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31 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-6

Vocational High School Technical Skill Facing Industry 4.0
Ridwan Yanuardi (a*), Isma Widiaty (b), Mumu Komaro (b)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia



Abstract. Industry 4.0, marked by cyber-physical collaboration and the manufacturing industry. In the world of machining engineering, this technology is known as the cyber physical machine tool. The use of technology can increase the competitiveness of the industry. Application of technology also requires a new set of knowledge and skills. Requires workforce who can combine technical competencies of classical machine and Information Technology (IT). Vocational High Schools whose goal is to provide manpower, need to pay attention to those technical skill, so that there is a match between the competencies needed by the industry and the competencies taught in schools. To describe what technical skill needed, a literature review study was conducted, using the Pagani, Kovaleski, and Resende protocol. After InOrdinatio value was calculated, 19 articles published in international journals were selected for further study. The results of this study provide insight and input to vocational education managers, about various information on the advancement of Industry 4.0 technology and what technical skill are needed. For future study this can be input for curriculum developers in determining what competencies need to be present in the Mechanical Engineering Vocational School curriculum.

Keywords: Technical Skill, Vocational, industry 4.0

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32 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-7

The Effect of Student Achievement on Student Interest and Career Choices
Fahmi Fahrul Dzikri (a*), Johar Maknun (b)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Career selection can be influenced by several factors such as family factors, environmental factors, and so on. However, the relative and family factors of students can be an influence in determining their interests and career choices, so that students cannot bring out their best potential in a career. This study uses a systematic review strategy to determine the factors that influence students^ interests and career choices with the aim of identifying how much influence student achievement has on their interests and career choices. A systematic review strategy was used in this study with the keywords used, namely career choice and career interest. The articles reviewed were 30 articles from 2015 to 2021. All journals were classified based on the year of publication, type of journal and the results found. The results of the review show that the most influential factor in students^ career choices is the family factor, but the student achievement factor is also quite influential in determining the interests and career choices of students in the future, this research can be a reference point for future research by identifying research needs in aspects of student career choices.

Keywords: career choice- career interest- student achievement.

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33 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-8

How is the worker readiness of vocational high schools graduates for industry 4.0?
Ina Nurjanah 1* Ana 2

Vocational and Technology Education, School of Postgraduates UPI, Jalan Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia


The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has had a major impact on the labor market. The trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technology based on digital technology demands a number of soft skills and hard skills that must be possessed by prospective workers. Vocational High School graduates as one of the prospective workers must be ready to face all the challenges that occur. Worker Readiness is needed in facing all the challenges that occur in this Industry 4.0 era. Several studies on Worker Readiness in the context of Industry 4.0 state that one of the obstacles in preparing a workforce that is in accordance with current demands is that the curriculum offered to vocational students does not lead or does not develop according to technology or industry, even though education and curriculum sustainable development should exist to face today^s world of work. This paper is the result of a literature review from several scientific sources and research results that discuss the Worker Readiness model in the context of Industry 4.0. This paper is intended to produce a Worker Readiness Profile for SMK graduates in the context of Industry 4.0. The hope is that it can provide notes and input for educators, companies and policy makers for the preparation of a SMK curriculum that is relevant to the demands of Industry 4.0.

Keywords: worker readiness- vocational high school graduates- industry 4.0-

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34 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-10

Nurholis Kamaludin, E. Ahmad Juanda, A. Gaffar Abdullah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Abstract- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected human activities from various sectors, one of which is the education sector. In the face of this pandemic, educational institutions are instructed to conduct distance or limited learning. Distance learning can be done online by utilizing information and communication technology (ICT), one of which is cloud computing technology. This paper aims to identify and provide an overview of the use of cloud computing technology in learning in the era of the covid 19 pandemic. The method used in the presentation of this paper is the Systemtic Literature Review (SLR) method. The number of relevant articles was obtained as many as 50 articles published in the 2017-2021 range. The results show that the utilization and use of cloud computing technology is currently one of the research trends, cloud computing-based learning can be in the form of e-learning or mobile and can be developed in combination with other technologies. The use of cloud computing technology in the education sector has many benefits, both during the pandemic and after this pandemic ends.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, e-learning, Mobile Cloud Computing, Distance Learning, Covid 19 Era.

