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751 Information Engineering ABS-1090

Lipur Sugiyanta

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Web 2.0 penetration has made online communities popular, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Blogs, etc. As a result, online knowledge sharing networks formed by interpersonal interactions are now a major part of Web 2.0. Based on this and take advantage of the momentum of this trend, we try to build a collaborative service mechanism on blended learning in information systems courses by utilizing the social learning network. This research is a continuation of previous research (Sugiyanta & Sukardjo, 2017) for the preparation of "alpha +" software. The plus value of research will focus on exploring ways to utilize collaboration services and social networking to help students establish peer tutoring groups supported by learning plans and teaching materials on blended mobile learning. Social learning network analysis is carried out starting from student data, where the results are used to recommend learning partners from other students with similar / similar interests and specialties. Further analysis will be widened to the domain of the learning plan and the domain of teaching materials. Documentation and software from previous studies are expected to support collaborative learning activities supported by computers and build social learning networks that are oriented towards blended mobile learning. The establishment of collaborative learning groups on policies supports the Merdeka Belajar policy and the Merdeka Campus in the scope of higher education. The Merdeka Campus Policy is designed to give students the right to attend lectures with learning activities outside the classroom and encourage students to collaborate.

Keywords: Social network; collaboration services; blended learning, information system

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752 Information Engineering ABS-67

Optimization of elderly nutrition needs using PSO Algorithm: A Case Study at POSBINDU PTM Sejahtera
Rafii Rizqullah (a*), Silvester Dian Handy Permana (a), Yaddarabullah (a)

a) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi
Jl.TMP Kalibata No.1, Jakarta 12760, Indonesia


POSBINDU PTM Sejahtera is a health post that aims to increase awareness of the elderly in preventing non-communicable diseases. According to Departemen Kesehatan, this disease can be caused by food consumption. The food consumed must include vegetables and fruit to enhance the concept of active aging. However, these recommendations are not comparable with the POSBINDU PTM screening data. Screening data mentioned that only 3.5% of 73 elderly people consume vegetables and fruit three times a day. Factors that inhibit the elderly in consuming healthy food are the officers only giving food abstinence advice and expensive food staples. The problem of this optimization model can be solved by the artificial intelligence algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The results of this study, PSO can provide varied food recommendations at a minimal price (optimization model). The calorie and carbohydrate content gets a value of <10% of the nutritional needs of the elderly, while the protein and fat content produce a greater difference of > 10%. The average price of foodstuffs produced by the PSO algorithm is Rp.50,965.

Keywords: Particle Swarm Optimization, Optimization, Fulfill Nutrition

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753 Information Engineering ABS-579

Utilizing Tracking App to Project User Pathlines Within Industrial and Crowded Traffic Zone in Big City
Aulia Ibrahim Yeru, Sigit Kusumanugraha (*), Soni Sadono, Didit Endriawan, Teddy Ageng Maulana

Faculty of Creative Industry, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Jl. Terusan Buah Batu, Sukapura, Kec. Dayeuhkolot, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257


Traffic congestion is a big problem in any big cities. The government is expanding the city to the outskirts to overcome this problem, but the industrial zones are also in the outskirts. So the mix between private transportations and heavy transportations are now jamming the outskirts. People living in the vicinity need to find their own jogging and cycling track amongst the commuting vehicles.

In this research, we are going to put tracking apps inside the joggers and the cyclists smartphones and projecting the pathlines generated by the apps to define which paths are friendly for health and distanced from the traffic. The ideal result will be generated from about 10 joggers or cyclists, or more, for about 1 week data collecting and analysis. We are going to need another analitical method to define the conclusions needed for this research.

Keywords: mapping; gps; satellite; user; data; pathlines; traffic; tracking; city;

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754 Information Engineering ABS-1091

Lipur Sugiyanta

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This research aimed to identify internal and external factors in making website development strategies. The case study location was at the Centre for the Development of Maritime Transportation Human Resources (PPSDML). The research method uses a qualitative approach that combines qualitative methods and quantitative data input (combined methods), from document analysis, management perceptions, and information system referrals. Qualitative and quantitative data are used as SWOT analysis input materials. The results of the analysis form a strategy formulation by integrating the strengths and weaknesses of internal factors as well as opportunities and threats from external factors.

