis for the successful development of ISL with the theme of ISM in primary and secondary schools in the future. The origin and development of ISM and related research on ISM in China are also discussed. Based on a review of the history of ISM research in China as well as the understanding of the internal logic of ISM and ISL, a plan for the future implementation of ISL with the theme of ISM is outlined, including the design of teaching materials by grasping the characteristics of ISM and ISL, improving the evaluation system from multiple dimensions, and strengthening the training of teachers^ comprehensive ability in sports and medicine before and in service.

Keywords: integration of sports and medicine, interdisciplinary subject learning, physical education and health course

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93 Sport and culture in Asian societies ABS-251

A New Chinese Sports History or More of the Same?: Reflections of a Newcomer
Steven POPE, Ph.D.

Yew Chung International School


The proposed paper embraces the astute and incisive Huang, et al article and posits the need for a more rigorous examination of methodology, historiography, theory/conceptualization within the growing field of Chinese sports history including its relationship with broader Asian and Western sports history/sports studies. My intention is to provide a nudge for sports historians working within or outside of China-especially those interested in historiography-to engage with the constructive agenda presented in the 2020 article for the sake of evaluating the state of Chinese and broader Asian sports history/studies for publication in the new AJSHC. As the co-author of a recently published article in the first issue of the AJSHC (Boucher & Pope, ^Without a Red Leader^s Fan^) we suggested here that the transnational and connected histories surrounding the history of Chinese table tennis, as an example, provide a suitable research framework for global perspectives on the study of Asian sport history to facilitate, as Huang recommends, both the development of a genuinely Asian perspective on Asian sport and its interconnectedness with sport histories in the other civilizations of the world. Western sports historians have devoted considerable energy during the past (over) two decades in such a self examination. In 1998, I edited a special issue of the Journal of Sport History and launched my introductory essay with the following words: What is the state of sport history? To what extent can those working in the Americas, UK, Europe, Australasia, and elsewhere agree on methodology, theory, pedagogy, and professional issues? The following year the Australian Society for Sport History framed the theme of their annual conference on The Death of Sport History? Those initiatives maintained that in order to survive the 21st century, sports history needed to more actively develop links with the parent disciplines which seek to analyze the place of sport in society and the role of sport in actively constructing society and simultaneously not continue to conceive of their works in a specialized, narrowly focused fashion. In the recently published Routledge Handbook of Sport History, M. Phillips, D. Booth, C. Adams showcases the state of the field and how strikingly different it is than it was two decades ago--most notably the recognition of the need to better contextualize the intersections between the
historian/researcher/author/narrator (and their implicit ideological inclinations, political proclivities, and emotional empathies) and their subject matter . . . as more historians of sport are delving into the relationships between the empirical-analytical and narrative-linguistic dimensions of historical representations, or as Hayden White puts it, the relationship between the content and the form of history. This discourse is strikingly different from the current scholarship within Chinese and Asian sport history- however, it provides a useful thread for (possibly) bringing together Western and Asian research into a more collaborative fashion. In 2009 Fan Hong wrote the following about the new field of Chinese sports history: The new field is a challenge. It requires language skills, cultural understanding and creative imagination, and most of all, analytical academic capacity, to cultivate future success. It is time for the West and East to come together in the historical study of sport in society, to record the past, analyze the present, and influence the future. (Pope & Nauright, eds., Routledge Companion to Sports History, 416).

Keywords: Sport History, Asian sport history, Chinese sport history

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94 Sport for development & peace ABS-7

History, Body Representations and Identity Politics of the National Ethnic Minority Games in China: A Critical Review
Liu Li(a), Zhang Yongxin(a) &Shen Wei*(a)

a) College of Physical Education, Anhui Normal University.
* corresponding author^s email:284019076[at]qq.com


The National Ethnic Minority Games (NEMG) was an institutionalized quadrennial muThe National Ethnic Minority Games (NEMG) was an institutionalized quadrennial multi-sport event in China. It was jointly organized by National Ethnic Affairs Commission (a ministerial body of the state government in charge affairs concerning China^s 55 ethnic minorities) and the State Sport Ministry (or General Administration of Sport of China). This sport event has been held for 11 times from 1953 to 2019. Both the demonstrative and competitive sport at the Games are traditional ethnic sports from China^s various ethnic groups. The National Ethnic Minority Games was designed to showcase China^s indigenous sports culture and to promote ^Diversity in Unity^ within China^s national identity. This paper first focuses on the origin and development of the Games in the context of China^s national minority policy and sports development in national minority areas in the past 66 years. It then explores the body representations, rituals and symbols, at the sports arena and in the media^s spotlight for the Games. Third, it analyzes the identity politics of the Games and answers how the Games helps to shape and construct China as a unified nation-state with multi-ethnic groups.lti-sport event in China. It was jointly organized by National Ethnic Affairs Commission (a ministerial body of the state government in charge affairs concerning China^s 55 ethnic minorities) and the State Sport Ministry (or General Administration of Sport of China). This sport event has been held for 11 times from 1953 to 2019. Both the demonstrative and competitive sport at the Games are traditional ethnic sports from China^s various ethnic groups. The National Ethnic Minority Games was designed to showcase China^s indigenous sports culture and to promote ^Diversity in Unity^ within China^s national identity. This paper first focuses on the origin and development of the Games in the context of China^s national minority policy and sports development in national minority areas in the past 66 years. It then explores the body representations, rituals and symbols, at the sports arena and in the media^s spotlight for the Games. Third, it analyzes the identity politics of the Games and answers how the Games helps to shape and construct China as a unified nation-state with multi-ethnic groups.

