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181 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-29

Theoretical Study on Nonlinear Dynamics of Turbulence
Dai Zheng-guang

Soochow University


The study of the development context, issue framework and development strategies of the animation of sports intangible cultural heritage is of positive significance to comprehensively grasp the development rules of the animation of sports intangible cultural heritage and promote the connotative development of a strong sports nation. The study uses literature and case studies to explain the development mechanism of industrial integration in the animation of sports intangible cultural heritage. The study finds that the development context of the animation of sports intangible cultural heritage includes its own development needs, technological environment changes and national policy directions. The framework of this issue is defined as the artistic power of animation creation shaping the life form of traditional sports culture and the core genetic code of the animation industry given by sports intangible cultural heritage cultural resources. The programme design for the animation of sports intangible cultural heritage should take the cultural stance, market demand and professional talents as the guidelines, and propose to take science as the guide to release organisational vitality, value as the lever to create competitive cultural brands, innovation as the leader to develop incremental markets, and sports intangible heritage as the base point for the innovative aggregation of high-quality elements. The ^practical debate^ on the cartoonisation of sports intangible cultural heritage should be viewed from a dialectical and developmental perspective, and a sustainable development path should be taken.

Keywords: Intangible cultural heritage in sport- animation industry- integrated development- productive conservation

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182 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-42

Value, Reality and Practice: The threefold logic of international dissemination of Chinese Wushu
Guanqi Liu Jia Tao Hua

School of Physical Education, Anhui Normal University


value is based on the martial art^s ontology as a starting point out Ze spread the value of the logic of Chinese Wushu, the reality is based on epistemology, look at the Chinese Wushu, the international spread of epistemological basis for international communication of Chinese Wushu, the effectiveness is spread and means for the guidelines, discusses how to meet the needs of the practice of Wushu international spread. From the perspective of the theory of ^Community of human destiny^, this paper explores the significance of the international communication of Chinese martial arts in the construction of the community of human destiny from the three dimensions of value, reality and practice, so as to construct a martial arts communication system with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, at the level of value logic, martial arts texts and technical exercises bear the value system with the community of destiny as the core. From the perspective of the international spread of Chinese martial arts, this paper examines how the world views the cultural China and the mission of harmonious coexistence with the Chinese civilization during the century of changes. At the level of practical logic, the coexistence of ideas and values, the coexistence of dialogue systems and the mutual benefit of people can be realized in the coexistence of differences between civilizations and cultural commensurability, so as to improve the international communication ability of Wushu.


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183 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-62

The Principles of Chinese Harmony Idea and Its Inspiration to the Sustainable Development of Modern Olympic Movement

Advanced Institution for Olympic Study, Beijing Sport University, Beijing


In the practice of modern Olympic Movement, there are not only the ideological and practical conflicts, but also the misapplication of the original understanding of the theory. The sustainable development of the Olympic Movement has encountered a bottleneck and Chinese harmony theory may be an alternative solution to these problems.

Harmony, or ^He^ is an important cultural concept in China and Japan. In Chinese traditional philosophy, harmony is the relative stability of the movement of Yin and Yang and it depends on these following principles. First, the integrating of harmony and difference. In ancient Chinese literature, Harmony means different things or even the opposite ones combined together. Second, complementation and advantage seeking. The relationship of allelopathy different elements contributes to achieve the optimization of a functional system. Third, continuous renewing by disharmony. In Chinese language, ^He^ means the process of integrating all different elements or even the opposite elements. The addition of new elements broke the balance of the system but it can promote the integration and then achieve a new balance and stability. Fourth, the objective principle of people-oriented. In ancient China, there are three harmonies for human beings, harmonious life, interpersonal harmony and the harmony between man and the universe. In short, that is being harmonious with one^s self, harmonious with society and harmonious with ecology.

Using the methods of documentary review and the historical analysis, this paper intends to explore the principles of Chinese Harmony Idea and its inspiration to the sustainable development of modern Olympic movement

The theoretical basis of the Olympic Movement is western philosophy which carries some certain rigid principles. As a result, there is a sharp conflict between the practice and ideal of Olympic Movement. To some extent, the concept of harmony of the East puts forward some inspiration theoretically for solving the problems of modern Olympic movement.

Firstly, The harmonious symbiosis of different things lies in finding the basic points of interconnection. The principle of integrating the harmony and difference provide provide a possibility to find the balance between commerce politics and the Olympic principles.

Secondly, the principle of structural principle of complementation and advantage seeking supports the degree and range of political and commercial participation meanwhile a necessary cautiousness to the negative impact on the Olympics.

Thirdly, the principle of continuous renewing by disharmony provides a theoretical explanation for the inheritance and the discarding, the reformation and innovation of the Olympic Movement.

Fourthly, the people-oriented principle is both the eastern idea and the foundation of the core theory of the Olympic Movement which sets an optimization goal for the system of Olympic movements. All the programs implemented by the IOC must contribute to the achievement of the people-oriented principle.
Discussion and Conclusion:
New theoretical complements are necessary to the sustainable development of Olympic movement. The idea and principles of Chinese Harmony Idea inspire us to rethink the problems arising during the evolution of the Olympic Movement.

Keywords: Chinese Harmony Idea- Inspiration to IOC- People-oriented Principle- Sustainable Development- Community with a Shared Future for Mankind

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184 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-82

The historical origin and contemporary value of the Liyang drum
Ye Pingping



Liyang Drum is an ancient traditional folk culture spread in Tunxi District (Huizhou) of Huangshan City, Anhui Province. According to the ancient huizhou ancient texts, it has become an important component of the ceremony on occasions such as sacrifices and temple festivals. In modern times, it has evolved into an important regional folk culture activity and has become one of the representative cultural symbols of locality. This paper uses the documentary data method, fieldwork and other methods to theoretically expound the Liyang Drum from the dimensions of historical and cultural memory, intangible cultural heritage identity, and contemporary value. The study believes that as a regional folk culture, the Liyang Drum can be retained and generate strong cultural vitality in the vicissitudes of history through body performance, which has multi-dimensional connotation value, which is embodied in the three dimensions of economy, education and history and culture.

Keywords: intangible cultural heritage- Liyang Drum- History- value

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185 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-86

The Path of Shaolin Kungfu^s International Dissemination from the Cross-cultural Perspective
Zhang Ming

Henan University


Background. While martial arts enjoy the convenience of globalization, they also face many cultural collisions and challenges from different countries and cultures. In particular, the rise of protectionism in the world today can be a major impediment to the international spread of martial arts. As a leader in the international spread of martial arts, it is crucial that Shaolin Kungfu maintains its advantages and responds to the trends of the times.
Problem and Aim. The paper presents various ways of international dissemination of Shaolin Kungfu from the perspective of cross-cultural communication.
Methods. We employ the philosophical method of logical argumentation and description of various communication strategies within Shaolin Kungfu, together with an analysis and discussion of relevant literature.
Result. Practical dilemmas in the international dissemination of Shaolin Kungfu: (1) Cultural conflict: an inevitable social phenomenon when Shaolin kung fu goes global. The root of this conflict lies in the differences in the teaching and transmission of Buddhist Zen Buddhism. (2) Cultural identity: the stereotypes of Shaolin Kungfu and Wushu abroad need to be dispelled. The path of international transmission of Shaolin Kungfu: conceptual innovation- model innovation- approach innovation- brand innovation.
Conclusion. The international dissemination of Shaolin Kungfu is relatively at a bottleneck, especially because the cultural connotations behind it are not easily understood and accepted by other countries. The cross-cultural dissemination of Shaolin kungfu is of great value in expanding the international influence of martial arts, strengthening cultural and humanistic exchanges, and promoting human physical and mental health.

Keywords: cross-cultural- Shaolin Kungfu- international dissemination- Wushu

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186 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-90

Research on the integration path of Asian Sports Culture under the background of big media era

College of Physical Education, Shanxi Normal University, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030000


This paper analyzes and studies the communication of Asian sports culture under the background of big media era by using the method of literature and logical analysis combined with relevant theories of communication. Asian sports culture has advantages and disadvantages in the era of big data, but also faces opportunities and challenges. The research points out that in the era of big media, the communication of Asian sports culture should make full use of its own advantages, grasp opportunities and meet challenges. 1. Make full use of the advantages of relevant policies and big data systems. At the same time, in the process of development, it is necessary to strengthen the links between industries in different countries and regions, and promote the balanced development of Asian sports culture industry structure. 2. The government actively leads Asian sports cultural values and enriches Asian sports philosophy. We should make use of the online and offline linkage effect prompted by the ^Big Media +^ plan to rationalize the structure of communication subjects and optimize the benefits of Asian sports culture communication under big data. 3. Strengthen and perfect the management system, deepen the communication content, and improve the quality level. Relevant departments should formulate relevant policies and regulations and clarify supervision rules. 4. Give full play to the advantages of news media in the era of big media, and expand the dimension of sports culture communication in Asia. We media and network social media cover mass communication, interpersonal communication, network communication and organizational communication. Making full use of the advantages of news media communication in the era of big media is of great significance for expanding the dimension of sports culture communication in Asia.


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187 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-101

A Study on Origin and Development of Ancient Chinese Cuju
Yaqun Li, Xuezhi Ma

China Wushu School, Beijing Sport University
No. 48, Information Road, Haidian District, Beijing


Cuju is an ancient Chinese football game and has influenced China for more than two thousand years as a traditional sport. Upon historical documents and archaeological materials, this paper sorts out the basis of origin and development of cuju in different historical periods from a diachronic dimension, and analyzes the evolution of cuju^s rules, forms, external communication with society development in different periods from a synchronic dimension. This paper argues that the origin and development of cuju is closely related to the social development. Cuju originated in Linzi of Qi State during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Cuju in the Han Dynasty became an important means of military training while direct confrontational cuju prevailed and gradually spread to the western regions with military activities. Cuju got prosperous in the Tang Dynasty and there were two kind of game forms: bare-foot practice and high-kicking practice. Meanwhile, cuju has been further spread in other regions of East Asian. Cuju reached its peak in the Song Dynasty. National-wide organizations, competitions and professional monographs appeared with non-confrontational single-goal cuju as the main form. Cuju in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties paid more attention to skill and entertainment. Cuju on ice was derived from the Qing Dynasty. After the middle of the Qing dynasty, with the gradual introduction of modern western football, traditional Chinese cuju was finally replaced.

Keywords: Ancient cuju- Origin- Development- Evolution- Coherence with society

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188 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-105

Research on Inheritance, Development and International Identity of Southeast Asian Hakka Folk Sports Culture from the Perspective of Cultural Capital
Zhai GuoFang

College of physical education, Henan University


Hakka folk sports culture has distinct regional, clan, and religious characteristics as an intangible cultural heritage. It is also an essential part of the excellent culture of the Chinese nation. In the new era, the value of traditional national sports culture has become more prominent, and its protection, inheritance, and innovation development have also attracted much attention. The dissemination of traditional Hakka folk sports culture mainly relies on oral and personal teaching. In the current environment of fierce multicultural competition, this method is more and more challenging to survive. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the dissemination and development of Hakka folk sports from different theoretical perspectives and seek ways to improve cultural dissemination. Based on the cultural capital theory, this research analyzes Hakka folk sports^s cultural resources and value and interprets its profound connotations as cultural capital. It is believed that Hakka folk sports culture exists in three forms: artistic ability, cultural products, and cultural system. It is closely related to the habits of the actors and the field. On this basis, this article proposes specific ways to promote its inheritance further and increase international recognition from three aspects: cultural capabilities, cultural products, and cultural systems.

Keywords: Cultural Capital, Traditional Sports, Hakka , Cultural Communication

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189 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-115

The coupling logic of Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance and tourism development ----Take the fire dragon dance in Henan Longtai as an example
Wenhui Wang

College of physical Education, Henan University


ABSTRACT:Research purpose: the report of the 19th CPC National Congress puts forward the strategy of rural revitalization, and the inheritance and protection of non-heritage is the key link in the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization.This paper theoretically analyzes the inherent logical relationship between fire dragon dance and tourism development, and explores new ideas and measures for the integration of fire dragon dance inheritance and tourism development, so as to help the realization of the strategic goal of rural revitalization. Research methods: field investigation was used in this paper. With the help of Mr. Hao Tongzhou, the representative of the fire dragon dance, and his team, we spent two months to visit and investigate the current situation of the fire dragon dance culture inheritance. And combined with the literature for systematic analysis and collation.The results are as follows: (1) the inheritance subject develops from singleness to diversification. (2) the geographical environment and historical origin have become the identification factors for the development of literature and tourism. (3) lack of depth in gene mining of fire dragon dance landscape.(4) the absence and dislocation of tourism market system management. Research conclusions: (1) improve the multiple supervision system for the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage and tourism development. (2) dig deep into the cultural core gene of fire dragon dance in Longtai village and maintain the authenticity of non-heritage culture.(3) follow the integration path of ^four in one^ in an all-round way.

Keywords: Key words: Intangible Cultural Heritage fire dragon dance tourism integration mechanism

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190 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-117

A study on the cross-cultural communication of Shaolin Wushu in Dengfeng under the mode of co construction and Intertextuality
Chen Jiajia

(School of physical education, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan )


Abstract: the purpose of this study is to provide a new theoretical support for the cross-cultural communication of Dengfeng Shaolin Wushu by using the theory of co construction and intertextuality, and to provide a new theoretical basis for the cross-cultural communication of Dengfeng Shaolin Wushu. Build the cross-cultural communication mode of Dengfeng Shaolin Wushu from the macro level to reflect the communication effect of intertextuality, and determine the specific communication channels from the micro level, so as to enrich the research connotation of cross-cultural communication, so as to carry forward the excellent traditional culture and improve the confidence of national culture. Research methods: This paper uses the methods of literature, field investigation and logical analysis. The research results are as follows: 1. The co construction intertextuality model provides a new research perspective for the cross-cultural communication of Dengfeng Shaolin Wushu- 2. Intertextuality can express the characteristics of Shaolin Wushu culture more clearly- 3. The integration of intertextuality can be better aroused through the dissemination of new technologies and the innovation of applications. Research conclusion: the cross-cultural communication of Shaolin Wushu in Dengfeng is the main research content under the co construction intertextuality mode, and the degree of acceptance of cross-cultural communication is taken as the basis for consideration, so as to further explore the co construction intertextuality connotation of Shaolin Wushu cultural information. This paper studies the cross-cultural communication of Shaolin Wushu in Dengfeng under the co construction intertextuality mode from two aspects. On the one hand, the cultural information of Shaolin Wushu is expressed in multiple language symbols with the help of interlingual intertextuality, and on the other hand, the cultural information of Shaolin Wushu is determined through various media. The cross-cultural communication of Shaolin Wushu can be realized by means of direct code transformation, re contextualization and cross-media integration.

Keywords: Keywords: co construction intertextuality pattern- Dengfeng Shaolin Wushu- Cross cultural communication

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191 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-119

Research on the Self-cultivation Thought of Chinese Wushu from the Perspective of Confucian Body View
Qu Huilin, Ma Xuezhi

Chinese Wushu Academy, Beijing Sports University, Beijing 100084


Abstract: The research uses the method of literature materials, expert interviews, and logical analysis, starting from the traditional Chinese body view, to sort out the history of the Confucian body view, and analyze the Confucian body view^s realistic concern for martial arts and the ideological connotation of martial arts self-cultivation. The realistic implication of martial arts self-cultivation thought. According to the research: 1. Wushu self-cultivation is the integration of shape, qi and heart. It is manifested as taking the individual as the embodied morality, and the cultivation as my body. From the natural blood and energy, through the relationship between martial arts self-cultivation, big and small, the circulation between inner qi and body qi is generated, and the cultivation of the integration of body, qi and heart is realized. realm. 2. The consciousness dimension of martial arts self-cultivation is to truly feel the existence of oneself in the self, a kind of body thinking. 3. Wushu Kungfu theory is the process experience of martial arts self-cultivation, and it is an embodied expression of metaphysical learning using the body as a carrier. It is manifested as a relaxed body in the repeated process, feeling the qi movement throughout the body, keeping the kung fu, and cultivating the xin xing. 4. The pursuit of the realm of martial arts self-cultivation is to take the acquisition process as the basis of the preconscious, that is, the stretching of the movement - the smooth flow of the air - the cultivation of the mind. Preconsciousness is the premise of expanding from the inside out, and this premise is the settlement from the outside to the inside. The iterative process of martial artist behavior and practice at the technical level.

Keywords: Confucian body view- martial arts- self-cultivation- relationship between body and mind- kung fu theory

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192 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-130

A study on the regional and cultural characteristics of Shaolin martial arts
Li Linxiao

Physical education college of Zhengzhou University,Henan Province,China


The Shaolin martial arts of civilization originated from the Shaolin Temple, known as the first temple in the world, with a long history, concentrating the essence of Chinese martial arts, the Shaolin Temple took root in the geographically located Central Plains, and since ancient times, there has been: the world of the Central Plains. Standing in the land of ^Heaven and Earth^, Shaolin Martial Arts has endured for a long time and has played a pivotal role in the development of the history of Chinese martial arts. This paper explains the influence of Shaolin culture and its regional characteristics on the formation and development of Shaolin martial arts by the main factors in the formation of Shaolin martial arts, and discusses the significance of regional cultural characteristics for the development of Shaolin martial arts.

Keywords: Shaolin Martial Arts-Shaolin culture-Regional characteristics of the Central Plains

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193 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-137

Research on the International Promotion and Exchange of Chinese National Traditional Sports Culture
bo zhao


The international promotion and exchange of national traditional sports culture is conducive to enhancing my country^s cultural self-confidence and showing China^s unique cultural image. Through the method of documentary materials and logical analysis, the research shows that the traditional national sports culture faces in international promotion and exchanges: the inheritance chain of traditional sports culture is broken- the separation of the outer core and inner meaning of traditional sports culture- the lack of traditional sports culture communication content - The dilemma of the single channel of traditional sports culture promotion. Suggestions: build an international traditional sports culture adhering system to enhance influence- improve international promotion and communication skills to increase attractiveness- enrich traditional sports culture communication content and improve penetration- expand international promotion and communication channels and expand radiation.

Keywords: traditional sports- sports culture

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194 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-151

Traditional Horse Racing in Ethnic China: One Hundred Years of Multidisciplinary Studies and the New Challenges
Zhang Jianglong, Long Yuxiao

Adamson University,Manila, Philippines:QianDonNan nationalities Polytechnic,Kaili,GuiZhou,China


This article aims to present a critical review of one hundred years of academic writings on the traditional horse racing of China^s ethnic minorities. In today^s China, besides its majority group, namely the Han Chinese, there are 55 ethnic minorities long inhabited in the country^s hinterland and frontiers, all of whom have their own equestrian tradition. Accordingly,while the horse racing in China has a history of longue durée that could be traced back to times as early as some Stone Age settlements as evidenced by archaeological excavations, it is not altogether homogenous but rather an enormously complex phenomenon full of cultural-ethnic diversity. Based on the data retrieved from the CNKI and VIP databases, this paper explicates that modern scientific studies of Chinese ethnic horse racing started with the Mongolian and the Tibetan groups in the 1920s when anthropology and sport science were first introduced to China- and ethnographic writings and other publications of various forms have ever since been continuously brought out, with multiple disciplines involved. Drawing on bibliometric methods along with the techniques of citation analysis and content analysis, this paper conducts a thorough study of pertinent monographs and edited volumes, journal articles and book chapters, and degree theses, through which research hotspots, research fronts and main themes are identified, crucial arguments and critical viewpoints are highlighted- while the centurial progress and its discontent are recognized, new challenges that current and future research may face are also discussed with some tentative recommendations to be put forward.

Keywords: traditional horse racing, equestrian tradition, China^s ethnic minorities, academic writings, multidisciplinary studies, bibliometric methods

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195 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-152

The Modernization and Transformation of the Inheritance of Ethnic Folk Sports ----Take the Example of Lishan Bench Dragon
Chen Peng,Hua Jiatao

College of Physical Education, Anhui Normal University


Modernized inheritance of ethnic folk sports is not only fundamental to the continuation of the life of ethnic folk sports, but also the key to respond to the construction of the modernization road with Chinese characteristics. In order to explore the transformation mechanism of the inheritance of ethnic folk sports, a field investigation was conducted on the bench dragon of Lishan Lake based on Karl Marx^s modernization theory, and the modernization transformation factors and paths in its inheritance and development were interpreted from three levels: material form, organizational form and exhibition space. The study concludes that the expansion of the scope of participants, the standardization of the performance apparatus, and the publicization of the economic operation method constitute the modernization of the material form- the cultivation of the public nature of the village rules and regulations, the inheritance and transcendence of the village elite, and the reproduction of the ritual symbols reflect the modernization of the organizational form- in the three different modernized performance spaces of the path, factory, and square, the triple social functions of community identity, collective identity, and national identity are shaped. In the three different modernized exhibition spaces of the path, factory and square, the triple social functions of community identity, collective identity and national identity are shaped.

Keywords: ethnic folk sports- ethnic folk sports heritage- modernization- bench dragon

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196 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-155

Under the global e-sports upsurge - e-sports is the question of sports
Zhang Han

Henan University


Data show that in the past decade, the number of fans of global e-sports games has increased dramatically, and e-sports related industries have been thriving. Electronic sports brings new professions, electronic sports player, electronic sports commentator, electronic sports analysts and so on. Due to the demand of the social market, many colleges and universities have opened electronic sports major, and electronic sports has begun to prepare for the Olympic bid, and the development of electronic sports has been more and more widely accepted. Research purpose: to explore the true meaning of e-sports, promote the positioning of e-sports, and better development of e-sports.Methods: Through literature method and logical analysis method, we searched for literature related to the nature of sports, studied the development process from the emergence of e-sports to the present, and distinguished the difference between e-sports and traditional sports. Is e-sports a sport? This topic is still a hot topic of discussion today, when it comes to sports, people^s first impression is that sports, healthy physical activity. From the essence of sports, sports is the basic means of physical movement, promote people^s physical and mental health development, improve people^s quality of life and quality of life. And the essence of e-sports is using electronic equipment as sports equipment, the combination of interpersonal intelligence and physical strength contest, e-sports in a sense, is to progress through the game, with the game as the carrier, make two people or two or more people^s intelligence, is closely connected with e-sports and games, to some extent, is e-sports games. Another way to think about it, games include e-sports, and e-sports is an advanced form of gaming. Obviously, in terms of concept, e-sports does not conform to the characteristics of traditional sports. However, e-sports also has some similarities with traditional sports, such as the appreciation of the competition, the fierce competition, the fairness of the competition and the training of technology. These and traditional sports in some aspects, do have something in common, but the author thinks, electronic sports and traditional sports compared in essence there is an obvious gap. Traditional sports can promote people^s physical health, can help people develop the habit of exercise, can improve the ability to exercise. Playing e-sports for a long time can lead to intellectual exercise, but lack of physical exercise. And with the increasing use of modern technology, prolonged use of modern products can affect more than just eyesight.Sitting for long periods of time is also associated with a number of problems, such as prolonged sitting, lack of physical activity leading to obesity and reduced exercise ability. Even the electronic sports professional athletes, after a long time of training, will also cause a series of physical problems, which is not in line with the original intention of sports, there is a healthy concept. Therefore, traditional sports should fit people^s life and promote people^s vital signs and health, while sports should help us develop good living habits. Helps us to live a positive life, helps us to release pressure, helps us to live a better life. Therefore, the author thinks that from the essence of sports, e-sports does not belong to sports.

Keywords: e-sports- The global hot- Physical nature

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197 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-156

The Four Dimensions of Folk Martial Arts Heritage Transmission: An Ethnographic Study of a ^Kung Fu Village^ among the Kam People in China
ZHANG Zhongjie, LONG Yuxiao et al.

School of Wushu, Shanghai University of Sport


Drawing on my project research team^s ethnographic fieldwork in an officially-designated ^Kung Fu Village^ named Ganxi among the Kam People, an ethnic group in Southwest China, this article intends to expound the complexity and contingency in the transmission of folk martial art heritages in a cross-cultural setting. Inspired by the association paradigm as illuminated in the Actor-Network Theory of Bruno Latour and the rhizome paradigm in the works of Gille Deleuze and Felix Guattari, this study considers the Kam martial arts heritage as a rhizomatic agent that can be nomadically associated with a wide array of subjects and objects at various levels to form an assemblage contextualized in four dimensions: local, ethnical, national, and global. Symmetrically reassembled into the network of heritage transmission are not only a variety of human actors including local elites, state officials, tourism entrepreneurs, tourists, and common villagers, but also non-human actants such as village landscape, performance stage and plaza, road and bridge, water well, visitor hostel, canteen, rules, and some institutions. The formation of association and assemblage, as demonstrated in this Kam case of ^Kung Fu Village^, is fundamentally contingent on translation, negotiation and compromise between these actors and actants in relation to their interests, power and dispositions, wherein dimensions of locality, ethnicity, nationhood and globalism entangle each other with tremendous intricacies and nuances.

Keywords: Folk Martial Arts- Sport Heritage Transmission- Actor-Network Theory- Rhizomatic Paradigm- Association Paradigm- the Kam People

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198 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-159

Advances in Wushu Culture Research--Visual Analysis Based on CitSpace
Yuqing Xuan

Beijing Sports University


Objective: To explore the development frontiers and hot trends in the field of martial arts culture using the visual knowledge graph analysis software Citespace, and to provide references for subsequent research by researchers. Methods:Using CNKI^s core academic journal citation retrieval as an index, set the retrieval conditions as (Subject%=^Martial Arts Culture^ or Title%=^Martial Arts Culture^) AND (Year Between(^2012^,^2022^))- Search Scope: Journals. A total of 810 articles were retrieved. The data of 810 articles included in the study were exported in Refworks format, and the data in Refworks format was normalized in the data function of Citespace software to obtain the author and cooperation relationship map, high-frequency keywords, keyword clustering map and other information .Results: In the field of martial arts culture research, a small cooperative group was formed with Wang Gang, Guo Yucheng, Dai Guobin, Li Shoupei, Yang Jianying and others as the core. Research hotspots focus on martial arts culture, martial arts education, martial arts inheritance, martial arts reform, martial arts dissemination, school martial arts and other fields.There are few studies on Wushu culture ontology in current research.

Keywords: martial arts culture-CiteSpace

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199 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-163

How Dare You: The Formation of Martial Courage in Wushu
Lu An

Huaibei Normal University


All martial arts around the world emphasize the importance of courage, but the understanding of courage varies from culture to culture. In order to discuss the concept and formation of martial courage of Wushu, this paper tries to analyze the influence and contribution of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, which are the pillars of traditional Chinese thoughts. The core of Confucian courage is benevolence, justice, propriety and wisdom. Its main function is to govern the country by establishing an ideology to normalize people^s martial activities. The core of Taoist courage is non-action, non-contention and being like water. Its main function is to govern the individual body by highlighting the philosophy that the unity of human and heaven is what the Chinese people have long been yearning for. The core of Buddhist courage is compassion. Its function is mainly to govern the mind by using either low eyebrows or angry eyes. Wushu absorbs the essence of the three thoughts on courage and constructs its own martial courage system, which not only facilitates the formation of martial arts techniques, but also acclimatizes Wushu practitioners^ behavior.

Keywords: martial courage, Wushu, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism

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200 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-175

A Review of the studies on Taiwan^s Martial Arts Education and Development
Hsienwei Kuo a, Chinfang Kuo b*

a Center for General Education, National Tainan Institute of Nursing

b * Department of Sport Management, Aletheia University,


When martial arts study is a part of East-West research, especially the category of Asian research, Chinese martial arts has been already one of the main bodies of East Asian Wushu research. However, the trend, orientation and value of Taiwanese martial arts education and development research have not been able to receive the attention of the academic community, resulting in a lack of literature review regarding this topic have been conducted. Therefore, this article aims to conduct a review the studies on Chinese martial arts education and development in Taiwan and try to have a dialogue with international martial arts studies on this topic in order to explore more insightful issues related to Taiwanese martial arts education and development. We adopted the method of integrative literature review in this article and used a keyword search strategy to screen three major academic databases. The searching results excluded retrospective and repetitive literatures, and selected the most related topic ones. A total of 19 literatures that met the criteria were included in the review and analysis. This review begins by outlining the main findings of the studies on martial arts education and development in Taiwan. Second, the limitations of these studies are discussed. Finally, we make specific recommendations based on these findings, and limitations, and outcomes of current international martial arts study.

Keywords: martial arts education, wushu,integrative literature review

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201 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-184

Study on the Guarantee System for the International Dissemination of Wushu under the ^One Belt, One Road^ Initiative
Zhang Ming

Henan University


Background. ^One Belt, One Road^ is one of the newest platforms for international interaction and one of the most frequent concentrations of human cultural transmission today. In the post-epidemic era, the guarantee of Wushu in international communication is difficult to meet the needs of the development of the times. It is urgent to establish a new guarantee system. The lagging form of communication and the single structure of communication has become the main barriers to the international communication of Wushu.
Problem and Aim. This article addresses the question and suggests how researchers in this field should focus on the approaches through which the guarantee system of Wushu international communication has been developed.
Methods. We adopt the philosophical method of logical argumentation, and conducted expert interviews on various guarantee strategies in the international communication mode of Wushu, together with an analysis and discussion of relevant literature.
Result. Based on various factors such as the international multicultural background, the background of martial arts promotion, and the background of professional development of Wushu. Drawing on the principles of communication science, we propose a preliminary idea for the construction of an international dissemination guarantee system for Wushu based on five elements: communication groups, communication content, communication channels, communication targets, and communication environment.
Conclusion. Wushu exchange is an important part of humanities cooperation under the ^One Belt, One Road^ initiative. In the field of dissemination guaranty research, lessons can be drawn from the global localization and the mode of local dissemination of other sports.

Keywords: One Belt, One Road- guarantee systerm- international dissemination- Wushu

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202 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-191

Research on the relationship between the development of Asian traditional sports and the construction of Community of Shared Future for Mankind under the background of The Belt
He Qifan, Li Bing, Xu Yue, Chai Hong Jin

Harbin Sport University


Abstract In the development of traditional sports and the construction of a community with a shared future in Asia, the two coexist and are related to each other.To explore the relationship between the development of Asian traditional sports and the construction of the community of Shared Future for Mankind requires us to think deeply, study deeply and plough deeply in many fields and perspectives.Research suggests 1.There are profound humanistic values in Asian traditional sports. Traditional Sports and culture promote and promote each other, which is not only a sports phenomenon but also a cultural phenomenon.2.The development of Asian traditional sports promotes the development of world culture and becomes the regional paradigm of ^Community of Shared Future for Mankind^in Asia.3.The cultural concept of ^Harmony and diversity^ in traditional Asian sports is in line with the Belt and Road strategy and the trend of the diversified and integrated development of world sports.

Keywords: Development of traditional sports,A community with a shared future,Relationship

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203 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-200

The Implication of Inheritance and Development of Manchu Traditional Ice-snow Culture under the Background of Winter Olympics
Yueguang Feng(a*),Lin Lin (b), Yanheng Xu (b)

a)Rising King Sports Culture Co., Ltd. Shenyang 110027,China
b)Shenyang University of Technology,110870,China


This paper includes the analysis of the meaning of inheritance and development of the Manchu traditional ice-snow culture in the context of the Beijing Winter Olympics, in order to further clarify the important position of the Manchu traditional ice-snow culture in the development process of ice-snow sports in China, and to analyze the age of inheritance and development of the Manchu traditional ice-snow culture significance, to promote the sustainable development of the current and future ice-snow sports in China and provide the necessary theoretical support. Research methods such as literature and field survey methods are used. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Realizing the inheritance and development of Manchu traditional ice-snow culture under the new situation will help to increase the understanding of the origin and connotation of Manchu traditional ice-snow culture, (2) Providing protection for the development of the sport. (3) Promoting the implementation of the strategic plans of Popularize and promote ice-snow sports in schools and Promoting 300 million people to participate in ice-snow sports to improve ice-snow sports social awareness. (4) Promoting the development of Manchu characteristic ice-snow tourism industry and create a regional ice-snow industry brand to help regional economic construction. The suggestions of study are that: (a) Promoting the construction of ice-snow culture on the campus with Popularize and promote ice-snow sports in schools. (b) increasing the overall improvement of the social awareness of Manchu traditional ice-snow culture with Promoting 300 Million People to Participate In Ice-snow Sports as the platform.

Keywords: Ice-snow sports,Beijing Winter Olympic Games,Manchu traditional ice-snow culture,Inheritance and development

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204 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-203

History and future of Asian Martial Arts under the background of Olympic Games
Ma Zhihao Hu Yuxi

Zhengzhou University


Abstract: To study the history and future of Asian martial arts, in order to lay a foundation for Asian martial arts towards the Olympic Games. By means of literature and expert interviews, this paper takes the development of Asian martial arts as the research object, focuses on summarizing the achievements of Asian martial arts development and sorting out the existing problems in the development. Combined with the requirements of the Olympic Games, this paper explains the future development of Asian martial arts. Conclusions: 1) Asian martial arts has made many achievements in the aspects of organization establishment, competition establishment, project promotion, exchange and research- 2) There are problems such as unbalanced development of regional projects, weak development intensity, limited exchange and promotion- 3) Adhere to the strategy of organization and guidance, competition guidance, activity exchange, scientific research support and so on, and comprehensively promote the higher, faster and stronger Olympic development of Wushu.

Keywords: Asian martial arts- Wushu development- The background of the Olympic Games

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205 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-204

Study on the Development of Chinese - ASEAN Traditional Sports in Post - epidemic Era
Ming Chenying

Department of Physical Education and Health, University of East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang, China


Under the impact of the new coronavirus disease, international relations are complex and changeable, and the development of national traditional sports is facing practical difficulties, which has become a new challenge for the development of national traditional sports in China and ASEAN countries. As one of the minority autonomous regions in China, Guangxi is rich in ethnic resources, and there are many traditional ethnic sports. In the post-epidemic era of international instability, it played a key role in promoting regional economic development and maintaining good-neighbourly relations. In view of this, it is of far-reaching significance for China and ASEAN countries to strengthen the development of national traditional sports in the post-epidemic era. With the help of the two platforms of China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, this study investigates the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China, which is the permanent venue of China-ASEAN Expo. Many national traditional sports activities held here in the post-epidemic era are taken as the research objects. SWOT method and AHP method are used to calculate the weight and influence intensity of each factor. The problems existing in the development of national traditional sports between China and ASEAN are discussed and the development countermeasures are put forward.

Keywords: national traditional sports-China-ASEAN-Post-epidemic era-SWOT-AHP

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206 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-205

Theoretical Analysis on the Construction of Wushu International Promotion Model from the Perspective of ^One Belt and One Road^
Peidong Yan Hao Hong

Wushu College of Henan University


Wushu is an excellent representative of Chinese national sports, a representative symbol of Chinese traditional culture and an internationally renowned brand of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. The ^Belt and Road^ is an important strategic platform for China^s continuous opening to the outside world. It is a great practice to build a community with a shared future for mankind. The popularization of Wushu in the Belt and Road region has brought new opportunities for the international promotion of Wushu. At the same time, it also provides cultural interaction for people-to-people bonds in the ^Belt and Road^ region, strengthens the social foundation, and promotes the implementation of national strategies.
The promotion of Wushu requires systematic effectiveness, and scientific promotion must rely on a certain promotion model. Using the methods of literature materials, expert interviews, Delphi method, text analysis and other methods, combined with the actual situation of the Belt and Road Wushu promotion, the international promotion model of the Belt and Road Wushu is constructed, which includes 6 elements, namely promoters, promotion content, promotion methods, promotion audience, promotion effect, promotion environment. It also studies the theoretical basis, construction principles, constituent elements and operation mechanism of the international promotion model of Wushu from the perspective of ^One Belt and One Road^.

Keywords: Wushu promotion- One Belt One Road- Promotion Mode

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207 Traditional sports and physical culture in Asia ABS-218

Could Traditional Medicine and Exercise Provide Affordable ^Health for All^ and A Cheap Approach to Combat Covid-19 Pandemic?
1. Dr. Yiyong Liang, 2. Manish Uprety F.R.A.S

1. Hebei Sport University
2. Ayush Darpan Foundation Trust


In 1978 Alma-Ata Declaration - the first international declaration underlining the importance of primary health care that expressed the need for urgent action by all governments, health and development workers, and the world community to protect and promote the health of all people, however, the Declaration has never been treated with an urgent attitude required by all kind of authorities. By the time of writing (May 2022), the Covid-19 pandemic has made a devastating impact on human society with more than 526 million confirmed cases and over 6 million deaths recorded globally by World Health Organisation (WHO), and people are clearly paying the price, especially in countries without a quality healthcare system for their all citizens. The article use literature analysis and fact evidence including data from the WHO and some most recent published research results of the current corona virus pandemic to look into the phenomenal that traditional medicine and exercises were employed not only for treating patients with the mild symptom but also for enhancing the health status of the general public - a cheap alternative for the prevention of covid-19, especially there is no effective treatment or vaccine currently available for the disease.

Keywords: Traditional medicine, Sport exercises, Covid-19 Pandemic

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208 Youth development through sport ABS-257

Practical research on the application of Orienteering in middle school endurance running teaching
Wang Ye,Wang Chao

Niubaotun school, Tongzhou District, Beijing, China,


Endurance running is the focus of physical education teaching in middle school.In the process of improving students^ endurance running ability,teachers need to change the practice forms and methods of endurance running to improve students^ interest in endurance running.Through practical research,many middle school physical education teachers began to realize the value of Orienteering in promoting students^ physical and mental development,and gradually tried to carry out Orienteering in middle school physical education classroom teaching.However,there is no research on how to improve Orienteering so that it can be more effectively applied to classroom physical education teaching to promote students^ interest in endurance running.Under the current situation,it is very necessary to carry out the research on the application of Orienteering in endurance running classroom teaching.This study uses literature,expert interviews,questionnaires,experimental research and other methods to conduct practical research.The results show that the application of Orienteering in physical education teaching can improve students^ interest in practicing endurance running-It can improve students^ middle and long-distance running level and develop cardiopulmonary function and aerobic exercise level-Promote the diversification of teachers^ teaching methods-Promote the combination of physical education and other disciplines-Promote the development and utilization of physical education and health curriculum resources.


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209 Youth development through sport ABS-259

Influence of Cooperative Learning Model Tipe Student Team Avchievment Division for Responsibility Attitudes and Learning Result of Football Play Skill at 1 Lembang Junior High School State
Aditya Al Asyari Siradjudin, Drs. Mudjihartono, M. Pd., Dr. Nuryadi, M.Pd.

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The research purpose will find influence of cooperative learning model tipe student team avchievment division for responsibility attitudes and learning result of football play skill at 1 Lembang Junior High School State. The sample use 20 student of football extracurricular followed. This study used experimental research method with pre test post test control group design. The results of paired sample t test showed the significance value (2-tailed) of the responsibility attitude in the experimental group was 0.013<0,05, while play skill was 0.000<0,05, therefore H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. The results of independent sample t test explained the significance value (2-tailed) of the responsibility attitude was 0.024<0,025, while play skill was 0.000<0,025, so it can be concluded that, on average the responsibility attitude and learning result of football play skill in the experimental group are different from the control group. In addition, the results of N-Gain Score test, showed the average percentage of student responsibility attitudes for the experimental group was 44.68%, the value in the range of 40-45, which means that the used of cooperative learning model type student team achievement division was less effective. While the average percentage of football play skill in the experimental group is 65.57%, the value in the range of 56-75, which means that the used of cooperative learning model type student team achievement division is quite effective.

Keywords: Physical Education, Cooperative Learning Model, Responsibility Attitude, Learning Outcomes, Football Games

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210 Youth development through sport ABS-16

Development experience of OECD adolescent health intervention and Its Enlightenment to China
LI Xiao-peng,WANG Ru-feng

College of Physical Education, South-Central MinZu University


The organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) analyzed the health indicators of children and adolescents in 38 member countries around the world, and then put forward the intervention strategies, which have reference value for the formulation of China^s adolescent health promotion strategy. This paper interprets the OECD intervention report on physical health and well-being of children and adolescents, and points out that the current international physical health status of children and adolescents shows an upward trend of dangerous prevalence in indicators such as insufficient physical exercise, overweight and obesity, bad eating habits and poor sleep quality. The reasons for this phenomenon include but are not limited to personal social psychological factors The application of scientific and technological means and the change of social and family structure. The intervention means proposed by OECD include guiding community participation, multi sectoral coordination, multi means coordination, promoting and supporting the application of scientific and technological means for intervention, etc. On the basis of international experience, this paper puts forward that China should form the main strategy of government overall arrangement, coordinated promotion of multiple departments, innovative scientific and technological means intervention, and then form the overall implementation logic of ^family, school and society^ Trinity physical health intervention for children and adolescents, from creating a family health education environment, strengthening the responsibility of school health education Improve the community health education system and form a new development pattern of physical health education for children and adolescents in the whole life cycle.

Keywords: OECD- Children and adolescents- Health promotion- Health education- Interventions

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