Keywords: Website, SWOT, human resource strategies

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755 Information Engineering ABS-69

Sales Transaction Patterns Analysis in Pharmacy Using Frequent Pattern Growth Algorithm Located at Duren Sawit
Dian Firdiansyah (a*), Yaddarabullah (a), Budi Arifitama (a)

(a) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi
Jl.TMP Kalibata no.1, Jakarta 12760, Indonesia


The pharmaceutical industry has a vast number of data that can be cultivated and analyzed to produce valuable information. Sales transaction analysis aims to design an efficient sales strategy by utilizing drug sales transaction data. However, the pharmacy studied in this research has a difficulty to determine the type of medicine that is often purchased by customers, even though past purchasing data are available. This research applied the Frequent Pattern Growth algorithm to analyze transaction data at the pharmacy. The Frequent Pattern Growth algorithm provides transaction data into the frequent pattern-tree structure, generates a conditional pattern base, then presents a conditional pattern tree and frequent itemset is performed. The result of this research is a drug recommendation that has a minimum support value of 10% and a minimum confidence value of 50% with several transactions 25 and 50, with the result of a combination of rules between Termorex and Vitamin B Complex. These results can be implemented as a strategy for drug sales and management at the pharmacy.

Keywords: Frequent Pattern Growth Algorithm, Drug Sales Transaction, Drug Stock Recommendation

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756 Information Engineering ABS-70

Data Protection Using Caesar Cipher on Android Smartphone
Agus Setiawan (a*), Egie Hermawan (a), Silvester Dian Handy Permana (a)

a) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi
Jl. TMP Kalibata No.1, Jakarta 12760, Indonesia


In todays digital-based era, technological advancements and developments have a great impact on daily activities. Data or information become an important aspect of life. And data can also be misused as a tool to commit a crime. That is why we need a tool to secure and protect that data. Data security techniques are very diverse, one of which uses a computerized system, usually the technique uses an application to protect the data. One solution to this problem is to encrypt the text of the message, one technique that can be used is the Ceasar Chiper cryptographic technique. In the implementation of the text in the message will be exchanged with a character that corresponds to the key entered by the user, plaintext characters will be processed with characters from the key with the same index to produce new characters. This research offers an android application that can make it easy for users to find out what cryptography, encryption, and so on. This application provides some educational guides for learning cryptography, from history, how to encrypt and decrypt itself, so that users can try to make a secret message using the specified key, which will be sent to friends and relatives, and will be decrypted using the application itself.

Keywords: cryptography, caesar cipher, data protection

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757 Information Engineering ABS-72

Plant Recomendation Using Triple Exponential Smoothing and K-Nearest Neighbor Based on Internet of Things
Muhammad Jurnalies Habbibie (a*), Yaddarabullah (a), Ade Syahputra (a)

a) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi
Jl. TMP Kalibata No. 1, Jakarta 12760, Indonesia
* mjurnaliesh[at]trilogi.ac.id


Nutritious Garden Trilogy University is an agricultural land managed by urban farmers as well as students who are also lecturers to practice teaching and learn in the cultivation of types of plant commodities. Cultivation of plant species done by examining the climatic factors of plants on the land. The sustainability reason is one of the obstacles to make sure the results of cultivation in the teaching and learning process. The changing climate makes urban farmers get trouble to determine types of plants to be planted. This study will develop a system to forgive the recommendation of the type of plant according to the change of climate. The climate changes recorded using the internet of things sensors which consist of temperature, humidity, light intensity, and wind speed. The data entered will be processed using the triple exponential smoothing method as a forecast to predict future weather, then classified using the k-nearest neighbor to get the types of plants. The results of forecasting testing from sensors using the mean absolute percentage error obtained values of 9.53% temperature, 16.44% humidity, 3.73% light intensity, 19.42% wind speed.

Keywords: Plant Commodity, Internet of Things, Triple Exponential Smoothing, K-Nearest Neighbor

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758 Information Engineering ABS-75

Comparative Analysis of Image From Modification of Steganography Method in Protecting Text Messages From Image Compression
Reno Adhi Perwira (a*), Silvester Dian Handy Permana (a), Yaddarabullah (a)

a) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi
Jl.TMP Kalibata No.1, Jakarta 12760, Indonesia


One of the commonly used steganographic methods is the Least Significant Bit (LSB) method. The technical insertion in the LSB method and the RPP method have similar weaknesses, if the stego image experiences image compression above 5% pixels per inch (ppi), the secret message in the stego image cannot be extracted. There are alternatives to cover the gap, namely by modifying the LSB and RPP methods with the Redundant Pattern Encoding (RPE) method. The RPE method can duplicate the stego image or secret message that will be hidden. Those modifications will produce two patches called Patch A and Patch B, where the insertion of message bits will be done on both patches. Stego images from the modification of the steganography method will be compressed using the LZW and Huffman algorithm. The compressed stego image will be decompressed to return the stego image to its original image format. The results of this research indicate that the stego image that has been compressed and decompressed using the LZW and Huffman methods has been successfully extracted with a character emergence ratio value of 100%. Stego images that have been compressed using LZW will produce a compression ratio of 0.606 to 1.471, while stego image compressed with huffman will produce a compression ratio of 0.593 to 1,016.

Keywords: Least Significant Bit, Random Pixel Positioning, Redundant Pattern Encoding, Patch, Stego Image, LZW, Huffman

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759 Information Engineering ABS-81

Modification of Game Agent Using Genetic Algorithms in Game Card Battle
Nathanael Aldo Phillip (a*), Silvester Dian Handy Permana (a), Maya Cendana (b)

a) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi
Jl. TMP Kalibata No. 1, Jakarta 12760, Indonesia.

b) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Bunda Maria
Jl. Lodan Raya No.2, Jakarta 14430, Indonesia.


Game Agent is currently being developed to be an opponent in games, including games with the Card genre. Game Agents in traditional Card Games - such as poker, domino, or mahjong cards - have abilities that depend on the value of the cards, but the ability of these Game Agents will not be optimal if used in the Card Battle game. This is because Card Battle has many attributes that have to be processed to become an opponent. Therefore, this research modifies the Game Agent with Genetic Algorithms to optimize the playing ability of the Game Agent in Card Battle. The computational stages and fitness formula of the Genetic Algorithm are adjusted to the Card Battle rules to increase the computational speed of the Genetic Algorithm. The results of this study prove that Game Agent modification using Genetic Algorithm provides a more optimal playing ability than its predecessor algorithm. Game Agent that has been modified has several abilities that are not owned by the previous Game Agent, such as playing cards to attack the opponent directly and storing SP (Summon Points) they have

Keywords: Card Games, Card Battle, Strategy Game, Genetic Algorithm, Game Agent.

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760 Information Engineering ABS-83

Fake News Classification for Indonesian News Using Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)
John Pierre Haumahu (a*), Silvester Dian Handy Permana (a), Yaddarabullah (a)

a) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi
Jl. TMP Kalibata No.1, Jakarta 12760, Indonesia


Fake news or commonly known as a hoax has become one of the most visible
cybercrime. Hoax news dissemination harms the social community, such as raising hatred towards something both individuals and groups. This paper is to classify amongst hoaxes and valid news utilizing Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) method in this research based on Indonesian news. The dataset used is Indonesian news about Indonesia itself and the world from 2015 to early 2020. The study used 500 news data including 250 valid news and 250 hoax news, divided into 80% training data and 20% test data. The result of this study shows that the machine learning model created using XGBoost has an accuracy value of 89%, with the precision value of 90% and recall value 80%.

Keywords: Hoax, Machine learning, Classification, XGBoost

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761 Information Engineering ABS-84

Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Classification Techniques for Diabetes Disease
Gahizi Emmanuel,Gilbert Gutabaga Hungilo,Andi W.R. Emanuel

University Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
University Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
University Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Diabetes is noncontagious disease where diabetes of type two mellitus is among top five leading the cause of global death. Not knowing the status of patient leads to complication such as kidney neuropathy and retinopathy, eventually lead to death. To know the patient’s stand using machine learning techniques can assist in early treatment will be effective in lowering the above mentioned burdens caused by diabetes. In this work researchers focused on evaluating the patient’s status of diabetes. In this study Cross Industry Standard Process for Data mining (CRISP-DM) used as research methodology of research. Where Support vector machine, Decision Tree, Naive Bayes used as classification technique .the study aim to predict the patient status for optimizing the complication caused by diabetes. The data set used for the model was retrieved from the Pima Indian diabetic database Diabetes Database (PIDD) which is obtained from UCI machine learning database with 768 records in total. KNN algorithm can be made best with an accuracy of 76% for the condensed dataset with the nine attributes as identified from the comparison of result of different models.

Keywords: diabetes; predicting; machine learning; classification algorithms, Cross Industry Standard Process for Data mining (CRISP-DM)

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762 Information Engineering ABS-853

Expert System in Diagnosing Pests and Diseases of Zingiber Officinale using Certainty Factor Method
Ahmad Faiz (a*), Silvester Dian Handy Permana (a), Budi Arifitama (a)

a) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi
Jl. TMP Kalibata No.1, Jakarta 12760, Indonesia


Ginger or in Latin known as Zingiber Officinale is a type of plant that is included in the category of spice plants which is also widely traded throughout the world. Aside from being a spice plant, ginger is also a multifunctional plant that has several benefits, namely as a medicinal plant, herbal oil, and scent giver. Although the ginger plant can function as a medicinal plant, in ginger cultivation there are some problems related to diseases and pests that attack the ginger plant which can cause the plant to not grow or even die. Some types of diseases and pests that often attack are bacterial wilt, root crests, rhizomes, and shield lice. The solution to overcome the problem above is an expert system with a certainty factor method that can diagnose diseases and pests based on the level of expert confidence. Expert system testing was carried out by building case studies of up to 30 samples with the experts involved. The results showed that from 30 sample case studies that had been carried out, the expert system successfully diagnosed diseases and pests as many as 28 samples correctly and with an accurate rate of 93%. Based on this test, an expert system with the certainty factor method can help farmers or non-farmers to diagnose types of diseases or pests on ginger.

Keywords: Expert System, Certainty Factor, Zingiber Officinale, Ginger

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763 Information Engineering ABS-1112

The Web-Based Estimation of Motorcycles Sales Using Linear Regression Method
Aries Dwi Indriyanti, Dedy Rahman Prehanto, IGL Eka Putra, I Kadek Nuryana

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The purpose of this research is to use the linear regression method to predict motorcycle sales results, the variable used is the period as an independent variable (X) and sales as the dependent variable (Y). The data used in the calculation of linear regression is the last four years data, from January 2014 to December 2019
The implementation of the motorcycle sales forecasting system is to predict sales in the coming months. To find out the level of accuracy of the prediction error calculation is needed so that it is known how many error levels are obtained. Calculation of forecasting errors using Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The results of this study are web based motorcycle sales prediction systems using linear regression method. From this system, motorcycle sales forecasting is obtained the following month.
In January 2015 with forecasting results of 12.63. To find out how accurate the forecasting level is, the error calculation result using Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) is 3.40 and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) is 44.33%. The results show that the error rate is small and the forecasting results are close to accurate.

Keywords: Web-based, linear regresion

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764 Information Engineering ABS-90

Information Hiding in Images Using Steganography Techniques
Gahizi Emmanuel, Gilbert Gutabaga Hungilo, Jaouja Maiga, Albertus Joko Santoso

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


In this era of development and increasing use of the
Internet, users are facing security problem during information
sharing in which unauthorized receivers can obtain access to the
information transmitted. Information hiding during the
transmission of information via the internet is one of the
techniques used to keep the secrecy of the information from an
unauthorized/ unintended persons. Steganography is a way of
hiding secret information by inserting it into an audio, video,
image or text file without raising any suspicious to unintended
persons. This paper presents the study which hides text messages
into the image file by using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
steganography approach. This approach works by transforming
the cover image and text message from spatial domain
representation to frequency domain representation and use a
redundant bit of cover image for hiding text message in such a way
that unintended person will continue to see it as a normal image.
The method continues to keep the quality of the cover image which
transfers the information to reduce suspicion. Steganography is
most used in military, law enforcement agency, corporate spies
and in the medical area for hiding sensitive information.

Keywords: Data hiding, Steganography, Cryptography, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)

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765 Information Engineering ABS-346

B2C Marketplace Model in Fishery Product Trading Application
Dwi Ely Kurniawan, Afdhol Dzikri, Muhammad Nashrullah

Politeknik Negeri Batam


Most people in Batam hinterland work as a fisherman. The process of the fishery product distribution, however, is inefficient. The absence of marketplace causes fishermen’s difficulty in selling their fishery products. This sales and distribution problem can be mediated using our web application. This research attempts to facilitate business to customer (B2C) transaction by providing fishery products information via website ecommerce. Fishermen are only required to send information about their fishery product in a website with their smartphone and the system will receive and display them. The payment is then done using the QR-Code system.

Keywords: B2C, ecommerce, fisherman

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766 Information Engineering ABS-96

Automatic detection of liver cancer- A review
Gahizi Emmanuel,Margaretha Sulistyoningsih

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


Nowadays, Automatic liver detection is not easy
especially when it comes to the segmentation accuracy result
which can robust the process. There are much technique helps
for liver segmentation that has the ability to segment the liver
and have different ways of grouping them. This Research aims
at giving an overview of an aspiring method of automatic liver
detection used in the previous research. Categorizing the
classification method was based on the results and how it was
performed. Hence, the best result that leads to the detection of
liver cancer was based on the performance of every classifier.
Furthermore, this paper discusses the Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) as classification
techniques used for classifying liver cancer. Lastly, from the
results, the performance comparison between the two
mentioned classification techniques made accompanied by
rules and remarks for better solutions. As the results show, the
two classifier techniques are effective for liver cancer detection
which will help patients to know their liver cancer status.

Keywords: automatic detection, Liver disease, classifier, ANN, SVM.

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767 Information Engineering ABS-97

Modification of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem
Alda Larasati Anindya (a*), Ketut Bayu Yogha Bintoro (a), Silvester Dian Handy Permana (a)

a) Prodi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi
Jalan TMP Kalibata No. 1, Jakarta 12760, Indonesia


Traveling salesman problem (TSP) is an optimization problem in determining the optimal route of a number of nodes that will only be passed once with the initial node as the final destination. One method for solving TSP is the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm. ACO is inspired by ant behaviour in searching for food, where ants produce pheromones to find food sources and make a route from the colony to food that will be followed by other ants. However ACO has not been considered as the optimal method for resolving TSP. This is because ACO has several shortcomings in the computational process. Comparisons between pheromones are not yet clear, and slow computing time causes the results of ACO to be not optimal. To correct these deficiencies, modifications will be made to the ACO. Modifications are made by changing some values in the ACO, such as adjusting the number of ants by the node automatically, changing the value in the pheromone renewal, and adding value to the construction of the solution. The outcome of this research is the modification of ACO did not provide shorter computing time with a more accurate final value, thus did not provide an optimal solution.

Keywords: Ant Colony Optimization, ACO Modification, Traveling Salesman Problem

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768 Information Engineering ABS-102

The Field Trial of Kelase-Tri Kaya Parisudha Platform to Realize Hybrid-Superitem Patterned Blended Learning for Mathematics Subject
I Putu Wisna Ariawan (a), Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana (b*), P Wayan Arta Suyasa (b)

a) Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Jalan Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
b) Department of Information Technology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Jalan Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia


The success of learning mathematics in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains is difficult to realize if the use of blended learning in learning mathematics is not carried out optimally. This research had the main objective to provide information about the field trial results towards the platform usage of Kelase which was integrated with Tri Kaya Parisudha concept in order to realize blended learning which patterned of Hybrid-Superitem to support the mathematics learning effectiveness at the level of senior high schools/vocational schools in Bali. This research applied a development approach with the development stages, which followed the Borg & Gall design by focusing on the stages of field trial and field trial revision. Subjects who were involved in conducting field trials in this study were 184 people consisting of education experts, informatics experts, teachers, and students who came from several senior high schools/vocational schools which there were in Bali Province. The data collection tool was in the form of field trial questionnaires. The quantitative descriptive by comparing the effectiveness of the field trial results with the effectiveness standard that was referring to eleven scales was the data analysis technique used. The field trial results showed an effectiveness percentage average was 88.49% so that the platforms which developed were classified as good.

Keywords: Kelase; Tri Kaya Parisudha; Blended Learning; Hybrid-Superitem; Mathematics

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769 Information Engineering ABS-109

Ad Selection on Videotron Using Yolo TensorFlow Based on Type of Vehicle
Mochammad Arie Aldiansyah (a*), Yaddarabullah (a), Budi Arifitama (a)

a) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi
Jl. TMP Kalibata No.1, Jakarta 12760, Indonesia
* mariealdiansyah[at]trilogi.ac.id


Outdoor media advertising has a business potential of up to IDR 66.8 trillion per year, even urban society has a level of consumption in seeing outdoor promotion reaches 81%. One of the outdoor media advertisements that used by businesses is Videotron. However, Videotrons in ad serving still rotate sequentially and not appropriate based on the target market and the condition of the road at the location of the Videotron. To increase the effectiveness of Videotron to fit according to the target advertisement market based on its broadcasts can be done by creating a new system modelling that can determine adverts based on the target market and the conditions of the roads. This study will use Yolo TensorFlow which can detect the type of vehicle in one image and then supported by the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution for determining the advertisements that will be displayed based on the condition of the roads. The results of this study obtained the accuracy of Yolo TensorFlow in detecting vehicles for the morning at 68.53%, then for the daytime at 83.17% while in the afternoon it was 30.20%, where to detect public vehicles has an average percentage accuracy of 100% while the average value the smallest mean is on a motorcycle that is 44.87%.

Keywords: Ad, Outdoor Media, Videotron, YOLO, TOPSIS

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770 Information Engineering ABS-1133

Yusria; Ridwan; Dodi Haryanto; Mentari Ariska

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


The ‘Bina Wicara’ application is a game that is used to practice the ability of children to communicate with other people around them that can be used for speech therapy. Communication engineering is a learning process that involves the participation of parents in helping children to talk. The purpose of this study is to test an aplication toward autism children who experience difficulties and disturbances in speaking through game play and parental communication engineering in engaging and actively participating. This study uses a qualitative and technological mixed approach to communication media technology in autistic children service institutions in Jambi province. The subjects in this study were some 8 years old. students The final results of this study explain that: first. play games are able to encourage children to identify objects and pronounce them correctly. Through the use of speech development applications such as this game in children with autism can help children to mimic movements / motor mouth, vocal imitation, label and identify and follow simple commands. The second finding from the results of this study shows that through the involvement and active participation of parents in the learning process can help children organize their language development. The other side of the findings of this study explains that the interaction of the environment around children, especially children with special needs can help develop their speaking skills.