Keywords: National Ethnic Minority Games- Body Representations- Identity Politics- National Unity- Diversity in Unity

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95 Sport for development & peace ABS-266

Formal Education and S4D, Why Not?
Renata Putri (a*), Karen Petry (b), Muhamad Hadiwinata (c), Muchamad Al Ardha (d)

(a) Qantara Sports
(b) German Sport University Cologne
(c) Mahardika Research and Consulting
(d) Universitas Negeri Surabaya


While most global sport-for-development (S4D) projects are predominantly executed in the non-formal education sector, GIZ and the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education (MoECHE) have proven that the S4D framework can be utilized in the formal education system. The S4D framework flexibility provided leeway for Indonesian physical education (PE) teachers to incorporate the concept into their daily teaching routine, which often benefits from traditional games. This study, therefore, aims to explore the dynamic of integrating the S4D framework into the rigid national PE curriculum. This paper assumes that the S4D applicability was due to the space given to the teachers to improvise their teaching strategy. The findings will be discussed in the following article.

Keywords: Curriculum- Indonesia- Physical education- Sport- Sport for Development- Teachers training

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96 Sport for development & peace ABS-269

A study of the peaceful diffusion of civilisation as reflected in the European foxhunting movement in the context of constitutive theory
LinlinWang(a*), LiquanChen(b)

(a*)College of Physical Education and Health Sciences,191 Culture Street, Mudanjiang Normal College,Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang,157011, China.
(b)College of Physical Education and Health Sciences,191 Culture Street, Mudanjiang Normal College,Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang,157011, China.


Grouping theory, also known as process theory, refers to the idea that society is made up of interdependent groups of people and the network of interdependent relationships between them in the course of history, and that macro-society and micro-individuals are a whole. In this paper, we analyse Norbert Elias-s theory of grouping and the European foxhunting movement by using documentary, historical and logical methods, with the aim of exploring the process of civilisation and peace in the European foxhunting movement and the civilisation and peace process of competitive and social sports in China. The study of the development of civilisation through the theory of group composition reveals that: 1. European social civilisation has risen to a rational stage under the theory of group composition- 2. Chinese athletics and social sports are the product of civilisational change under the theory of group composition. It can be seen that the evolution of European civilisation through the lens of group construction theory and the rational application of social Acivilisatione to the Ade-violisationA of sport can help to build a peaceful evolution of social and competitive sport civilisation in China, and play a leading role in the civilisation of competitive sport and social sport in China. It has also played a leading role in the civilizational process of competitive and social sports in China, and is of reference significance for the development of social and competitive sports civilization in China, contributing to the development of civilization and peace.

Keywords: Peace- Group Composition Theory- Foxhunting- Norbert Elias- Social Civilization

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97 Sport for development & peace ABS-271

Research on the international Transmission path of Shaolin Kungfu Duan Pin System under the background of One Belt and One Road
Yang Guang(a*),Gao Hao(a),Wei Lai (b),Yang Chao(c)

a Khon kaen university,Kaifeng College of Science and Media, Henan Province
b Kaifeng College of Science and Media, Henan Province
c Belarusian State Technical University