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35 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-11

1. Nurholis Kamaludin, 2. A. Gaffar Abdullah, 3. Mumu Komaro

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Abstract- The industrial revolution 4.0 has affected the labor market and the skills needed by the workforce. Vocational education, especially Vocational High Schools, plays an important role in realizing graduates as prospective workers who are skilled and able to respond to the demands of industry 4.0. This paper aims to provide an overview of the competency map that SMK graduates must possess in responding to the demands of industry 4.0. The method used in the presentation of this paper is the literature review method from various journals published in 2017-2021. The results show that the application of industrial technology 4.0 requires the technical education curriculum to change, resulting in new competencies both in terms of knowledge and skills that can respond to industry 4.0. In addition to skills in their field of expertise, SMK graduates must have the ability and knowledge of ICT. Meanwhile, from the aspect of soft skills, there are 3 main competencies that must be attached to SMK graduates, namely methodological, social, and personality competencies. This description of the knowledge and skills that must be possessed by SMK graduates is expected to provide recommendations for future curriculum changes.

Keywords: Competency, Skill, Vocational Hight School, Revolusi Industry 4.0.

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36 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-12

Gender Inequalities in STEM Careers in Developed and Developing Countries: A Systematic Review
Ekania Apriyanti Gunawan*, Yadi Mulyadi, and Iwan Kustiawan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Gender inequality in careers has been an issue for a long time in many parts of the world. Even in the country with the best rates of gender equality in the world, gender inequality persists across many professions. One of the career fields where there is a lot of gender inequality is science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), which in this field is still dominated by men. This study aims to discuss gender inequalities that occur in STEM careers in developing and developed countries. The method used is a systematic literature review using a number of relevant articles from various journals. After the screening process, a number of articles obtained were studied further. As a result, gender gaps or biases are experienced by many women who work in STEM careers. This gap occurs especially in developing countries. The gap is felt especially in women who already have children, because their productivity is considered to decrease when they become a mother. In addition to the difficulty of women to get promotions, inequality also occurs in the provision of wages, where women sometimes get lower wages than men.

Keywords: gender inequality, gender bias, career gap, career fields, STEM field, STEM careers

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37 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-13

Tri Setiyarini, Ade Gafar Abdullah

Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia


Indonesia has around 3,000 Vocational Training Centers (VTC) operated by both private and government institutions. However, only a few of them have conducted inclusive training to include people with disabilities. This study looks at three VTCs under the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower (MoM), investigating approaches and methods used by their instructors to conduct inclusive vocational training. Data were collected from a virtual focus group discussion with eight instructors from MoM-affiliated VTCs at Central Java and East Java provinces. Data were transcribed manually and coded using NVIVO software. The study finds that three VTCs have collaborated with SAUJANA, NGO concerned with disability, to initiate inclusive vocational training. It also finds that only two groups of people with disabilities - physical and sensory disabilities - dominated the VTC. Therefore, the different types of disabilities of the training participants influence instructors training approaches and methods. Instructors, for example, used adaptive learning aids and equipment to support people with physical disabilities, as well as used adaptive software and devices for people with sensory disabilities in obtaining particular skills and competencies.

Keywords: Vocational Training Center- Inclusive Vocational Training- Instructors

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38 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-14

Competency-based Learning Model for Photographer Certification
Puty Prakacita (a*)- Ilhamdaniah (b)

Education University of Indonesia


Along with the number of photographers in Indonesia who started as a hobby and then serious to become a profession. Photographer skills are also needed to meet the needs of the world of work. In contrast to the new paradigm, it is based on two principles, namely the preparation of workers based on user needs, and the training process is carried out as a vehicle for preparing personnel with a competency-based training approach. Competency tests are needed to determine the level of competence of photographers who will enter as professionals. This study uses a systematic review strategy to find out a model is being developed to prepare prospective competency test participants. The systematic review strategy used in this research is to use the keyword ^competency certification^. The articles reviewed were 30 articles from 2015 to 2021. All journals were classified based on the year of publication, the type of journal and the results found. The results of the review show that competency-based training for competency test preparation is needed to prepare competency test participants. With this model will be able to increase the willingness of participants in the proficiency test, and also expected to increase the competency value of participants.

Keywords: Competencies Certification, Competency-based Learning

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39 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-15

Chevi Ajrina Thasya*, Isma Widiaty

Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


Vocational education will provide hands-on experience skills not only to get a job but also to create jobs. Currently, very few job opportunities are available to vocational school graduates. This is due to the lack of communication and collaboration needed between schools and industry. Therefore, school mapping research aims to identify website-based batik skills vocational education. The researcher used a web mapping-based content analysis method to collect data about batik vocational schools and the batik industry. After selecting and compiling all the data, the researcher analyzed it. It was found that out of 32 provinces in Indonesia, there are 27 provinces that have majors in batik expertise and 5 provinces that do not. Then, out of 27 provinces, only 5 provinces have vocational schools that cooperate with the batik industry. In this case it can be said that the distribution of schools, especially facilities, has not been fulfilled. So that with the community meeting, they can easily find out information on developments and vocational schools majoring in batik expertise can get more attention so that vocational schools throughout Indonesia can have the same facilities and can develop well to provide other alternatives for graduates to be creative.