Keywords: Bina Wicara App; Parental communication engineering; Speech therapy

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771 Information Engineering ABS-110

Implementation of Restful Web Service in The Parking Management System with Cryptocurrency Platform
Iqbal Abdurrazaq (a*), Yaddarabullah (a), Silvester Dian Handy Permana (a)

a) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi
Jl. TMP Kalibata No 1. Jakarta 12760, Indonesia
* iqbalabdulrazzaq[at]trilogi.ac.id


Cryptocurrency is a cryptographic based digital commodity can be used as an asset, because its value is growing every year. One of the assets that can be managed is the result of parking lot management. The process conducted by the parking manager in exchanging the results of the parking lot into the cryptocurrency platform requires a relatively long time. The process conducted by the parking manager in exchanging the results of the parking lot into the cryptocurrency platform requires a relatively long time because parking manager must take money from the results of the parking lot and then send it to the cryptocurrency platform through the Bank. This study will develop the system that can automatically distribute the results of processing parking lots into the cryptocurrency platform so that it can be easier to exchange into the cryptocurrency platform. The purpose of this study is to integrate data on a parking management system with cryptocurrency platform. The method used for data integration from the system parking management with the platform cryptocurrency uses RESTful web service. The data integration process between the parking management system with cryptocurrency platform using HTTP with a method GET, POST, and DELETE. The results of testing with 100 requests, it can be concluded that the process of integrating data from the platform cryptocurrency to the dashboard parking done in fast time with anytime loading average of 0.42 seconds and the size of the data accessed is relatively small with an average size of 1.16 KB

Keywords: Restful Web Service, Integration Data, Cryptocurrency

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772 Information Engineering ABS-878

Study on Information System Infrastructure in Probolinggo by Using Self Organizing Map
Erfan Rohadi, Amalia Amalia, R. Farah Dini Qoyyimah, Rizky Ardiansyah, Indrazno Siradjuddin

Politeknik Negeri Malang


The infrastructure of information systems becomes one of the main components that support government managements system. This study is addressed to achieve the infrastructure information mapping in District of Probolinggo. The proposed of the research is getting an infrastructure information map of 29 districts administered that become its reliability recommendation. The system information as website is developed for operational purpose. The Self Organizing Map (SOM) as one of neural networks is used. The clustering results by in field observation data show that the infrastructure information system of 29 districts administered are defined by 3 clusters, specifically 3 districts administered have good infrastructure, 20 have fair infrastructure and 6 districts administered have less infrastructure. Furthermore, the clustering by using SOM shows that have 1 good, 22 fair and 5 less, respectively. As a result, the accuracy of both clusterings is less than 70 %. That means, SOM still need in field observation data to evaluate the recommendation.

Keywords: Clustering, Self Organizing Map, Neural Network, information system

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773 Information Engineering ABS-111

Design mHealth prototyping to eliminate mother to child HIV transmission (EMTCT) in Indonesia
Kemal N. Siregar (a), Rikawarastuti (b*), Muhammad Yusro (c)

a) Department of Biostatistics and Population Studies, Faculty of Public Health,
Universitas Indonesia
b) PhD Candidate, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia
c) Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Mobile health (mHealth) is the proposed solution from digital health intervention to improve the service quality to eliminating mother to child HIV transmission (EMTCT) in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to develop a mHealth prototype for EMTCT. This study used prototyping Rapid Application Development (RAD). The external entities of the mHealth prototype consist of a) pregnant women as the main data sources, b) midwives as program implementers who also work as information producers, c) contact person for EMTCT at the primary health center and health office, as the program manager for dashboard users. Nine data on longitudinal EMTCT services are antenatal visits, pre-test counseling, HIV testing, the results of HIV status, post-test counseling, antiretroviral therapy (ART), adherence for ARV therapy, viral load, and HIV status in children

Keywords: digital health intervention; EMTCT; mHealth; HIV test

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774 Information Engineering ABS-370

Android-Based Electronic Culinary Reservations with Scrum Methodology and Firebase Database
Ridwan Setiawan*; Asep Deddy Supriatna; Sigit Hudawiguna; Fikri Fahru Roji

Department of Informatics Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Jl. Mayor Syamsu No 1. Jayaraga - Garut 44151 Indonesia