Research objectives: The construction of ^The Belt and Road^ promotes the exchange and collision of Chinese and foreign cultures, plays an important role in promoting the international competitiveness and influence of education, and plays a positive role in promoting the external communication of Chinese traditional sports and culture. ^The Belt and Road^ strategy is an important national strategy, providing a new direction and guidance for the internationalization of martial arts, and ushering in development opportunities at the same time. As the representative of traditional Chinese martial arts, Shaolin Kung Fu has a high visibility and reputation in the world. In the course of martial arts internationalization, it can play a strong brand effect.
But in terms of its international development situation and influence, it has a better international environment. With the positive dissemination and influence of the media, more and more countries and regions participate in Shaolin activities. Confucius Institutes have accelerated overseas dissemination- Domestic Shaolin monks and martial arts institutions participate in long-term international dissemination- Overseas wushu organizations to strengthen overseas promotion- Overseas Shaolin industry has gradually formed a scale, but even in such a positive development environment, it is still hindered: some countries infringe Shaolin and Shaolin kung fu and many other trademarks with Shaolin as the core, seriously tarnishing its overseas image- In addition, there are many kinds of Shaolin Kungfu boxing, and the culture and fighting methods are not easy to be taught in a short time, which affects the speed of technology transmission and the range of audience. In addition, overseas communicators have not received professional training, the teaching environment, content and methods lack of uniformity and standards, and the lack of theoretical guidance such as syllabus and textbooks, which is not conducive to international communication and promotion.However, the production of Shaolin KungFu Section emerges in the development process of Shaolin KungFu. It is an inevitable historical trend and the inevitable product of the development of Shaolin Kung Fu. It makes up for the deficiency of overseas communication and has strong historical and realistic significance for overseas communication. In 2020, the Abbot of Shaolin Temple and Professor Hong Hao, dean of the School of Martial Arts of Henan University, led the creation of the program, which includes theories and techniques, evaluates the hierarchy of Shaolin kungfu level of learners, and also supervises, guides and manages those who engage in participate in its dissemination &promotion.
Methods: In the shaolin kung fu period of product system as the research content, using literature research search selected topic highly related literature, at the same time many times visit dengfeng shaolin temple and the temple abbot monk and other experts to interview the sorting of the master, shaolin kung fu period of product made of creating and thinking, the spread of the shaolin kung fu overseas present situation and deficiency, From its concept, the principle of the plait, theory, content, technology content and so on, by the method of questionnaire survey, to participate in the first rank in the examination of students written investigation, and access to relevant data and using the method of mathematical statistics and logical analysis, summarized analysis the advantages and existing problems, to promote to the shaolin kung fu period of product system as the breakthrough point of shaolin culture development path in the world, To provide a foothold for the cultural development and educational export of ^The Belt and Road^.
Conclusions and suggestions: The Production of Shaolin KungFu Section should be promoted in the context of ^One Belt and One Road^. In addition, its development strategy is as follows: 1. Spreading the concept: not only teaching the technology, but also spreading the concept of Shaolin Kung Fu to improve the national image. 2. Communicators: Domestic Shaolin people are used to achieve international standardized communication. Those who pass the unified examination can be included in the Shaolin talent cultivation database.3. Means of communication: Shaolin Temple will send the students who have passed the examination to teach in martial arts training organizations and Confucius Institutes. Meanwhile, Shaolin training for foreign exchange students should also be paid attention to- Focus on the use of the ^Internet + Shaolin^ form. 5. Communication elements: Mainly spread the theories, technical contents and surrounding areas of Shaolin etiquette, Shaolin clothing, Shaolin Kung fu section production. 6. Communication content: The main teaching content is the technical content (section, grade, honor grade) and theoretical content (basic theory and applied theory) of the Production of Shaolin Kung Fu Section.

Keywords: the Belt and Road- Shaolin Kung fu section product -International communication

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98 Sport for development & peace ABS-19

The Development of Taekwondo in Yueyang City
Huang Jiebin, Qonidah Salsabila Senja

Beijing Sport University


Taekwondo is an aggressive sport, its offensive style is dominated by the leg approach and supplemented by boxing. It is highly Practicality and appreciation. At present, this new sport and fitness method is popular among young people and is also popular among adults. Taekwondo combines self-cultivation and expansion of entertainment, so that practitioners in learning technology, pay attention to civilized learning, but also require modesty and courtesy. In the present life, Taekwondo practitioners and enthusiasts are everywhere. Taekwondo clubs and Taekwondo venues have spread all over the country, leading to Taekwondo becoming one of the most popular sports events in the fitness boom. Taking Yueyang Tower as the research object to study the development status of Taekwondo in Yueyang Tower, literature research, questionnaire survey, field survey, interview survey and mathematical statistics were used to study the development status of Yueyang Taekwondo. By investigating the status quo of the development of Taekwondo in Yueyang Tower, the problems existing in the development process are analyzed, and corresponding countermeasures are proposed. According to the research, the influencing factors of the development of Taekwondo in Yueyang Tower are: 1 policy and institutional factors- 2 coach factors- 3 student factors- 4 scientific research and medical factors- 5 financial factors- 6 security factors. For these factors, this paper proposes the following development strategies : 1 Improve the coordination and management among relevant government departments- 2 Improve the internal management of the club- 3 Strengthen the professional qualities of Taekwondo coaches- 4 Strengthen the venue construction of Taekwondo clubs- 5 Strengthen the exchange and communication between Taekwondo clubs- 6 Expand the media Taekwondo promotional efforts.

Keywords: Yueyang City- Taekwondo- current situation- countermeasures

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99 Sport for development & peace ABS-22

The analysis of research focus, evolution process and development trend of Smart Sports research in China
XIE Liwei-ZHAO Xinhui

Physical Education College of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450044,Henan, China-


Smart sports comprehensively apply big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, block chain and other information technologies to sports, reshape sports with technology, and empower sports. Smart sports is an important measure to deepen sports reform, lead the high-quality development of sports, and achieve the strategic goal of sports power. The analysis is based on the research of 457 Chinese papers from the CNKI concerning the topic of ^Smart Sports^. This paper aims to reveal the research focus, evolution process and development trend of Smart Sports research in China. It visually analyzes the collection of papers using Cite Space software and VOSviewer, authors and co-occurrence of institutions in Smart Sports research in China using the knowledge graph analysis model. The critical pathfinder is also used to present its research hotspots. The study shows that the research hotspots are mainly focused on the research of using big data to drive physical education and smart campus reform, using scientific and technological information to assist competitive sports training technology empowerment, using digital technology to promote the intelligent development of national fitness, and using digital economy to accelerate the healthy development of sports industry integration- the research evolution process has gone through three obvious stages: exploration and pioneering, development and improvement, and consolidation and innovation- future research directions tend to be in two aspects: one is the research on the application of sports information technology based on ^sports+^ and the other is the research on the practice of sports collaborative innovations based on ^+sports^.

Keywords: smart sports- cluster analysis- evolution process- trend prediction- Cite Space- VOSviewer

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100 Sport for development & peace ABS-47

Life from the Crisis: The Value of the Times and the Path to Realization of the New Olympic Motto
DONG Chunyang

Henan University


Since the proposal of the new Olympic motto ^Together ^, it has attracted extensive attention in the field of sports and society, but it only floats on the surface, and the excavation of its value and realization path is not deep enough. This paper aims to deeply excavate the era value of the new motto and explore the realization path of the new motto. With the methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper summarizes the historical changes of the Olympic motto, and comes to the conclusion that the value of the new Olympic motto ^ Together ^ in the post epidemic era, which has four aspects: first, it is in line with the direction of the development of the times- second, it promotes the cognitive shift of the public- third, it enhances the international cooperation and exchanges- and last, it promotes the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. This paper also tries to give four suggestions for the realization of ^Together ^: to insist on the idea of shared destiny, win-win cooperation, people first, and multilateralism.


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101 Sport for development & peace ABS-53

Analysis on the mechanism of sports promoting international peace
Fang Junhui,Cheng Yan



Sport as a deep mechanism in the development of human and nature, sports promote the establishment of a peaceful, just and inclusive society without fear and violence.
The deep mechanism of sports in international peaceful development follows ^ contact - interaction - seeking common ground while reserving differences - element substitution - reasonable integration ^. In the global sports partnership, the divided communities of society and experience conflict establish relations, and diversified development forms a standardized spatial system. in this space, athletes, referees, audiences and competition organizations perform their own functions. Sport as an interactive means, breaks the ^ estrangement ^ formed by language, culture, region and history. Sports can reduce the conflicts caused by the differences in social structure, and accelerate the construction of a peaceful society. Sports also dispels and releases violence and negative emotions, attracting people to participate. Views, positions, political, moral and rational experiences in the field of sport seek common ground while reserving differences and elements are replaced to achieve the ultimate vision of sport for peace.
3. Conclusions
Sports mechanism through 1 ) sports organization - 2 ) athletes - 3 ) multilateral organizations and the United Nations - 4 ) Bilateral development agencies - 5 ) Governments - 6 ) Armed forces - 7 ) Non-governmental organizations - 8 ) Private sector and sports - 9 ) Research institutions - 10 ) The media, together with culture and education, combine dignity without any discrimination to promote international peace and healthy lifestyle.

Keywords: Sports promote peace - sports promote development - sports mechanism - sports value

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102 Sport for development & peace ABS-70

Influence of Ultimate Frisbee on Social Development from the Sports Function Perspective
Hongjing Guan(a), Jiasheng Ma(b)

a). Graduate school, José Rizal University, Manila 0900, Philippines
b). School of Physical Education, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438,China


Abstract: Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus epidemic, the impact of the epidemic on social development and the economy has been unprecedented. In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, China has introduced a series of policies and measures, including home isolation. However, working, studying and living at home for a long time also brings unprecedented pressure to people^s physical and mental health, which restricts people^s work, communication and participation in community activities. Public spaces like stadiums and gymnasiums have increasingly opened up as a result of the normalizing measures for epidemic prevention and control, and people^s thirst for sports and social activities has correspondingly grown. Ultimate Frisbee has become one of the most popular sports among young people because of its low participation threshold, sportswear fashion, interesting, men and women compete together and strong social content. In order to further support the rapid growth of Ultimate Frisbee in China, this study uses the techniques of literature review, questionnaire, interview, mathematical statistics, and logical analysis to examine the benefits of Ultimate Frisbee on individual physical and mental health, interpersonal communication, economic development, and cultural development.

Keywords: Sports function- Ultimate Frisbee- Normalization of epidemic situation- Social development

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103 Sport for development & peace ABS-80

The influence of Chinese sports on world competitive sports
He Qi

School of Physical Education, Henan University


Building sports power is an important strategic goal for the development of our sports enterprise. Over the years, the discussion about what is a sports power and how to build a sports power holds that a sports power is basically a country that has an important influence on international sports. If a country wants to be a world sports power, it not only depends on the prosperity of its sports cause, but also must have the international influence recognized by the outside world. Since reform and opening up, China has won many MEDALS in various sports competitions in the world. However, it has not won the matching influence in the international competitive sports stage. In order to become a sports power, promoting international influence is an indispensable part. Stones from other mountains can attack jade. As the main birthplace of modern competitive sports, China has a wide influence on international competitive sports.

Keywords: 1Sports culture 2 International competitive sports 3Influence

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104 Sport for development & peace ABS-94

Difficulties and Countermeasures of sports event reporting in the era of financial media
Cao Bingchan

College of physical education, Hunan University of technology, Zhuzhou, Hunan


The tide of media integration has swept all walks of life in China, and challenges and opportunities coexist in the field of sports event reporting. Using content analysis and case studies, the research object of sports event reporting is used to explore the dilemma and optimization path of sports event reporting in the era of integrated media. Reporting status: multi-subject participation in sports event reporting- multi-dimensional coverage of sports event reporting content- multiple roles intertwined sports event users- sports event reporting functions shared by multiple functions. Reporting dilemma: insufficient activity of sports event dissemination subjects- lack of depth of sports event reporting content- low degree of scientific and technological integration of sports event reporting methods- unclear ownership of sports event copyright. Optimize the path: introduce media talents to build user communities- adhere to content as king, improve the quality of reports- help technology empower and create smart sports- subdivide copyright attribution and broaden revenue channels.

