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61 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-70

The Effect of Blended Learning Method on Vocational Student^s learning motivation
Sutisna1*Juntika Nurihsan 2, Mubiar Agustin3

Psikologi Pendidikan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study is based on the urgency of the problem regarding the decline in vocational school student^s motivation in online learning as an impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the implementation of Study From Home. The blended learning method can be a solution in increasing student motivation in online learning. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the blended learning method to increase vocational school student^s learning motivation. The method used for this study is a literature study. The results showed that blended learning method is a method that combines different training media, namely technology, activities, and types of events to create an optimal training program for students. Based on the literature study, it was found that vocational school students who were taught by blended learning had a higher level of motivation than students who were taught by conventional methods. The blended learning method is effective in improving vocational school student^s learning motivation.

Keywords: Learning motivation, Learning, Blended Learning Method, Vocational School

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62 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-80

Implementation of Dance Learning in Fostering Self-Confidence in Early Childhood
LUTFI ANSORI (a*), Juntika Nurihsan (b), Yeni Rachmawati (c).

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Self-confidence is an important psychological aspect for early childhood as a basis for actualizing self-potential and future success. One of the efforts to foster self-confidence in early childhood is through learning the art of dance. Dance learning in schools is expected not only as a performing art, but learning that can foster children^s self confidence to improve the quality of life in the future. The method used in this research is classroom action research. This study aims to describe the importance of growing self-confidence in children from an early age. The subjects of this study were 5 grade A students at Gelatik PAUD in the city of Cirebon. The Problems found in the field are that children are afraid to ask questions, have poor social attitudes, do not dare to show their abilities in front of the class, are passive, like to find excuse, are easily anxious and pessimistic. Their lack of self-confidence is one of the obstacles for teachers and parents to develop their children^s potential at school. Based on these problems, this study will examine how learning about the art of dance can help foster and grow in self-confidence in early childhood.

Keywords: Learning Dance, Self-Confidence, Early Childhood

Keywords: Learning Dance, Self-Confidence, Early Childhood

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63 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-81

Analysis of Higher Order Thinking Skills in Business Economics Learning
Lilik Sri Hariani (1)*, Endah Andayani (2), Nurul Ain (3)

Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang


Business economics learning in vocational schools should be able to equip higher-order thinking skills to be able to solve problems faced in social life, so that learning is more meaningful and beneficial for students. The objective of research was to find out the implementation of HOTS-based in Business Economics learning in vocational schools. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach (case study). Sources of data came from 15 informants who came from 5 vocational schools in Malang. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and document analysis. Data validation is triangulation and method triangulation. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive analytical technique. The results showed that the implementation of Business Economics learning in the five vocational schools had not fully implemented HOTS-based learning which could be seen from the basic competencies and indicators of competency achievement were still limited to the realm of remembering and understanding. Students^ higher order thinking skills include reasoning, analytical skills, problem solving, and critical and creative thinking skills that students have are still in the medium category.

Keywords: Higher Order Thinking Skills- Business Economics- Vocational High School

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64 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-83

I Wayan Rasna1, Ni Wayan Sariani Binawati2, I Nyoman Tri Anindia Putra3

1Indonesian Language Department, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
2Dharma Acarya Department, Universitas Hindu Negeri IGB Sugriwa, Denpasar, Bali. Indonesia
3Informatics Engineering Department, STMIK STIKOM Indonesia, Denpasar, Indonesia


This study aimed at analyzing teacher^s speech that plays the role as soft-skill in educating discipline character that supports in preparing students to face the demands of business world and industrial world that are getting more and more competitive. To achieve this aim, the study used ethnography of communication approach. The data were taken from teaching and learning interactions obtained through recording the teaching and learning activities and conducting interviews with teachers and students. The data obtained were analyzed following the following steps: 1) transcribing, 2) sorting speeches, 3) categorizing, 4) coding, 5) discussing, and 6) making temporary conclusions and triangulating, 7) conducting the second discussion and concluding. The result shows that a polite teacher^s speech facilitates student disciplining.