Culinary reservation activities in the process of ordering food or drinks in restaurants are the initial process in restaurant or cafe activities, the problem that occurs is the buildup of orders on the order note, and sometimes customer order errors or changes to orders by customers. The purpose of this study is to make electronic android-based culinary reservations using firebase as a realtime integrated database between tables, kitchens, and cashiers. The research method used is Agile Scrum with the product backlog, sprint, daily scrum and sprint review stages with modeling using Unified Modeling Language diagrams. This study took a sample in one restaurant in Garut Regency. This research resulted in a prototype of a reservation application that can be used on Android smartphones for customer tables, kitchens section, and cashiers. This culinary reservation application can help improve service to customers by increasing order times faster, reducing the occurrence of booking errors, and reducing paper usage.

Keywords: Android; Application; Firebase; Resevation; Scrum;

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775 Information Engineering ABS-1141

Creation of a User Centered Design Methodology Framework for Designing an Information System
Yoyok Seby Dwanoko 1 , Fransiskus F. S. Arin 2

1Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Faculty of Science and Technology, Information System Study Program , Jl.S.Supriadi no 48, Malang 65148, Indonesia.
2Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Faculty of Science and Technology, Information System Study Program , Jl.S.Supriadi no 48, Malang 65148, Indonesia.
yoyokseby[at]unikama.ac.id, frengkyarin[at]gmail.com


Information system design really requires a useful method to produce a reliable information system. This is seen from the process of designing a system that comes from the needs of the User. Often the design of information systems is not based on the needs of users who are directly involved in making an information system that will be for their needs, but in the manufacturing process only relies on the information system developer, so that the design of the information system is not according to its target based on user needs resulting in software crisis . The purpose of this research is to implement the stages of the method in designing the building of information systems and create a framework for this method. The research method used in creating this information system design framework is the User Centered Design (UCD) method which consists of 5 stages, namely Plan The Human Centred Process, Specify The Content Of Use, Specify The User and Organization Requirements, Produce Design Solution, Evaluating The Design. The results of this study are an information system design framework with a UCD method that is centered on the users wishes and it is hoped that this research can also be used as a reference for information system developers.

Keywords: Information System; User Centered Design

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776 Information Engineering ABS-643

Instructional Design Based Interactive CD to Improve Learning Outcomes of Student and Culinary Course Participants in Culinary
Rusilanti(a*), Sachriani(b), Yeni Yulianti(c), Mutiara(d)

a,c,d) Culinary Arts Vocational Education Study Program, Faculty Of Engineering, State University of Jakarta, Jalan Rawamangun Muka, 13220, East Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Food Service Industry Study Program, Faculty Of Engineering, State University of Jakarta, Jalan Rawamangun Muka, 13220, East Jakarta, Indonesia


This prupose research to analyze intructional design of using interactive CD media on continental cake processing to improve learning outcomes of students and course participants in culinary. The study conducted on course participants in 4 Registered Training Organization (RTO) or Pusat Pelatihan Kerja Daerah (PPKD) consisting of East Jakarta, South Jakarta, West Jakarta, and Central Jakarta with 71 participants. Whereas, the study involving culinary students held at the Culinary Arts Vocational Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, the State University of Jakarta with 57 participants. A research method used quasi-experimental method with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Effectiveness testing applied in the experimental group showed 85% and categorized as effective scale. The Mann Whitney test (Z test) with 0.1 for the level of significance stated that Zcount is on the rejection area and H0 or Zcount< Ztable negative where -1.7 <-1,645. It means that there is differences effect of using learning media of Macromedia Flash 8 based on student learning outcomes. Effectiveness testing applied in the experimental group showed 75% and categorized as effective scale.Thus, an analysis of instructional design based interactive CD is more effective than using conventional media to improve student and course participant learning outcomes.

Keywords: Instructional Design, Interactive CD, Learning Outcomes, Student and Culinary Course Participants, Culinary

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777 Information Engineering ABS-645

Development of Interactive CD Media on Processing of Continental Pastry To Improve Learning Quality
Rusilanti(a*), Sachriani(b), Yeni Yulianti(c), and Mutiara(d)

a,c,d) Culinary Arts Vocational Education Study Program, Faculty Of Engineering, State University of Jakarta, Jalan Rawamangun Muka, 13220, East Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Food Service Industry Study Program, Faculty Of Engineering, State University of Jakarta, Jalan Rawamangun Muka, 13220, East Jakarta, Indonesia


The purpose of this research was to produce an interactive CD media on the processing of continental pastry to improve the quality of learning in continental and culinary courses. The quality of media feasibility is based on the assessment of media experts who consider the criteria "good", with the percentage criteria earned at 77.5%. The assessment of media experts who consider the criteria "excellent", has a value of 90%. This media can be considered "feasible" as it can be used for learning in terms of media and technical aspects.