Keywords: sports event report- Sports media- Event communication- Financial Media Era

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105 Sport for development & peace ABS-216

The features, motive forces and realization ways of ^sports for peace and development^ in China in the new era
Liang Wei (a*),Qi Li (b)

a) School of Physical Education, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116600, China
b) School of Physical Education, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116600, China


This paper discusses the features and motive forces of ^sports for peace and development^ in China in the new era by methods of literature review and logical analysis. According to the research, China^s ^sports for peace and development^ in the new era has the features of persisting in the people-centered concept, closely connecting the new era sports with the Chinese Dream, and deepening multi-directional cooperation- it mainly includes motive forces of sports industry, sports and education integration and sports diplomacy. Finally, realization ways are proposed to adhere to the comprehensive development of people and the integration of sports and education, pay attention to the disabled, promote gender equality and the sustainable development of environment, narrow the distance between countries through sports diplomacy, and uphold the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


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106 Sport for development & peace ABS-228

Physical, Psychological and Economic Benefits of Active Life Style
Sakban Rosidi, Rofiqah, Anggah Hadi Prayitno

1. Graduate School of IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
2. Faculty of Psychology, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
3. PT. Haleyora Power, Area Mojokerto


There are many theoretical and empirical studies on the benefits of an active lifestyle for physical health, psychological well-being, safety and work productivity. This study identifies an active lifestyle characterized by: physical activity, and physical literacy which logically contributes to physical fitness and psychological well-being, and subsequently to work safety and work productivity. The population of this research was all employees of PT Haleyora Mojokerto area. This corporation is a state-owned subsidiary engaged in the supply of electricity. The population consists of 432 employees. Physical activity, physical literacy, and psychological well-being are measured by a set of scales that have been tested for their reliability and validity. Physical fitness was measured by a perceived physical fitness scale. The validity of this physical fitness scale has been assessed based on actual physical fitness tests. Data on safety and work productivity were obtained from the companies that employ the subjects. The gathered data were then analysed by applying path analysis procedure. Based on the coefficient of covariation, regression coefficient, path coefficient and decomposition process, a modified relationship model is proposed. Recommendations are put forward not only for further research, but also for practical use of research findings.

Keywords: Physical Activities, Physical Fitness, Psychological Wellbeing, Work Safety, Productivity

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107 Sport for development & peace ABS-236

Role of Sport for Development and Peace Programs in preventing Violent Extremism among Young People in Pakistan by developing conflict resolution skills
Umair Asif, and Tegwen Gadais

University de Quebec a Montreal


The purpose of this investigation is to examine the role of ^sports for
development and peace^ programs in Pakistan to prevent Violent Extremism
among youth. VE is a growing issue in Pakistan particularly among young
people, which needs to take on a serious note. This research looks at SDP
and VE globally and in the context of Pakistan. Prevention of VE through SDP is a rare approach, which is discussed in this study.
The investigation found different positive SDP political factors from the
literature, which help to prevent VE. Based on these factors, the author
developed a SDP peace model that is used to analyze two SDP for VE
prevention youth-based programs in Pakistan. The study also observed the
impact and challenges of these SDP programs for VE prevention.
It was found that SDP is a useful tool to promote political factors such as conflict resolution, hope and practice of rights among Pakistani youth and society, particularly for the isolated
and disadvantaged communities. It gave hope and sense of rights to
many youth beneficiaries. SDP political factors found in the qualitative study are very close to SDP peace model political factors, which also indicates that these factors are useful to prevent VE among Pakistani youth and Overall SDP programs in Pakistan found helpful for prevention of VE. For future programs, this study recommends long-term SDP for VE prevention
programs with a special focus of political factors.

Keywords: sport for development and peace, violent extremism prevention

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108 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-55

Study on the Public Diplomacy Attributes of Sports Stars and Their Role in International Relations --Taking Figure Skating GOAT Yuzuru Hanyu as an Example
Yuyan Cheng



Sports stars not only achieve excellent scores on the field, but they also act as a lubricant between countries for public diplomacy and international relations . This article uses the knowledge of sports humanities, journalism and other disciplines. Combining with case analysis, text research, and other research methods. To sort out sports stars with public diplomacy attributes in Asia, and explain their role in international relations. The character Yuzuru Hanyu conducts a key analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First of all, the main audience for his performance are ordinary people rather than political elites, which is highly similar to the target group of public diplomacy. Secondly, his public speeches, his personal business endorsements all serve Japanese interests. Public diplomacy is also a kind of diplomacy that serves national interests. Thirdly, Yuzuru relies on his fame and media to create a highlights effect, he is also an important medium for public diplomacy. His role in international relations also includes three points. Firstly, as a sports star, he has a natural advantage in improving international relations. Because sports know no borders. Then, Yuzuru is a figure skating GOAT, his influence and voice in the international community are all strong. Finally, Yuzuru not only has extraordinary achievements, but more importantly, his transnational interaction with fans has eliminated some barriers and promoted peaceful exchanges between people of various countries, especially in the Asian region.

Keywords: Sports stars-Diplomacy attributes-International relations-Yuzuru Hanyu

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109 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-64

Australian Sports Diplomacy towards Asia-Take the Basketball Engagement as an Example
Menghu Xia, Ting Xia

University of New South Wales

Wuhan Sports University


This study aims to analyse Australian sports diplomacy towards Asia. According to the sports diplomacy expert Dr Stuart Murray, ^Sports-diplomacy exchanges can promote international understanding and friendship, as well as dispel stereotypes and prejudices.^ Australia is an Oceanian state well-known for its sports excellence and culture. In view of its geographical location and history, Asian diplomacy has never been neglected or forgotten by the administrators since the land was colonized by Britain in 1788. Over the years, there is a clear trend that Australia is employing its sports diplomacy and increasingly engaging towards Asia. This study takes the Australian basketball engagement towards Asia as an example to attest its sports diplomacy towards Asia. Through reviewing Australian government official documents, academic literatures, and basketball initiatives towards Asian countries, the authors conclude that Australia is increasingly engaging with Asian basketball with its sports diplomacy. As a result, Australia have acquired better international reputations and international relations in Asia. Hence, the sports diplomacy has become an useful tool for Australia to exert soft power and enhance international relations in Asia.

Keywords: Sports diplomacy, Asia-Australia, Basketball

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110 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-76

Impact Of The IOC On International Relations

Shanghai University of Sport


Because of the global civil society and the flourishing of NGOs, the international organisations, the international NGOs within global civil society, and even transnational civil society movements and sovereign states is the way to maintain international order and promote systemic peace. The International Olympic Committee, a non-governmental, non-profit ^international organisation^, has succeeded in creating an international platform for the development of sport as a transnational civil society movement. The Olympic Movement is reflected in international relations in political, economic and cultural terms, and in the diversity of international exchanges and cooperation. In the more than 100 years that the modern Olympic movement has experienced, its most significant crisis has been the interference of chronic politics. But because Olympic cooperation is a major international sporting event, international conflicts and contradictions often have a more direct impact on it. In contrast, the increased ^supranational^ element and authority of international organisations has led to a situation in which the positive factors of economic development and cultural exchange that countries seek to bring about by participating in or hosting the Olympic Games have been able to maintain a certain balance or restraint, at least under the authority of the IOC, despite the constant international strife and the operation of terrorist organisations, At the same time, it fulfils the aims of the Olympic Movement and, through sport, promotes the physical and mental health of young people and world peace.
The modern Olympic Movement is an international social movement that plays a huge role in modern international relations. It is an important force in the maintenance of world peace and mutual understanding between peoples- it promotes international cooperation between nations- and it calls for just and reasonable norms of international relations. But it also has some problems and needs to be improved

Keywords: IOC、International relations、Olympic Games

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111 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-96

Entrustment-agent theory looks at the value of primary and secondary schools^ purchase of after-school sports services under the threshold of review, operation mechanism and adjustment strategy
Cao Bingchan

School of Physical Education, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou, Hunan, 412007


The ^entrustment-agency^ system has already pleasing the operating system of primary and secondary schools and has become a new model for the development of after-school sports services. The significance of the purchase of after-school sports services in primary and secondary schools is analyzed by using research methods such as literature and logical analysis, and the tripartite subject relationship of after-school sports services in primary and secondary schools is dissected by the ^principal-agent-customer^ model in the principal-agency theory. Research shows that the ^delegate-agent^ relationship leads to asymmetry of service information- Moral hazard forces the ^principal^ to deviate from the goal- Interest-driven induces ^agent^ cognitive bias to cause game expectations of ^principal-agent^ behavior in schools. Research Conclusion: Formulate relevant policies to ensure the clarity of ^entrustment-agency^ services- Establish an incentive mechanism to increase the enthusiasm of ^clients^ to participate- Improve the supervision mechanism, enhance the three-dimensionality of ^agent^ norms, and realize the formation of a new pattern of after-school sports services.

Keywords: principal-agent theory- After-school sports services- Primary and secondary schools- gambling

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112 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-103

Internationalization and New Coutry Image: China^s Sport Diplomacy in 1980s
Chuansong Huo (a*), Yuhuan Li (b)

a*) School of Foreign Languages, Chengdu Sport University, No.2 Tiyuan Road, Chengdu 610041, China
b) English Teaching Group, Beixin Experimental Primary School, No. 158 Zidong Road, Chengdu 610000, China


This is a stage in which China has emerged and participated deeply in the international arena and sought the status of a regional power under the background of reform and opening up. It is also the first step that sports diplomacy helps China move towards internationalization and establish a new image. In the new international and domestic situation, sports diplomacy reflects China^s new diplomatic strategies and political demands. The threat posed to China by the Soviet Union^s invasion of Afghanistan and the continuation of the ^Uniting the USA against the Soviet Union^ strategy in the 1970s made China boycott the Moscow Olympic Games with the United States. At the same time, through sports exchanges and mutual support in the Asian Games and the Olympic Games, China and the ROK broke the communication barrier and laid a solid foundation for the formal establishment of diplomatic relations in the early 1990s. Under the guidance of the realistic and pragmatic work thought and the appeal of national prosperity and rise, ^breaking out of Asia and going to the world^ has become a concentrated reflection of the deep connection between the achievements of international sports and the modernization drive, China was decisive to removed the image of ^sick man of East Asia^ with excellent achievements in international sports events. Under this background, China began to devote itself to the construction of a new national image and soft power, gradually shifting from active participation to active hosting, and the awareness of undertaking international affairs and major country responsibility began to sprout. The 1990 Beijing Asian Games is not only a milestone connecting the past and the future of China^s sports, but also a concentrated embodiment of China^s social development in the 1980s. Its success does not only lay the foundation for China^s status as a regional power, but also opened up the process of China^s further internationalization and exploration of its status as a rising world power.

Keywords: sports diplomacy- country image- soft power- foreign strategy of China

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113 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-116

Historical Research on Sports Diplomacy between China and ASEAN from Another Perspective----Beijing Sport University and the Early Sports Diplomacy between China and Vietnam
XIA Tian LI Yong-qin

Beijing Sport University


Historical archives and oral history were applied to analyze the cases of Beijing Sport University training Vietnamese students, visiting Vietnam by delegation, assisting Vietnam by sport experts, receiving visits from Vietnamese leaders such as Ho Chi Minh, so as to explore the early sports diplomacy between China and Vietnam and how to play a solid historical foundation for exchanges between them. As the highest sport institution in China, Beijing Sport University has occupied a significant position in the history of Chinese sports diplomacy. Therefore, the special meanings are embodied for the sports diplomacy activities participated in by Beijing Sport University, in which the unique role of China^s sports diplomacy is fully displayed and the changes in relations between China with other countries are witnessed. In addition to helping create friendships between the Chinese and Vietnamese people, the early sports diplomacy between China and Vietnam participated in by Beijing Sport University also closely promoted the diplomatic relations between the two countries, which has become the ^shared history^ of them. In the context that cultural exchanges between China and ASEAN countries are increasingly enhanced, the early sports diplomacy activities between China and Vietnam participated in by Beijing Sport University is a very good perspective to help us conduct the research on the history of sports diplomacy between China and ASEAN from another perspective. In this way, we are able to further think about how to better handle the relationship between China and ASEAN, as well as strengthen mutual friendship and understanding.

Keywords: Sports Diplomacy- Beijing Sport University- Oral History- ASEAN- mutual-understanding

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114 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-127

Sino-US international relations and flexible Sports Diplomacy: history, evolution and development
1.Yang Cheng 2.Wu Junqiu

1.Southwest Petroleum University
2.Chengdu University


In recent years, Sino-US relations have deteriorated sharply and are facing severe tests.In this context,As a means of public diplomacy, sports diplomacy once again reflects the important value of promoting the healthy development of Sino-US relations.This paper uses the methods of literature research and comparative analysis to sort out and analyze the development of Sino-US sports diplomacy in the new era from the perspective of the Chinese side,and the results of the research are as follows:In terms of the achievements of China US sports diplomacy,(1)The continuation of ^ping pong diplomacy^ between China and the United States at the Houston World Table Tennis Championships promotes the benign development of bilateral relations-(2)Yao Ming, Lang Ping and other sports star effect have played a role in Promoting Sino-US business exchanges and reflecting new Sino-US cultural connotations-(3)Gu Ailing participated in the Beijing Winter Olympic Games on behalf of China to deepen Sino-US sports and cultural exchanges and embody the Olympic spirit.At the same time,there are also new dilemmas in Sino-US sports diplomacy:(1)The fermentation of the ^Morey incident^ in the NBA triggered Sino-US political conflicts-(2)The United States implements ^diplomatic boycott^ against the Beijing Winter Olympics-(3)Gu Ailing^s appointment as the US ambassador for the Olympic bid triggered a huge controversy in China.Based on the above research results, some suggestions for the development of Sino-US sports diplomacy are put forward:(1)Deepen sports dialogue and cooperation with ^ping pong diplomacy^ as a model-(2)Play the role of sports star effect and expand the spread of Chinese culture to the United States-(3)Strengthen competition cooperation and competition reporting, and deepen the cultural identity between China and the United States-(4)To explore the soft power function of sports diplomacy and promote mutual trust and mutual benefit between China and the United States.

Keywords: Sino-US relations , Sports diplomacy, history, evolution , development

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115 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-144

Research progress and hotspots of China^s sports diplomacy----Visual analysis based on CiteSpace
Sun Zhongkui

Henan Normal University School of Physical Education


Sports diplomacy is an important part of the country^s foreign cultural exchange activities, and it undertakes the important mission of shaping and spreading the country^s image. Under the background of China^s new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed a new type of international relations and a new type of major-country relationship, and emphasized the importance of building a community with a shared future for mankind. Under the guidance of the new type of international relations, sports diplomacy is also playing an increasingly important role, becoming the One of the important media of communication between countries. By discussing the research progress and hotspots of China^s sports diplomacy research, this article uses ^China^s sports diplomacy^ and ^sports diplomacy^ as the search keywords to search on China^s CNKI website. Retrieval date: August 2022, the source category is Chinese core journals, CSSCI , and finally got 155 papers. And CiteSpace software is used to visualize the number of publications, authors, journals, institutions, keywords, etc., so as to grasp the dynamic trend of China^s sports diplomacy research, and then provide a useful reference for the theoretical research of China^s sports diplomacy.