Keywords: Batik Industry Development Efforts In Indonesia

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40 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-16

Dimensions of Job Search for Vocational High School Graduates During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Zulkifli B (a*), Yatti Sugiarti (b)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The COVID-19 outbreak that is currently facing the world does not only have an impact on human health, but also has a major impact on the global labor market. This raises concern for job seekers who want to find work at this time. This study aims to analyze the dimensions of job search during the Covid-19 pandemic through a literature study of articles published in international journals. Based on the search criteria that have been determined, the authors found 10 appropriate articles published during 2019 to 2021. Next, the authors analyzed these articles and compiled the findings to answer the formulation of the problem in this study.

Keywords: Job Searching, Covid-19 Pandemic, Job Search Dimensions

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41 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-17

Munif Jumhan (a*), Gafar Ade A (b)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


This research aims to examine the literature and analyzes the views/perceptions of the industry regarding what competencies are needed in automotive manufacturing within the framework of industry 4.0. The last few years around the world, policy makers are concerned about the competence of vocational education graduates towards the labor market needs of the automotive manufacturing industry. Skill competencies that are not in sync with the needs of the automotive industry^s labor market can obstruct someone to gain profit. On the other side, the company will not get any skillful laborers based on the needs. Literature review and deep interview of industry practitioners are used as a tool in data collection, the results are based on the literature review and industry^s perceptions, industrial 4.0 technical competencies is needed in the manufacturing industry such as operating CNC machines, and using software design in the initial recruitment process. However, in the early recruitment process, technical competence is not used as the special requirement towards the applicants because it affects the numbers of the applicants and the threshold to pass the test.

Keywords: Competence- Technical- Automotive

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42 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-18

How Important Energy Awareness In Technical and Vocational Education In Support Transition and Decarbonization Of Energy?
Iis Rahmania Putri (a*), Agus Setiawan (b)

a) Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Mesin,Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


Indonesia, which is part of the Paris agreement, is committed to a successful global energy agenda by targeting a low energy source of carbon emissions, green and efficient by 2060. However, the conversion of fossil energy sources to a full renewable energy source, hampered by challenges. Among them are policy, technical, finance, technology, environment and ecosystems. Ecosystem challenges are at a time when the competency of renewable energy workers is low and a lack of public awareness of renewable energy potential. The research article focused on the role of technical and vocational education in raising awareness of renewable energy sources. The method used was literature review and content analysis. It is concluded that (1) awareness, support and participation public is important if Indonesia wants to accelerate the achieving of transition and decarbonization of energy, (2) technical and vocational education can participate in increasing public awareness of renewable energy by improving energy literacy of student, teacher and pre-service teacher.

Keywords: Energy- Public awareness- Energy literacy

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43 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-20

Integration of 4Cs Skills in Learning by Using Project Based Learning (Pjbl) Models to Face the Challenges of the 21st Century
Asman(a*), Mumu Kumaro(b), M Syaom Barliana(b)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The world of education is currently growing, demanding very fast and significant changes in various fields, including education. The learning model itself is learning that does not only involve technology in it. But rather to change the paradigm that students are not passive objects who must be able to use technology alone. This demand is certainly not an easy thing for teachers to fulfill. The current learning process is expected to be able to form students who have soft skills to face the 21st century, known as 4C (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Creativity And Innovation). This study aims to explain how to integrate 4Cs Skills into Learning by Using the Project Based Learning (Pjbl) Model to Face the Challenges of the 21st Century. The PjBL model is one model that is able to bridge the achievement of 4Cs Skills in learning. In PjBL, students go through a broader process of inquiry to respond to complex questions, problems, or challenges.