Keywords: Development, Interactive CD Media, Processing of Continental Pastry, Improve Learning Quality

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778 Information Engineering ABS-902

Decision Support System to Recommend Best Taekwondo Athlete Assessment using AHP and TOPSIS Methods
Tirta Dwi Budiarto (a*), Silvester Dian Handy Permana (a), Budi Arifitama (a)

a) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi
Jl. TMP Kalibata No.1, Jakarta 12760, Indonesia


Belt Promotion Test (BLT) in the branch of taekwondo sports becomes a benchmark to find out the extent of the potential possessed by athletes during the training period. The assessment team was formed by Sabeums who already hold the black belt level and 1 kukkiwon. However, the current assessment process has not been able to provide an objective assessment of taekwondo athletes to be given level jumps as a prize for the best athletes in BLT. The assessment team does not conduct an assessment process that is in accordance with the BLT assessment provisions to assess the performance of each athlete. Then a Decision Support System (DSS) is needed to find the best athletes in BLT. This study applies the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method which is useful for calculating the weights of each criterion. The AHP method is combined using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method to get compiled tests and improve computing quickly and efficiently. The use of AHP and TOPSIS methods is done in order to make decisions more accurately in providing recommendations for the assessment of the best taekwondo athletes. This research is expected to provide an objective assessment of the best taekwondo athletes. The results of the application of the AHP and TOPSIS algorithms are able to provide an assessment of the best taekwondo athletes based on the criteria assessed. AHP and TOPSIS algorithms provide the best athlete ratings to Jasmine Alisha Khaira Wilda with a final value of 0.642.

Keywords: AHP Method, Assessment Recommendations, Athletes, Taekwondo, TOPSIS Method

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779 Information Engineering ABS-405

Management Of Higher Education Academic Information System Based On Information And Communication Technology
Ahmad Rusdiana, Rahman Setia, Jaja Jahari, Ichsan Taufik

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, STAI Sebelas April Sumedang


The effectiveness of the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the process of institutional management is often hampered by many non-technical factors that are not prepared by the institution. Starting from the preparation of people, culture, organizational mechanisms, and even technical maintenance. Not always ICT-based Academic Information Systems (AIS) can improve the performance of academic administration management, when the institution only considers that the implementation of ICT for AIS is only to prepare ICT hardware. This study aims to examine the extent to which the contribution of the effectiveness of AIS management (X1), ICT culture (X2), the availability of ICT facilities (X3), and the quality of AIS HR (X4) on college performance (Y). The research method used is descriptive analytic, the population in this study involved 22 private Islamic religious colleges in West Java that adapted ICT in their academic administrative systems and who managed the undergraduate (S-1) program. For the institutional sample, using Proportionate random sampling, there were 18 colleges consisting of 8 universities, 3 institutes and 7 high schools. Samples of lecturers and students were 988 lecturers and 1.579 students, respectively. The data collection tool used is a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. The data that has been collected is analyzed by analytic descriptive analysis, while testing the hypothesis using path analysis. The results showed that according to the institutions management, all variables together significantly influenced the Y variable by 71,35%. According to the lecturer, it has a significant effect with the amount of contribution of 77,5%, and according to students, it has a significant effect of 83,0%.

Keywords: culture, quality, system, facilty, Performance

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780 Information Engineering ABS-661

Digital Assessment Tools for Public Area Practices in the Hospitality Industry
Yoyoh Jubaedah(a*), Nenden Rani Rinekasari (a), Neni Rohaeni (a)

a) Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 207, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Various assessment tools used for competency judgment are not referring to the demands of Standard Operating Procedures in the Hospitality Industry. The study investigated the production of an assessment tools based on digital application in the public area practices and the measuring of interns’ achievement in public area practice through digital assessment tools in the hospitality industry. This research included the collaboration assessment from internal and external examiners such as teachers of housekeeping expertise and hotel practitioners. The data were collected through digital competency applications that produce the objective of job performance competency from 33 participants. The finding showed that (i) digital assessment tools of public area practice has the advantages in both the application system and the display features including the preparation stage, the process and the results of the practice that accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures in the Hospitality Industry; (ii) most of the interns were declared competent based on the results of tests from internal and external examiners through the digital assessment process. Recommendations were made to the policy-makers that digital assessment tools of public area practice become the appropriate reference to be implemented in a briefing before carrying out internship and in implementing internship in the Hospitality Industry.

Keywords: Digital assessment tools; public area; hospitality industry

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