Keywords: China- sports diplomacy- visualization analysis

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116 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-172

International Sports - Integration or Disintegration between Movement and Institution
Peter Herrmann

currently Human Rights Centre, School of Law, Central South University, Changsha, PRC


Sports carries by its very definition the contradiction between fierce competition and peaceful harmony with it. And equally it is caught in the tension between social movement and institution. While this is a permanent and possibly irresolvable tensional field, the presentation aims on reflecting nationalism and its transcendence. - The focus of the reflections is given by taking a perspective from the philosophy of Human Rights Law and ventilating different conceptualisations of nation (states).

Keywords: Sports, Human Right Law, Nationalism

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117 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-190

Sports boycott: keeping the peace or breaking it?
Wang Xiaohui(a*)- Liu Guihai (b)

a) A teacher of Tongji University, No.1239,Siping Rd. Shanghai, China.
b) A professor of school of physical education and health, East China Normal University, No.500 Dongchuan Rd. Shanghai, China.


Sports promotes peace, which is the political significance endowed by human beings to sports. Many scholars have carried out a series of related researches on sports to promote peace, but they only keep silent on sports boycott, and even regard it as a symbol of destroying the ideal of peace in the Olympic Games and the politicization of sports. The issue surrounding the sports boycott has always been kept silent, and it is regarded as a violation of the Olympic Charter. Is that really the case? This study starts with the concept of sports boycott and uses literature review method, comparative analysis method and case study method to analyze all sports boycott related events since 1896. It finds that: firstly, sports boycott has important political and ethical significance in the field of maintaining peace and justice- secondly, sports boycott is a double-edged sword, not only a tool for maintaining world peace, but also a political strategy for one country to isolate other countries in national struggles weapons- and thirdly, the IOC has different political attitudes towards the subjects of different sports boycotts, and does not maintain absolute neutrality.

Keywords: sports boycott- sport for peace- IOC- politics

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118 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-225

The golden age of sports diplomacy between China and Asian countries -- the 1970s
Chenyu Zhao (a*), Ruizhe Hu (a)

a) School of Physical Education, Zhengzhou University
100 Science Avenue, Zhengzhou, China


After the Second World War, Asian countries entered a new stage of national independence and political democracy. Sports, as a diplomatic way, has promoted the continuous strengthening of friendship among Asian countries. As a member of the big Asian family, China carried out in-depth and close sports exchanges with Asian countries in the 1970s,and the friendship with Asian countries continued to heat up.
This period can be described as a golden period for China^s exchanges with Asian countries.This period can be divided into:(1) Early 1970s: Began sports contacts with individual Asian countries- (2) Mid-1970s: Participated in the 7th Asian Games to strengthen communication with Asian countries- (3) Late 1970s: In-depth cooperation with Asian countries to organize sports events and participate in the future development of Asian sports.
China^s sports diplomacy with Asia is conducive to strengthening the peace and stability of Asian countries, laying the foundation for sports exchanges between Asian countries now and in the future, and further promoting the sustainable development of sports in Asia.

Keywords: Sport Diplomacy- Asian Sports- China- 1970s

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119 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-226

Research on the Influence of the Membership in Asian Athletic Organizations

a)School of Foreign Languages, Guizhou University
South Huaxi Avenue 2708, Guiyang 550025, China
b)School of International Sport Organization, Beijing Sport University
48 Xinxi Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100084, China


Each country has its advantageous sport events, and a large number of people participate in the events. Therefore, the organizations of those sports are inevitably stronger. Through prior investigation, the president of each Asian athletic organization, elected every four years during Asian Game, generally has more influence to promote the sport in his own country where mostly the headquarter office is set up. Meanwhile, being a host does benefit its own. However, the board and committee members of the Asian organizations are mainly elected from national organizations, in which most of them are athletes or officials.

This paper investigates 42 Asian athletic organizations and sums up the layout of the system of the organizations. It finds out whether the countries with certain advantage events get more positions in the corresponding organizations, and the proportion of countries in the boards and commissions^ members. Furthermore, the statistics show the level of influence of the presidents when it comes to promoting the game in their own countries.

The current system of the organization indicates that the lack of a clear employment system demands prompt solutions. Therefore, this paper suggests a more feasible mechanism of employment based on the current system. We highly recommend that Asian countries campaign for the highest position in all events to popularize the sports in the countries and throughout Asia. It is hoped that this research provides a reference for good governance to strengthen the organizations^ movement.

Keywords: Asian athletic organization- Sports promotion- International relations-

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120 Sport, international relations, and diplomacy ABS-230

Exploring the new path of coordinated development of diplomatic activities and sports in the new era.
DongXiao Lu

East China Normal University


The blending development of political activities and sports is playing an increasingly important role in the world pattern in the new era.Based on the perspective of sports diplomacy and international relations, through the analysis of past sports activities and diplomatic events, this paper explores the impact of political activities on sports development, and then discusses how sports and diplomatic related activities can better promote the sustainable development of international relations.

Keywords: sports diplomacy and international relations

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