Keywords: 4Cs Skills- Project Based Learning (Pjbl) Model

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44 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-22

Model Development for CoE TVET in Engineering and Creative Industries (Case Study for Home Industry Development in Automotive Accessories Engineering)
Agus Solehudin, Ridwan Adam M Noor, Dedi Rohendi, Bambang Darmawan, Hasbullah, Budi Kudwadi and Johar Maknun

Faculty of Vocational Technology Education - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


In recent years, the national automotive industry has shown a fairly attractive development. This is part of the positive impact of the growth in the number of Indonesia^s middle class over the past decade. Considering the enormous potential of the creative industry and the potential to continue to increase its role and contribution to the country^s economy.. While several studies that have been reported by the media have stated that this sub-sector of the automotive industry is the sub-sector with the highest contribution to the creative industry, it is necessary to have a model for the development of the home industry in the automotive accessories sector so that it can continue to develop the automotive industry. The model offered consists of four components that can be implemented into four sustainable phases, namely education, financing, mentoring, and automotive industry networking. The education and mentoring phases for the automotive industry have the same discussion, but differ in the method and emphasis of the material. The research method used is to conduct a survey with questionnaires given to the SMK and Industry. Data analysis and discussion related to the competence of production, operations, and business management. Production competence consists of the ability to produce automotive accessories. Operational competence includes all matters related to producing a quality service. Meanwhile, business management competence is the ability of business actors to manage their business which consists of basic skills, innovation, productivity, simplification, multiplication, and creativity. The results obtained indicate that the variables of creativity, innovation and business success from industry and vocational schools are very significant and belong to the good category.

Keywords: automotive- accessories- home industry- education- model

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45 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-25

Ranny Rahmawati, Isma Widiaty

Indonesian Education University


Abstract - Curriculum development is a step to produce a curriculum or improve the existing curriculum. Assessing curriculum development from various types of curriculum development models referring to the quality of graduates, curriculum content, and the learning process to the assessment of student learning outcomes in schools. The SMK curriculum is required to always be able to adapt to the conditions and changes that occur. Judging from the development of the SMK curriculum, the government wants SMK students to be ready to work with the aim of the government wanting to create the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), which can compete with foreign workers. This study wanted to find out how the development of the Vocational School of Dressmaking curriculum in terms of the curriculum structure aspect. A qualitative approach and in-depth content analysis technique of the curriculum uses data collection techniques with document studies, namely by analyzing curriculum documents, evaluation documents, and teaching materials documents. The development of the curriculum in terms of the aspect of the curriculum structure has developed. This development is based on the needs of students. Judging from changes in the structure of the curriculum, changes occurred in subject groups, the contents of each subject group and even changes in subjects that were replaced with other subjects were even eliminated. Besides that, it is clear from the change in the hours of each subject, each hour of the subject is filled with more productive hours of Dressing.

Keywords: Curriculum development

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46 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-26

job satisfaction of high school graduates
Nina Kartina

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia
Faculti of Technical and Vocational Education


Job satisfaction is mainly considered as a phenomenon that occurs when the characteristics of a job match the demands of employees and determine the fulfillment of a job (Locke, 1976). Job satisfaction, in this context briefly is considered as a fulfillment resulting from employee emotions such as love, loyalty. and dedication to a job. Furthermore, the results of the study reveal that job satisfaction has an effect on life satisfaction. As long as it is an important element in human life, satisfaction from work life will affect satisfaction in other areas of life. However, one of the difficulties in measuring job satisfaction is that job satisfaction changes from person to person and is dynamic. The main reason for this change is that satisfaction factors influence employee behavior at various levels. Some of these factors can be listed as salary, promotion, structural nature of a job, management style and colleagues.

Keywords: Job satisfaction, vocational high school

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47 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-27

A Suherman (1*), M Komaro (1), E T Berman (1)

Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, FPTK Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The gaps in student competence with industrial demands makes graduates of vocational high schools not widely absorbed in the workforce. This study aims to enhance the ability of vocational teachers in compiling indicators of competency using a lesson plan module based on a vocational curriculum. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach through the action research method. The participants involved in this study came from three vocational schools in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The informants involved in this study were six male teachers, having more than five years of work experience and teaching productive subjects. Data collection by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to obtain general information and individual interviews to obtain more specific data. After the data is documented and evaluated, then proceed with guiding respondents to develop indicators of competence using the lesson plan module. The results of the research are expected to increase the ability of teachers to compile indicators of competence through the guidance of the lesson plan module based on the vocational curriculum. So that this research will have implications for the achievement of student competencies in accordance with the demands of the job/industry.

Keywords: Indicators of competence, lesson plan module, vocational teachers, vocational curriculum

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48 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-28

Gender In Vocational Education
I S Rahayu * , T Aryanti

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr.Setiabudi 229 ,Bandung 40154 , Indonesia



Gender equality is one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because it is a fundamental human right and is needed in the field of education (Nurhaeni & