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91 Other Areas of Education ABS-67

Applications for Evaluation of Arabic Lessons In The Learning System at MAN Model Jambi Indonesia
Kasful Anwar Us (a), Wahyudi Buska (a*), Yogia Prihartini (a), Diana Rozelin (a)

a) State Islamic University (UIN) Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
Jalan Jambi-Ma. Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sei Duren, Jaluko Ma. Jambi Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to describe the evaluation system of Arabic learning in MAN Model Jambi. To know the application of the evaluation of Arabic lessons in the learning system at MAN Model Jambi. To know the results of the application of Arabic lessons in the learning system at MAN Model Jambi. The research design used is a descriptive design, so that the researcher acts as the main instrument. The subjects in this study were Arabic teachers of class X. While the research instruments used to collect data were: interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Based on the results of the research in the study, the researcher can conclude as follows: 1). The application of the evaluation of Arabic lessons in the learning system at MAN Model Jambi, it is stated that many students are not happy to learn Arabic and many do not understand Arabic lessons, It is necessary to apply evaluation in the learning system in order to provide more complex teaching in sentence positions, suggesting students to take Arabic lessons outside of school hours. Before the implementation of teaching, the teacher must try to make preparations in teaching Arabic both orally and in writing. The use of varied teaching methods, so that it is not boring for students who take part in learning activities in class, 2). The implementation of the evaluation of Arabic lessons in the learning system at MAN Model Jambi is that there are students who are weak in mental condition so that many of them are nervous and do not answer correctly and feel inferior when the evaluation is in oral form. For this reason, educators try to do group tutoring, personal guidance on problems related to psychology for students who have problems by first coordinating between teachers in a meeting or deliberation. As well as holding additional teachers in the field of Arabic studies at MAN Model Jambi. From the results of research that has been captured by researchers, it is recommended that language teachers and school

Keywords: applications, Arabic, evaluation, learning system

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92 Other Areas of Education ABS-68

Muhadatsah Learning Strategy in Improving Arabic Language Skills at MAN Kerinci Jambi Indonesia
Yogia Prihartini* (a), Budi Sanjaya (a) Wahyudi Buska (a) Muhammad Ridha D.S. (b)

(a) UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
(b) IAIN Kerinci Jambi


The process of learning Arabic at MAN Kerinci Jambi has been carried out in accordance with the existing curriculum, based on the Content Standards and Graduate Competency Standards, which explain that learning Arabic at Madrasah Aliyah is a process of activities directed at encouraging, guiding, developing and fostering language skills. Arabic fluent, by prioritizing the ability to read and understand reading material. The ability to speak and compose sentences is aimed at strengthening reading skills, which is the main goal of learning, namely the ability to communicate as well as being a provision for understanding Islamic teachings from the original sources, namely the Qur^an and Al-hadith. This research is a field research in the form of descriptive qualitative research. Data collection was done by interview, observation and documentation. The data analysis used is described in the form of secondary data and primary data. In analyzing the data, it begins by examining the data, after the data has been collected it is then clarified and analyzed its contents, then interpreted and concluded.The results of this study are students are still not able to muhadatsah in Arabic well and cannot use it in daily conversation, because the learning strategies used are still not optimal due to the lack of media and supporting infrastructure that support the muhadatsah learning process. So that it does not get maximum results.So that it does not get maximum results. and the muhadatsah learning strategy did not run smoothly, due to the lack of media in muhadatsah learning such as textbooks, language labor, focus and so on related to muhadatsah learning. Thus, the muhadatsah learning strategy cannot be applied optimally without the infrastructure and supporting media in the muhadatsah learning process.

Keywords: learning strategy, muhadatsah, improving, Arabic, skills

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93 Other Areas of Education ABS-74

Managing Religious Based School Culture : Experiences from Islamic Senior High School at Jambi



School culture is an importance instruments particularly in instilling values for the students. The study tried to explore how The School Management organized the process of habituation of Islamic values at School by promoting religious- based students activities. This is a qualitative research which is employed ethnographic design. The setting of the study was the Islamic High School Al-Falah Jambi, Indonesia. The study revealed that there are seven religious-based traditions that are organized regularly by the Management to foster religious character among students. Including - Reading the Qur^an at classroom program, doing Dhuha prayer every school day at 09.00AM together, doing Zhuhur and Ashar at time together, Reading the Qur^an after Zuhur prayer, guiding students to memorize part the Qur^an, mentoring female students on Islamic teaching every Friday afternoon, and supporting mabit program ( students activities by staying at school from evening to night to learn and perform Islamic ritual).The process of habituation not only supporting by the Management but also by the teachers, stuff, students^ parents as well as interested parties. However, the creative habituation process is one of the management challenges to make the program more interesting for students while reducing boredom. This study implies that managerial creativity is key factors to produce effective programs, particularly in habituation of the religious values.

Keywords: Key word: School Management, School Culture, Islamic Higher Education

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94 Other Areas of Education ABS-84

Covid-19 in the flow of technology :The impact of using E-Learning in learning history
Ray Agung Maulana

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Pendidikan Sejarah


Nowadays, it is desired or not that the existence of technology has given an influence on various aspects of life. Starting from the way humans behave and how they think their life. Moreover, the influence of the technology has tried to enter the educational system. The Covid-19 pandemic situation has forced the educational system to make new new innovation and get used to learning in distance or what is known online learning (in the network ). In addition, there are some applications that used in online learning. Indeed a necessity today, especially since Indonesia has begun to enter the industrial revolution 4.0 (digitization). Thus, The various learning application media began to enter an educational system. It is introduced to every schools as supporting in teaching learning process during the pandemic. Beside that, this research uses a literature study which will provide an explanation of the impact of using E-learning applications in history learning . As a result, the use of E-learning application media has very positive impact on learning, especially history learning. Hopefully, it it will be an effective and efficient online learning solution during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: E-learning, history learning, Covid-19

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95 Other Areas of Education ABS-86

The constraints of Parents Accompanying Online Learning in the Pandemic Covid-19
Teti Maryulina, Hani Yulindrasari, Iding Tarsidi

Educational Psychology Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the government established a learning from home policy with an online or parent-supervised offline mode. Many children and parents complain about online learning, especially parents who have to provide continuous assistance during the pandemic. The purpose of this article is to describe the obstacles that parents face in assisting online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This article uses the literature review method. Based on existing literature, the results of the literature review show that parent face obstacles in assisting online learning include difficulties due to lack of content knowledge and ability in teaching, difficulties in growing childrens learning interest, difficulties in managing schedules and finances, difficulties in accessing online materials and difficulties in getting internet connections. We conclude that parents perceive online learning as difficult and not as good as offline conventional classroom learning at school. However, parents also see that online learning provide more time for the child-parent interactions. The implications of these findings can be used as consideration for the Ministry of Education and Culture in making policies related to online learning so that they can see more broadly the obstacles faced by parents while assisting online learning and overcoming existing obstacles.

Keywords: Parental Constraints- Online Learning- Covid-19- Impact of Online Learning

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96 Other Areas of Education ABS-113

Religious Moderation and the Continuity of Using E-Learning During the Pandemic of Covid-19
Erni Haryanti

PPS UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Religious Moderation (RM) or wasaṭiyyah (Arabic) is closely related to justice and balance promoting the middle way of Muslim attitudes to avoid falling into religious extremities. So far, the wasaṭiyyah is used to reflect the principles of tawassuth (middle), tasāmuh (tolerant), tawāzun (balanced), and two others. Recently the RM has becomes a catchword of Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) policy, it is massively socialized among Muslim mass organizations and Islamic schools from elementary to high schools, as well as Islamic universities spread all over Indonesia. About a month ago, MORA has published about 9 (nine) related religious moderation e-books for Indonesian Muslims to be used importantly at Islamic schools. By implementing content analysis to find an alternative way of internalizing RM principles among school and university students, this article analyses the importance of using E-learning for the RM for certain reasons. At the same time, it also explores learning materials of RM principles that enrich students^ understanding of the middle way of Islamic teachings. Overall, E-learning should continue to be implemented at Islamic education institutions during and after the pandemic of Covid-19- it also has function to divert students^ attention to radical Islamic interpretations that commonly emerge in cyberspace.

Keywords: religious moderation, Islamic school education Institutions, E-learning, instructional media

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97 Other Areas of Education ABS-119

Dr. Bahrul Maani

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


Various rules have been carried out during the Covid-19 period, since the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) at levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the provision of insulation against various community activities which is a way to break the chain of the COVID-19 virus. which is very dangerous for the safety and health of the nation^s children. During this deployment, many systems failed and were replaced by other alternatives which greatly affected the ineffectiveness of the results of studies or education and law. This is regulated based on the Circular Letter (SE) of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number 3 of 2020 concerning the prevention of Covied 19 in Education Units. Face-to-face (guest) education and stay in the classroom changed and left that pattern in the Covid-19 era by online - zoom, video call, WA. In the form of legal problems regarding the sentences handed down against inmates in the Correctional Institution. Then they were assimilated and released because the prison capacity was full, although their sentence had not yet expired, they were released due to humanitarian considerations. So what is interesting in this case is the neglect of law enforcement by considering the safety side in order to implement physical distancing. Likewise in other cases that in the data on the general action. Darmawan said the crime had investigated more than
75,000 cases, while for economic crimes more than 150,000 cases. This research is based on social phenomena in various events through documentation, observation, and interviews with people who have the capacity, both from legal practitioners, education observers and various other levels of society related to the topic.

Keywords: Covid 19, Education, Law.

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98 Other Areas of Education ABS-120

The Relationship of Self-Concept and Self-Confidence with Student Creativity at SMA Islam Harapan Ibu Jakarta
Muhammad Teofani Kartanegara

UPI - Magister in Psychology of Education


This study is motivated by the emergence of the issue of student creativity in Indonesia which is still very low and left behind compared to students from other countries. This study aims at analyzing the conceptual relationship between self-concept and self-confidence and the creativity of the tenth graders at SMA Islam Harapan Ibu Jakarta. This research starts with the assumption that the correct self-concept and high self-confidence can encourage children to be able to produce new ideas concretely, in various forms of work. This research method uses a literature review method through a quantitative approach, using a questionnaires.  The data collection instrument used is the Likert scale. The collected data will be processed using multiple correlation analysis to test the relationship between two or more independent variables on the dependent variables, as well as the estimation of how much these independent variables can be identified using the SPSS20 tool. This scientific investigation expects a significant relationship between self-concept and self-confidence and students^ creativity. The results of this study can be utilized 1).  For teachers, as an academic tool in improving the quality of student creativity in the student learning process.  2).  For further researchers, it is hoped that this can be used as a reference in conducting further research.

Keywords: Self Concept, Self Confidence, Student Creativity

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99 Other Areas of Education ABS-122

Parental Responsibilities for Child Care and Education after Divorce in the Perspective of Islamic Education and Law.
Ramlah, Fuad Rahman

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


This thesis describes the responsibilities of parents to the care and education of children after divorce in the perspective of Islamic Education and Law. In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, the divorce rate continues to rise sharply, in 2021 reaching 1.46% of the total population of Indonesia of 272.29 million. It has implications for the fate of children and even their future so that many children are abandoned on the streets, punk children, children affected by juvenile delinquency, drugs, prostitution, and so on. After the divorce, many parents let go of their responsibilities, so it is necessary to investigate more intensively the extent of parental responsibility in the care and education of children after divorce in the perspective of education and Islamic law. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive method with a sociology-education-law approach. The findings of this study, many children are neglected on the streets, punk children, drug victims, and prostitution as an implication of the lack of parental responsibility after divorce.

Keywords: Responsibilities, parents, post-divorce, Education, Islamic Law

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100 Other Areas of Education ABS-123

Exploratory Sequential Analysis Of Lecturer^s Works Productivity Reviewed From Empowerment, Academic Culture, And Knowledge Management
Sri Setyaningsih, Lina Novita

Universitas Pakuan


The productivity of lecturers^ scientific works is an important element related to lecturer career development and university rankings. Lecturers whose scientific work productivity is good will quickly reach the highest functional position, namely professor and will affect the ranking of higher education institutions. This paper provides a description of the exploratory sequential analysis of lecturers^ scientific work productivity (PKID) in terms of Empowerment, Academic Culture, and Knowledge Management. The research method used is the path analysis method to determine the effect between the variables studied and the Sitorem method to perform indicator analysis to find out which indicators are good so it is recommended to be maintained and which indicators are not good so it is recommended to be improved by being given a priority order for handling improvement of these indicators. The research population was lecturers from 3 private universities in Bogor, namely Pakuan University, Ibnu Khaldun University, and Juanda University. The population is 930 lecturers with a sample of 197 lecturers. The results showed that empowerment had a positive effect on PKID with a By1 path coefficient of 0.29, Academic Culture had a positive effect on PKID with a path coefficient of 0.46, and Knowledge Management had a positive effect on PKID with a path coefficient of 2.01. These results indicate that strengthening empowerment, academic culture, and knowledge management can increase the productivity of lecturers^ scientific work. How to strengthen the three independent variables so that they have an increasing impact on the productivity of lecturers^ scientific work will be described in this paper.

Keywords: Productivity_karya_ilmiah_dosen- Empowerment- Culture_academic- Knowledge_management- Sitorem

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101 Pedagogy ABS-5

Putu Kerti Nitiasih, I Gede Ratnaya

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


Literature-based instruction focuses on understanding literary works and its close connection to literacy development. This research aimed at describing how effective is short story as a strategy in Literature-based instruction. The method of this research is a descriptive qualitative method, including teachers and students at the elementary school in Buleleng in Bali regency. There are 4 schools under investigation. The result of this research showed that the short stories increase the student^s motivation to read and understand the texts. From 160 students under investigation, almost 100 students finished reading 1 story in a week, the other 45 students could read 2 stories within a week and around 15 students are interested to read 3 stories in a week. This phenomenon of course showing the development of the students^ literacy skill. The use of short story in this instruction also has positive advantages on students^ literacy, knowledge, and culture, behaviors, HOTS, and 4Cs development.

Keywords: short story, literature-based instruction, literary skill

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102 Pedagogy ABS-24

The Classroom Management during Covid-19 Pandemic: An Evaluative Study
I Gusti Ketut Arya Sunu (a*)

a) Education Administration Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Ganesha University of Education
Jl. Udayana No. 11, Singaraja 81116, Indonesia


This research is an evaluative study that aims to identify: (1) teacher^s efforts to innovate curriculum in classroom management during the Covid-19 pandemic- (2) classroom management in the network by teachers to increase meaningful and creative learning- (3) the ability of teachers to use applications in the application of internet technology for online learning- and (4) strategies used by teachers to stimulate students^ thinking skills to a higher level in managing their classrooms. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Sawan, Bali, Indonesia. Researchers selected informants using a purposive sampling technique. Research informants include School IT Units, School e-learning Trainers, Principals and Deputy Headmasters, School Teachers, and Students at SMAN 1 Sawan School. The researchers collected the data through the distribution of questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Then, the data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. This study found that teachers made various efforts in innovating curriculum in classroom management during the Covid 19 pandemic. They are trying to carry out classroom management in the online learning to create meaningful and creative learning. In terms of the teachers^ ability to use applications in online learning, it was found that most of them had good abilities. In addition, the teachers apply various learning strategies to stimulate students^ thinking skills to a higher level. These findings are discussed in detail in this article.

Keywords: classroom management, evaluative study, online learning, teaching strategy

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103 Pedagogy ABS-46

The Effect of EDI Learning on Science Literacy Ability and Critical Thinking Skills of Physics Education Students

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


This study aims to determine the effect of EDI learning techniques (explain, discussed, and implementation) on scientific literacy and critical thinking skills of physics education students. The approach used in this research is quantitative with a quasi-experimental method. The quasi-experimental design used is one group, pretest, and posttest design. Therefore, data on scientific literacy skills and critical thinking skills were obtained through tests that were compiled based on the indicators of these two variables. The sample used in this study were students of physics education in semester 4, totaling 24 people. To test the hypothesis, a T-test and one-way ANOVA were used with the help of SPSS 25. Based on the data and analysis results, it is known that the EDI learning model has a significant effect on scientific literacy skills and critical thinking skills of physics education students. This is evidenced by the results of hypothesis testing for both variables is 0.00 < 0.05, which means it has a significant effect.

Keywords: Model EDI, Pedagogy Ability, Prospective Physics Teacher

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104 Pedagogy ABS-51

Improving Educational Digital Literacy Capabilities and Online Class Management for Physics Education Students through SAPR Learning Techniques
Minnah El Widdah, Sukarno

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuudin Jambi


This study aims to improve educative digital literacy skills and virtual classroom management of physics education students through the SAPR (search-analyzing-practicing-reflection) learning technique. This study uses a quasi-experimental approach, with one group pretest and posttest design. The research subjects involved were 21 students majoring in physics education class B. Data on digital literacy skills and virtual classroom management skills were obtained through test techniques (pretest and posttest). Furthermore, the data were analyzed using the normalized N-gain technique. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the SAPR learning technique can improve educative digital literacy skills and virtual classroom management for physics education students. The increase in digital literacy skills is generally in the ^high^ category, as much as 47.62%, an increase in the ^medium^ category as much as 33.33%, and an increase in the ^low^ category as much as 19.05%. As for online class management capabilities, the increase in the ^medium^ category was 47.65%, the increase in the ^high^ category was 42.85%, and the increase in the ^low^ category was 9.50%.

Keywords: Educational digital literacy, online classroom management, search-analyzing-practicing-reflection learning techniques.

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105 Pedagogy ABS-78

The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Learning Approach on Science Literacy Ability and Science Process Skills
Lukman Hakim, Sukarno, Mardiana, Kompri, Isna Yuliastuti

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


This study aims to determine the effect of learning a realistic approach to mathematics on scientific literacy skills and science process skills of education students at the 17th Junior High School Jambi. The approach used in this research is quantitative with a quasi-experimental model. The design used is a one group pretest-posttest design. Therefore, the sample used in this study was only one group (class) which amounted to 21 students of mathematics education. Analysis of the data used in this study is using N-gain which is normalized by testing the hypothesis using one way ONOVA test. Based on the data and discussions that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the learning of a realistic approach to mathematics has an effect on scientific literacy skills and science process skills for students at the 17th Junior High School Jambi. This is based on the average N-gain value, which is 74%, meaning that the included learning approach affects the two variables, respectively 74% for scientific literacy and 68% for science process skills. These results are also reinforced by the sig value in the one-way ANOVA test, which is 0.00 for both variables (<0.005), which means that the level of influence is very significant. namely 74%, meaning that the included learning approach affects the two variables, respectively 74% for scientific literacy and 68% for science process skills. These results are also reinforced by the sig value in the one-way ANOVA test, which is 0.00 for both variables (<0.005), which means that the level of influence is very significant. namely 74%, meaning that the included learning approach affects the two variables, respectively 74% for scientific literacy and 68% for science process skills. These results are also reinforced by the sig value in the one-way ANOVA test, which is 0.00 for both variables (<0.005), which means that the level of influence is very significant.

Keywords: realistic mathematics approach, scientific literacy, science process skills

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106 Pedagogy ABS-82

The Role of Teachers in Compiling Simple Learning Planning During the Covid-19 Pandemic In Raudhtul Athfal B Alaika Muaro Jambi
Mastikawati, Nori Nopita Sari

Program Studi PIAUD Institut Agama Islam Muhammad Azim Jambi


Academic qualification is a requirement possessed by teachers, as a benchmark of competence possessed by teachers, one of which is pedagogic competence. This research is entitled ^The Influence of Academic Qualifications on Teachers^ Pedagogic Competence in Teaching PAUD in Cluster IV, Kumpeh Ulu District, Muaro Jambi Regency^, this research is based on the low academic qualifications of PAUD teachers in the Kumpeh Ulu sub-district, especially in Cluster IV. The problems studied in this study are teachers who do not meet the required academic qualification standards, the preparation of learning such as the Annual Program, Semester Program, Weekly Learning Implementation Plans and Daily Learning Implementation Plans are copied and pasted without adjusting students and school conditions, There are still teachers who have not used APE when learning, teachers are not optimal in choosing appropriate learning strategies, weak grammar for students, weak behavior in responding to problems that exist in students, teachers are not optimal in conducting assessments. This study aims to determine the effect of academic qualifications on pedagogic competence and the magnitude of the influence of academic qualifications on teachers^ pedagogic competence. This study uses the Expo facto method with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all PAUD teachers in Cluster IV, Kumpeh Ulu District, Muaro Jambi Regency, for the 2020/2021 academic year, namely 9 PAUD institutions with 34 PAUD teachers. The sample in this study was 30 people using probability sampling technique and the sample to be taken was a proportional stratified random sampling sample. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires and analysis using simple linear regression assisted by the SPSS version 25 program. The results of hypothesis testing with significance and regression equations (Test F) were known to have an influence on academic qualifications on the pedagogic competence of PAUD teac

Keywords: Academic Qualification, Pedagogic Competence

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107 Ubiquitous Learning ABS-9

Development of a Simulation Model for Buyan Lake Conditions (Area) Based on Community Environmental and Social Factors
I Gede Aris Gunadi (1,2), Gede Indrawan(1), Dewi Oktofa Rachmawati(2), Muhamad Fauzan(1)

(1)Postgraduate Programe , Magister Computer Science, Universitas pendidikan Ganesha

(2) Programe study Physics Education , Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


The existence of lakes in people^s lives is very important, as a source of drinking water supply, water for agriculture. nature tourism, fisheries and others. Especially for the Balinese people who adhere to the philosophy of life of Tri Hita Karana, they really appreciate the existence of the lake. Respect for the lake in sad kertih is called danu kertih, which is an effort to maintain fresh water sources on land, such as springs, lakes, rivers, and others. Buyan Lake is a lake in Pancasari Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency. This lake has a very important role for the life of the people of central Bali, and Buleleng in particular. The existence of the lake from year to year shows that the conditions are getting worse, the area is shrinking, silting inward, the buffer forest environment around the lake is getting worse. This study aims to develop a simulation model that can see the condition of the buyan lake in the future. The approach used in the simulation model of the Buyan Lake condition base on (1) Sedimentation, (2) Landslides, (3) Rainfall, (4) Expansion of agricultural land around the lake, (5) Fishery activities, (6) Weed development., (7) Condition of the surrounding forest. The simulation developed is based on dynamic modeling. The simulation results show the possibility of experiencing shrinkage above 5%. The same thing is in accordance with real field data, that the shrinkage of the lake area from 1999 with an area of 439 Ha to 2009, with an area of 413 Ha, and at the end of 2015 only 376 Ha.

Keywords: Dynamic Modeling- Simulation- Damage of Lake - Buyan lake

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108 Ubiquitous Learning ABS-15

Determinants of Online Learning Fraud during the Covid 19 Pandemic: Pentagon Fraud Theory
Desak Nyoman Sri Werastuti, Anantawikrama Tungga Atmadja

Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


This study aims to determine the determinants of online learning fraud during the COVID-19 pandemic using the fraud pentagon theory. The independent variables in this study are pressure, opportunity, rationalization, ability, and arrogance. Primary data collection was conducted through an online survey using a questionnaire instrument. The respondents obtained were 365 accounting students. Based on the regression test that conducted, it was found that the variables of pressure, rationalization, and ability had a significant effect on cheating behavior in online learning. On the other hand, the variables of opportunity and arrogance have no significant effect on cheating behavior in online learning.

Keywords: fraud, online learning, academic, fraud pentagon

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109 Ubiquitous Learning ABS-34

Students Assessment on Usability of e-Biodiversity Tour Student Portal
Lyka D. Lamoste, MSc.*, Lorenzo Dungo, Anne Bernadette N. Par, Judith P. Maravillas, Zaimon V. Maulion, Thrazielyn G. Ruiz

Rizal Technological University, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines


Digital technology integration in teaching and learning concepts can be useful to further increase knowledge and awareness towards specific topics. The use of e-learning platforms have become more significant to students and teachers during this time when classrooms have now migrated to our homes. Visiting museums, educational tours, and field works will not happen anytime soon due to our crisis situation with the emergence of COVID-19 global pandemic. This study initially assessed the usability of the e-Biodiversity Tour (e-BT) Student Portal applying the three Heuristic Principle of Interface Design developed by Jakob Nielsen, among others. Specifically, the 1) user control and freedom, 2) flexibility and efficiency of use, and 3) aesthetic and minimalist design principles. A user-centered design was adopted in this study. It is a design that assesses the system to verify its usability according to the users^ requirements and expectations. Survey responses from seventy-five (75) Grade 8 students were gathered through simple random sampling method. These students were enrolled in Science 8 classes. Philippine Biodiversity Survey Awareness (PBASQ) was adopted and modified from IUCN to assess the students^ biodiversity awareness to understand their prior knowledge and perception towards biodiversity issues. This study reveals that the students have high level of awareness towards the Philippine biodiversity environmental issues such as air pollution, urban problems, and natural disasters. However, students demonstrate low level of awareness in terms of policies and measures regarding biodiversity protection and conservation. Thus, this aspect of the survey must be taken into consideration, which needs further investigation. The students^ assessment on the usability of the e-BT Student Portal is high based on their evaluation. The results of this study suggest that e-BT Student Portal may enhance students^ awareness towards the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation.

Keywords: e-Biodiversity- technology integration- biodiversity awareness

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110 Ubiquitous Learning ABS-35

The Effect of Augmented Reality on Biology Students Attitude
Lyka D. Lamoste (a*), John Oliver P. Distor (b), Catherine Genevieve B. Lagunzad (c)

a) Department of Science, College of Education, Rizal Technological University, Mandaluyong, Philippines
b) Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, Rizal Technological University
c) Biology Department, School of Science and Engineering, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines


One of the most powerful forms of contextual mobile learning is Augmented Reality (AR). AR learning has increasingly finding its place in the field of education with its potentials to improve students^ learning performance and attitude. It offers opportunities to expand the borders of the classroom to create new dimensions in mobile learning and to increase the students^ connection to the real world and to the concepts being learned. While AR has been used in other countries, the documented use in the Philippines is scarce. With these in mind, the study aims to determine the effect of AR application in the Biology attitude of Grade 8 junior high school students, specifically in the topic on biodiversity. An attitudinal survey instrument, which consists of 31 Likert-scale statements, was adopted to measure the students^ attitude towards biology education before and after the intervention. Two groups were classified into non-AR and AR learning groups, each with 32 students. Both groups received the same classroom instructions except that the AR group used AR applications through their mobile devices. Results showed an improvement in their Biology attitude^s post-attitudinal scores for both traditional and AR learning group however, normalized gain score analysis revealed that AR learning group (mean = 0.6137, SD = 0.09754) had a statistically significant higher post-attitudinal scores than the traditional learning group (mean = 0.4625, SD = 0.08883) with a p-value of less than 0.001 at 0.05 level of significance.

Keywords: Augmented Reality- AR- biodiversity- attitude- mobile devices

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111 Ubiquitous Learning ABS-88

Deep learning to solve problems in various sector: A systematic literature review
Nisa Aulia Saputra, Ida Hamidah, Agus Setiawan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


In the era of revolution industry 4.0, there are many problems in multiple sectors of life. The issues are challenging to solve, ranging from issues in the education quality performance system, manufacturing systems, construction, quality control, etc. Various efforts have been made to solve these problems, starting from the conventional method carried out by manually retrieving data to using a big data-based approach with deep learning. The success of deep learning in solving various problems proves that it provides very significant results. The purpose of writing this systematic review is to review the studies that have been carried out regarding the application of deep learning to solve problems that exist in various sectors. This systematic review shows an overview of deep learning neural networks created in the completion process. It shows the differences in the intelligent methods used, the advantages and disadvantages of deep learning in various models, and identifies future challenges and recommendations. The intelligent methods used in this systematic review are Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and Deep Neural Network (DNN) models. In ANN, the neural network is structured in the form of datasets of tables, images, and text. RNN is used to solve time series problems, text data, and audio data. DNN is used to decide an existing parameter or value. The methods used in this systematic review include search strategies, selecting literature, as well as managing and extracting data. The systematic review results concluded that CNN is the most widely used for this deep learning. That^s because CNN uses an algorithm and the image-based data transformation strategy for managing the data. The CNN deep learning model where the data is used can transform various 2D and 3D images with neural networks. Finally, deep learning has become very popular because it can transform various types of data to get the

Keywords: Deep Learning, Neural Network, Big Data, Convolutional Neural Network, Recurrent Neural Network, Artificial Neural Network, Deep Neural Network

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