Keywords: speech, teacher, soft-skill , diligent

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65 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-97

Eri Sarimanah, Roy Efendi, Siti Chodijah

Universitas Pakuan


The research aims to improve the reading literacy of elementary school students through text genre-based Indonesian language learning model. In addition, this research is also intended to provide an alternative solution to text genre-based learning models for teachers. The method used is research and development with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative data is obtained from the results of reading literacy tests, and qualitative data is obtained from the results of analysis and the study of the learning process. Through text genre-based learning models with context-building stages, modeling text, developing text in groups, and creating text independently. By providing various types of text, students know various text structures that can build a structure of thinking so that there is an increase in reading literacy. The findings showed that text genre-based Indonesian learning models successfully improved students^ reading literacy. Teachers get alternative solution of text genre-based Indonesian language learning model. The hope of producing a literate generation can hopefully be achieved through a text genre-based Indonesian language learning model.

Keywords: learning model, Indonesian language, text genre, reading literacy

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66 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-101

Enhancing Student Thinking Skills System through Education for Sustainable Development Based-Pollution Learning
Irvan Permana- Deasy Durrotul Allamah- Anna Permanasari

Universitas Pakuan


This study aims to see the improvement of students System Thinking Skills in pollution learning based on Education for Sustainable Development. The research method used is quasi-experimental with Pre-Posttest Control Group Design. The sample in this study was seventh grade junior high school students in Cianjur Regency, taken by purposive sampling technique, consisting of 24 experimental class students and 24 control class students. Data collection to see the improvement of System Thinking Skills is done by using the System Thinking Skills test instrument. The improvement of students System Thinking Skills is known from the normalized n-gain scores. There is an increase in each component of System Thinking Skills in the medium category with an n-gain score on the structural component 0.57, function 0.50, Leverage Point 0.31, and Trade Offs 0.37

Keywords: Thinking Skills System- Education for Sustainable Development- Pollution Learning

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67 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-102

Is AR or VR The Most Suitable for Vocational Education? : A Systematic Literature Review
Nisaudzakiah Utami, Agus Setiawan, Ida Hamidah

Study Program of Technology and Vocational Education, School of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia, L. Dr. Setiabudho No. 229 Bandung 40145 Indonesia


Vocational learning leads to mastery of students^ practice in achieving educational goals. Practical learning in schools requires learning tools while availability of learning tools in schools is still very limited. With the development of increasingly sophisticated technology and information in the field of education, the use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) can be an alternative for learning tool. The method used in this paper is Systematic Literature Review (SLR). This paper provides an overview of the use of VR and AR for vocational learning according to their advantages and disadvantages. VR is a tool that replaces the real world into a virtual world whose results are in the form of software and hardware. While AR is a tool that involves the virtual world to detect an object (image or text) in the real world with the help of a smartphone. In this study, AR and VR in the practical vocational learning are compared. The use of AR relies on pictures taken by the camera in the real world so that AR helps for cognitive learning. Therefore, VR has more opportunity as a learning tool in the vocational field because VR helps students experience the operation of tools in practice as in the real world by vocational learning objectives which direct students to be able to use practical tools and operate them

Keywords: Vocational Learning, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Systematic Literature Review (SLR)

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68 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-104

The Effect of Discovery Learning Model on The Students Learning Achievement, Subtheme 1 The Wealth of Energy Sources In Indonesia
Tustiyana Windiyani, Deddy Sofyan

Universitas Pakuan


The research method used is quasi experimental design of two groups consisting of 66 students at the public primary school 2 Cikidang, Sukabumi. The research was conducted in the even semester 2020/2021 school year. The result of the research shows that there is an effect of Discovery Learning model on the students^ learning achievement.
It can be seen from the N-gain 71 of the experimental group and the N-Gain 47 of the control group. The mastery learning achievement of the experimental group is 100 %, while the control group is 88 %. Thus, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis ( Ha) is accepted because the t-test 6.9204 is higher than the t-table 1.9966. It implies that the Discovery Learning model has a significant effect on the learning achievement of the subtheme 1, the wealth of energy sources, in Indonesia. The results of the research are expected to give useful contribution towards the enhancement of the students^ learning achievement.

Keywords: Discovery Learning Model, Learning Achievement.

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69 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-106

Supporting Children Learning using Open Ended-Questions in Early Childhood Education
Kurnia Hartati, Leli Kurniawati

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154
Jawa Barat - Indonesia
Telp. 022-2013163 - Fax. 022-2013651 - E-mail: sekuniv_upi[at]


Based on the results of the PISA test (OECD, 2019), the scores of Indonesian students are described as having weaknesses in mathematics and literacy. That means, weak in understanding a problem and problem-solving. Therefore, building a love of learning and critical thinking from an early age is very necessary. Now, developing critical thinking in early years become a crucial thing in learning. The teacher^s ability to communicate and using open-ended question during learning has an important role to promote this skill. The teacher is a facilitator to open up children^s thoughts and build their curiosity. Through literature study approach, this research aims to present the importance applying open-ended questions in learning for early years. The result of this study will be useful for teachers to to develop pedagogic competence and improve teachers teaching skills.

Keywords: Children critical thinking, Teaching skills, Teaching competencies, Pedagogic competencies

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70 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-109

I Nym Bagus Pramartha, I Gusti Putu Suharta, I Gusti Putu Sudiarta, I Wayan Puja Astawa

Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


This research is a quasi-experimental study (quasi-experimental) with post-test only control group design, aiming to find out whether students^ ability to operate algebraic forms taught using creative problem solving (CPS) learning models with the help of geometric props is better than conventional learning models. The population of this research is the students of class VII SMP in the academic year 2014/2015 which consists of 15 classes. The sample was determined by cluster random sampling technique and obtained class VII.5 and VII.14 as the experimental class while class VII.7 and VII.15 as the control class. Data on students^ ability to operate algebraic forms were collected using an algebraic operation ability test. From the test results, the average score of the operational ability of the experimental class students was 74.48, while the average score of the control class^s algebraic form of operation ability was 72.44. These results were analyzed by t-test at a significance level of 5% and obtained tcount of 1.714. From the calculation of SPSS 16.0 for Windows obtained significance = 0.089 (because of the 1-sided test then 0.089: 2 = 0.0445). If the significance level is = 0.05, then the value of sig. (0.0445) is much smaller than the value of. Therefore, it can be concluded that the creative problem solving (CPS) learning model with the help of geometric props has a very positive effect on students^ ability to operate algebraic forms.

Keywords: Creative problem solving (CPS) learning model, geometric aids, ability to operate algebraic shapes.

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71 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-110

Application of Effective Citizen Model Through Blended Learning To Improve Students^ Critical Thinking Skills in Civic Education Courses
Abih Gumelar, Bunyamin Maftuh, Kama Abdul Hakam, Dasim Budimansyah

General and Character Education, Indonesia University of Education.


Lack of interest in Civic Education courses has an impact on students^ critical thinking skills in these courses. The purpose of this study is to know the critical thinking skills of students in Civic Education courses by applying the effective citizen model through blended learning. This research uses action class research methods. The subjects in this study amounted to forty-six students majoring in economics education in the second semester at one of the universities in Indonesia. The results of this study showed an increase in students^ critical thinking skills seen from six indicators, namely reasoning, finding information, interpreting- argumentation, assessing inference and making decisions. The six indicators have doubled from cycle one to cycle two. Thus the effective citizen model is said to be able to improve student^s critical thinking skills even through blended learning, in addition to the application of the effective citizen model through blended learning has implications for learning civic education courses that can be used by other educators as a model that can improve critical thinking skills.

Keywords: effective citizen model, blended learning, critical thinking, civic education

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72 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-111

Maryani. E, and Mamat ruhimat

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Currently, digital competence in the form of the use of technological devices, selecting and sorting information, critical, creative, and digital skills as a learning resource are needed. This study aims to measure the level of digital literacy in relation to the spatial thinking skills of students and teachers. The research question is ^Does digital literacy affect spatial thinking skills- The study was conducted in West Java with a sample of 82 teachers and 543 students. The data is processed by using descriptive stratistic. The results of this study indicate that students and teachers have demonstrated digital literacy. Teachers and students use mobile phones as a means of communicating and learning. Digital literacy significantly influences spatial thinking with a contribution of 21.4%, as well as schools and teachers (33.8%). Digital literacy has an influence on spatial thinking skills although it is relatively small, which is only 11.6%. During the pandemic, digital literacy is needed, families, teachers and schools are the main supports entering the digital era. The digital ecosystem both in the family, school and teacher environment needs to be continuously improved so that learning can be more optimal.

Keywords: Digital, literaci, geography skill

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73 Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment ABS-124

Gifted/Intelligent Children and Lifelong Education
Ai Yanti Nurhaeti



Children with special talents and special intelligence have their own unique way and style of learning. That they can understand faster, work faster and be smarter than the minimum required skills. This makes them very prominent, but there is a slight learning obstacle experienced by these gifted or intelligent children, namely that they arein special learning enrichment, instead of developing, there is a mishandling due to an
inappropriate curriculum. And cause bad things to happen to him. So it is good to implement an individual learning approach and a differentiated curriculum for this An gifted or intelligent child considering his special abilities. Apart from this An effective and efficient individual approach is needed so that this special gifted or intelligent child can develop according to his potential. Special teachers are needed who really understand the characteristics of children with special talents or intelligence so that they can jump-start their potential so that the right of children to get a good
education according to their potential can be realized. Children with special talents or intelligence can learn throughout life or develop potential throughout their lives. The research method uses literature review and literature study, namely data collection techniques by taking notes and various reports related to the problem to be solved. The learning approach for special gifted/intelligent children is implemented using a differentiated curriculum which was developed based on the theory of right hemisphere
specialization which requires the design of learning experiences to develop more optimally (Kitano & Kirby in Semiawan, C, 1996). In super learning, a special program which is solely to facilitate his is needed, namely an acceleration program abilities.

Keywords: Gifted Children, Differentiated Curriculum, Acceleration Curriculum

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74 Other Areas of Education ABS-2

Voice Recognition System As A Mouse Function to Assist Student Vocasional with Physical Disabilities Inclusion in Using Computer
Andriana, Budi Mulyanti, Isma Widiaty, Ike Yuni Wulandari

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to help vocational students with physical disabilities inclusion in the learning process at school using computers by changing the mouse function into recognized voice commands. Mouse is a tool used to enter data and commands into the computer, by moving the cursor or arrow on the Windows operating system or other similar operating systems. This research combines Speech Recognition Technology and Electronical Control Technology. Speech Recognition is a system used to convert verbal words into input data. The system input in the form of words represented by a human voice, will be changed phrase by phrase to be identified as input data in the voice control system. These systems are generally more accurate and easier to implement. This system uses the Easy Voice Recognition module and the Arduino Easy Voice Recognition module. This module stores the basic data of voice commands on the mouse, while the Arduino Leonardo acts as a microcontroller to perform voice commands. This device functions and acts as a mouse from a distance of 1-10 cm, with a duration of less than 5 seconds and has the ability to handle 32 voice commands.

Keywords: speech recognition, easy voice recognition module, physical disabilites,inclusion, mouse function

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75 Other Areas of Education ABS-3

Study about environmental conservation and sanitation in local wisdom of Kampung Naga, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti, Ammi Syulasmi & Sopi Endah Pertiwi

Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesi, Jalan Dr. Setiabudi no 229 Bandung, Indonesia.


The human perspective on the environment is strongly influenced by values that are believed by them. Both formal and informal education may support the human personality through environmental education. The purpose of this research was to study the environmental education of Kampung Naga (Tasikmalaya, Indonesia) local wisdom people in implementation their environmental conservation and sanitation. The method in this research was descriptive qualitative. Primary and secondary data were collected using instruments. Geographical data (location, local area, and boundary line)- demography data (number of population, belief, occupation, and education background)- and organization system were obtained from the village head and literature study. Meanwhile, tradition- environmental knowledge- and environmental awareness of local people were collected using questionnaires, interviews, observation notes, and documentation from respondents (15 children around 15 years old, 15 adults and eldery local people). Based on observation study field, (a) Kampung Naga village has ideal natural environmental landscape. It has river, forest, rice field, public meeting area, mosque, small shops and residential area within 1.5 hectare. (b) Most of the respondents (80%) had low education at primary school. Environmental education knowledge was obtained from schools, parents, eldery people and environment. (c) The forest provides many native plants for their needs including herbal medicines, foods and house buildings. They have skill in making kitchen equipments using dried bamboo leaves. (d) Various wastes and garbages were managed well. (e) This Kampung Naga is visited by many people for tourisms, so litter bags were located at every 20 meter along the road. Therefore, they may keep environmental sanitation in their village. In general conclusion, Kampung Naga people have their life principle that they are not living in the environment, but they are living with environment.

Keywords: Environmental conservation, Environmental sanitation, Kampung Naga community

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76 Other Areas of Education ABS-4

Ayu Anggeraini, Hani Yulindrasari, Mubiar Agustin

Educational Psychology Program


This research aimed to analyze the role of fathers parenting in the development of children^s language skill at low grade primary school. The ability in language evolved since the baby with the support from parents at home. Barriers in language can affect children^s social interaction. For this reason, developing communication skills in children is very important. Father and mother have an important role in developing language skill. Unfortunately, the discussion about role of father in parenting are still very minimal. The article is going to discuss about the role of parenting father at children aged School Elementary based analysis of the literature that there are both from Indonesia and foreign. Based on the results of literature studies obtained that fathers are often portrayed as family leaders. The role of fathers nurture framed in the discourse of the leader of the family and the role modes. Father as leader of the family plays a role in supporting the development of language for children by giving examples directly in the use of language, so that the child gets more to learn languages. In addition to the development of the language, caring father give positive effect for the children in preparing another social skills.

Keywords: : Fathers Parenting, Development Languages, Children Elementary School.

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77 Other Areas of Education ABS-6

Integrated curriculum in Smart Learning Biosensor using Internet of Things (IoT) technology
Ike Yuni Wulandari, Budi Mulyanti, Isma Widiaty, Andriana

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the development of biosensor technology in the industrial era 4.0 to broaden students^ horizons in developing collaboration between scientific fields. The method used is based on this literature review study looking for quotes about the application of biosensors and their use, the importance of digitalization technology, internet of things and big data for the development of biosensor analysis so as to create innovative products that are sustainable and economically light. This analytical study revealed an important finding that it is necessary to collaborate on curriculum in engineering, healthcare and other scientific fields so that students can understand the interconnection of content between different disciplines related to smart learning biosensors and to apply what they have learned to an industrial environment.

Keywords: biosensor technology, integrated curriculum, smart learning biosensor, Internet of Things (IoT)

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78 Other Areas of Education ABS-12

student-teacher relationship on elementary school during covid-19 pandemic
Syara Zohari Saputri (1), Iding Tarsidi (2), Ilifiandra (3)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Student-teacher relationship that happens on online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic could not met the expectation of a qualified student-teacher relationship that usually happened before the pandemic. This article aims to describe the student-teacher relationship on elementary school during the covid-19 pandemic. A positive and qualified student-teacher relationship is important for children social development in pre-school age until early years of elementary school age. This article use a literature review method. A numerous articles and journal about student-teacher relationship and online learning during the covid-19 pandemic on recent research were use. The finding indicates that student-teacher relationship that happened during the pandemic is less qualified than before the pandemic. because direct interaction between student and teacher rarely happens which make the main components of relationship (such as, open communication, affection, caring personal relationship, mutual respect and trust also role modeling)(Eller, Lev, &Feurer, 2014) do not meet the basic needs of a positive and qualified relationship. Also children have less ability to interact, socialize, cooperate, and collaborations with their peers.

Keywords: student-teacher relationship, online learning, covid-19 pandemic

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79 Other Areas of Education ABS-19

Oding Sunardi¹, Iyan Irdiyansyah*², Atti Herawati.³

Universitas Pakuan


The development of digital technology in the 21st century has a very significant impact on all elements of life especially in education. The Higher Education Teacher Training Institute, which is a teacher-producing institution, has a heavy responsibility in preparing education graduates who literates to the technology. This study is intended to develop digital literacy instruments as tools of how far the education graduate literate to the technology. The study conducted qualitatively with Research and Development (RnD) as a method of studies analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) by using M-Plus was used to analyze the data. As much as 200 high students of education involved in this study. Total of 32 from 40 items have been declared valid and reliable after empirical testing. The digital literacy instrument was tested in several stages consisting of item construction stages, expert and panel tests, validity tests and reliability tests. From the results of empirical testing using the M-Plus device, the CFI value is high, while the results of the reliability testing using Cronbach Alpha through the SPSS device were very reliable.

Keywords: Development, Digital Literacy, Instrument

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80 Other Areas of Education ABS-30

Entrepreneurship in Biology Education: Crisis-Readiness in the New Normal
John Oliver P. Distor (a,c)*, Lyka D. Lamoste (b,c) and Catherine Genevieve B. Lagunzad (c)

a) Plant Biotechnology and Urban Agriculture Project, Research and Development Center
Biology Department, College of Arts and Sciences
Rizal Technological University
b) Office of the Vice President for Research and Extension Services
Science Department, College of Education
Rizal Technological University
c) Department of Biology, School of Science and Engineering, Ateneo de Manila University


This study presents evidence of the positive effects of integrating entrepreneurship in teaching biology on academic achievement of students during pandemic crisis. With integration of entrepreneurship in biology education, students showed a significant improvement in academic performance, an apparent deepening of their understanding of science concepts while attaining entrepreneurial skills that can lead to gainful employment. These results therefore can form the basis for the assumption that when entrepreneurial skills were developed during this crisis situation, even as we transition from the traditional face-to-face instruction to online learning, the performance in learning biology may likewise be improved. In addition, integration of entrepreneurship across curriculum could develop abilities, knowledge, skills, and expertise in students that may prove useful for them to attain success not only at work but in every aspect of their lives. Integrating entrepreneurship in biology education has the potential of preparing individuals with adequate entrepreneurial skills and confidence as a pathway for creating and generating gainful employment. Thus, this is the time when students must be exposed to practical science activities, which can develop their motivational and socio-emotional skills, and build their resilience, so that they can contribute meaningfully to society especially in the face of real-life crises.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Biology Education, Academic Achievement, Motivation

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81 Other Areas of Education ABS-31

Practicing Students^ Science Process Skills through Pocket Gardening
Marvice Joyce V. Ong (a*), John Oliver P. Distor (b), and Lyka D. Lamoste (c)

a) Integrated Science Unit, Philippine Science High School - Main Campus
b) Plant Biotechnology and Urban Agriculture Project, Research and Development Center
Biology Department, College of Arts and Sciences
Rizal Technological University
c) Office of the Vice President for Research and Extension Services
Science Department, College of Education
Rizal Technological University


People are now recognizing the value of growing plants to supplement their food supply which can also be a great avenue to incorporate scientific investigations. In the interest of learning continuity, the Department of Education issued an order to adopt blended distance learning which limits the performance of laboratory experiments and classroom activities needed by the students to enhance their science process skills. To address this issue, students may be given opportunities to do scientific investigations even in the safety of their homes. Despite the limited space, students can grow plants through the use of pocket gardening. They can experience firsthand what they are learning and, in turn, apply that knowledge to real-world situations by developing science process skills and cultivating respect for the environment. Combining science investigation and gardening to provide meaningful experiences to students, teaching and learning in the new normal can be made equally effective and relevant. In this study, students were tasked to develop experimental design, gather data, practice analytical and critical thinking skills, and improve their pocket gardens to yield more fresh produce. In this home-based activity, young people can learn the value of planting while honing their science process skills through scientific investigation.

Keywords: pocket gardening, science process skills, and scientific investigation

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82 Other Areas of Education ABS-47

Engagement of Primary and Secondary School Students Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: A Semi-Systematic Literature Review
Tina Hayati Dahlan, Hani Yulindrasari, Anne Hafina, Fitri Suciati Wirawan, Endah Maulida Kusuma Asih

Educational Psychology Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The prolonged implementation of ^Learning from Home^ can lead to negative impacts on various parties, such as learning loss among students. It is indicated by a decrease in student interest and engangement in learning which is convinced to be caused by the lack of face-to-face interaction intensity with friends and teachers amidst Covid-19 pandemic. Based on this phenomenon, this article aims to identify what is the importance of student engagement and what are predictor factors of student engagement in online learning. This article reviews the literature of student engagement as it is defined for primary and secondary education settings and what dimensions constitute student engagement. The author used the semi-systematic approach which synthesized and compared evidences of the prior correlational studies. The author started the literature search by using the keywords ^learning loss^ and ^student engagement^ from Google Scholar, Taylor and Francis Online, and ScienceDirect. Most of the prior studies findings indicate that teacher, personal factors, and learning media/method have important roles in influencing student engagement. The literature review contribute to a future research agenda which aims at identifying the predictors of students engagement of Indonesian primary and secondary students in online learning.

Keywords: Covid-19, learning loss, primary student, engagement, secondary student

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83 Other Areas of Education ABS-48

Engagement of Primary and Secondary School Students Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: A Semi-Systematic Literature Review
Tina Hayati Dahlan, Hani Yulindrasari, Anne Hafina, Fitri Suciati Wirawan, Endah Maulida Kusuma Asih

Educational Psychology Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Kec. Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154.


The prolonged implementation of ^Learning from Home^ can lead to negative impacts on various parties, such as learning loss among students. It is indicated by a decrease in student interest and engangement in learning which is convinced to be caused by the lack of face-to-face interaction intensity with friends and teachers amidst Covid-19 pandemic. Based on this phenomenon, this article aims to identify what is the importance of student engagement and what are predictor factors of student engagement in online learning. This article reviews the literature of student engagement as it is defined for primary and secondary education settings and what dimensions constitute student engagement. The author used the semi-systematic approach which synthesized and compared evidences of the prior correlational studies. The author started the literature search by using the keywords ^learning loss^ and ^student engagement^ from Google Scholar, Taylor and Francis Online, and ScienDirect. Most of the prior studies findings indicate that teacher, personal factors, and learning media/method have important roles in influencing student engagement. The literature review contribute to a future research agenda which aims at identifying the predictors of students engagement of Indonesian primary and secondary students in online learning.

Keywords: Covid-19, learning loss, primary student, engagement, secondary student.

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84 Other Areas of Education ABS-49

Student^s Subjective Well-Being Before and During Covid-19 Pandemic in Primary and Secondary Education: A Semi-Systematic Literature Review
Tina Hayati Dahlan, Hani Yulindrasari, Anne Hafina, Agung Alamsyah, Dian Sobariah, Rahma Talitha

Educational Psychology Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The Covid-19 pandemic which has not shown a significant decline and cause the prolonged implementation of online learning can lead to unhappiness and unsatisfied with learning and school experience. How students subjectively evaluate and emotionally experience their lives in the context of school constitute students^subjective well-being. This article reviews the literature of students^ subjective well-being as it defined for primary and secondary education settings and what dimensions constitute it. This article aims to identify the description of students^ subjective well-being in primary and secondary education and what correlated factors in the context of school. The review methodology was used the semi-systematic approach which synthesized and compared empirical evidences of the prior correlational studies between before and during pandemic situation. The author started the literature search by using the keywords ^students^ subjective well-being^, ^students^ happiness^, ^students^ satisfaction with school^, and ^Covid-19 pandemic^ from ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, and Taylor and Francis Online for the last ten years. The finding of literature reviews indicate that hope as a subjective well-being predictor is more found in researchs related to pandemic rather than before pandemic situation. The literature review contribute to a future research agenda which aims at identifying the description and predictors of subjective well-being of Indonesian primary and secondary students in online learning.

Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, happiness, hope, satisfaction, subjective well-being.

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85 Other Areas of Education ABS-50

School Burnout as a Predictor of Students Subjective Well Being
Agung Alamsyah, Tina Hayati Dahlan, Hani Yulindrasari, Anne Hafina, Rahma Talitha, Dian Sobariah

Educational Psychology Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This article aims to determine the effect of school burnout on students^ subjective well-being in learning settings from home. The participants in this study were junior high school students in the city of Bandung with an age range of 12-16 years from grades 7, 8, and 9. The results of the statistical test with p value of Student Burnout = 0.00 had a significance value of <0.05, indicating that burnout variable significantly affects the subjective well being level of students.

Keywords: school burnout, students subjective well being

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86 Other Areas of Education ABS-52

Science Philosophy as an Alternative Approach in the Development of Critical Thinking Capabilities and Pedagogic Competencies of Physics Education Students
Ahmad Syukri, Sukarno

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


This study describes the urgency of the philosophy of science as an alternative approach in developing critical thinking skills and pedagogic competencies of physics education students. The philosophy of science as a contextual approach is believed to be in line with the nature, goals, and processes of science itself. This research uses a qualitative approach with a literature review method as a means of digging, finding, and analyzing data. Thus, all data sources in this study were obtained from documentation sources, both conventional (print-out) and digital sources. Assurance of data validity is done by the triangulation technique, while the data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. Based on the data that has been obtained and the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the philosophy of science with all its attributes, namely: Ontology, Epistemology, and Axiology is a contextual approach. Therefore, the philosophy of science has the potential to be used as an alternative approach in developing critical thinking skills and pedagogic competencies of physics education students. Through the philosophy of science-based learning, lecturers can develop students^ critical thinking skills and pedagogic competencies as the main capital in creating future professional teachers.

Keywords: Science Philosophy, critical thinking, pedagogic competence

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87 Other Areas of Education ABS-54

Implementation of Education Toward Orang Rimba Perception at Pandemic Words in The Linguistics Landscape
Diana Rozelin, Mailinar, Ulfatmi Azlan

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin jambi


During Covid-19 pandemic, some terms appear to represent the corona virus. For some people Covid-19 terms were familiar but not for others such as Orang Rimba (OR). Some terms were weird and new because it was pronounced in English language such as ^social distancing^, ^rapid test^, and ^lockdown^. For OR, they got difficulties to understand about these terms but if those words were translated into their language the concept of these terms was not new such as isoman because in their local wisdom they had their own term and way to isolate their members in one place and far from their village. The purpose was to prevent the contagious of the disease. Meanwhile, the role of the government in this case BKSDA was very important to stop the spread of this virus within OR community it was supported by their nomadic lifestyle because the supervision of OR was under this board. The purposes of this research were: 1) to find out the government^s role through BKSDA in educating OR about Covid-19 terms and its preventing actions- 2) to find out the perception of OR toward the words of Covid-19. This research was conducted in qualitative, the technique for collecting the data were observation, interview, documentation, and recording, meanwhile for analyzing the data used descriptive technique. The results were: 1) BKSDA office visited each OR group, gave directions and examples on how to wash hands, wear masks, keep distance, and keep the environment clean. 2) from 15 vocabulary words that related to Covid-19 pandemic, only 5 words were known by OR. It was mask, virus, washing hand, sanitizer, and corona. The word mask according to OR was a fabric for covering the nose and mouth. The meaning of virus and corona were evil animal. The word washing hand means besuh tangon/ cuci tangon. The meaning of sanitizer was ubat.

Keywords: Education, Orang Rimba, Semantics, Sociolinguistics

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88 Other Areas of Education ABS-58

Higher Order Thinking Skills in early childhood
Pepi Mulyani, Heny Djoehaeni



Higher order thinking skills need to be developed because it is one of the success factors in learning. This research is a case study research that aims to gain an understanding or perception of teachers about higher order thinking skills in early childhood. This study involved students and PAUD teachers in Cibaliung District as subjects. Data collection techniques were collected using interviews and observation. In addition, grounded theory data analysis is also used in this study. The findings obtained prove that the process of high-level thinking skills of PAUD children is still low. This is because teachers have not mastered the 21st century learning model. In addition, students also need a 21st century learning model that is in accordance with higher-order thinking skills that can motivate students to learn. Therefore, there is a need for solutions and improvements to appropriate learning models that refer to the 21st century learning model to improve children^s level thinking skills, so that children can optimize their skills to be able to compete in the 21st century.

Keywords: Higher order thinking skills, 21st century learning model.

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89 Other Areas of Education ABS-62

Learning Motivation of Muslim Students in Studying Science and Non-Science in Higher Education
Fadlilah and Zainal Hartoyo

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


Based on the perspective of social cognitive theory, this research aims to reveal the motivation of Muslim students in studying science and non-science in higher education. The students, 166 students from the science study program and 361 students from the non-science study program, responded to the survey using the Science Motivation Questionnaire II. The science motivation questionnaire II is composed of five motivational components: intrinsic motivation, self-determination, self-efficacy, career motivation, and grade motivation. The results show that in science and non-science study programs, the average learning motivation of female Muslim students is higher than that of male Muslim students and the learning motivation of male Muslim students is significantly different from that of female Muslim students. When viewed based on the motivation component, the results show that in general Muslim students get the lowest score on intrinsic motivation and the highest score on career motivation. This finding indicates that Islamic universities should design lessons that can motivate male students more in learning.

Keywords: learning motivation, Muslim students, higher education

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90 Other Areas of Education ABS-65

Ramlah- Fuad Rahman

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


This paper aims to discuss how to protect children from the law perspective and education. This research used qualitative with Library research. The problem was that there were many cases of violence against children. The family was the smallest unit of society in the family, family members were members of society and citizens. One of the family members was a child whose existence is needed in the family, but not just his presence in the family, but the child needs protection both legally and educationally. Some people do not pay attention to the protection of children, such as treating them with less care, being physically abused, and not being sent to school. While there were many references that explain that children must be protected and educated to become human beings who were beneficial to the nation and state. One of the references regarding child protection was Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection which was later amended by Law No. 35 of 2014. In Article 4 of this Law it stated ^children need the right to live, grow, develop, and participate properly. in accordance with human dignity^. Furthermore, Article 9: ^The right to obtain education and teaching for personal development, the level of intelligence in accordance with interests and talents^. The research found that there were many children whose protection neglected. National data showed that during 2021 starting from January-June 2021, 3,683 children became victims of violence.

Keywords: Child protection, law, education

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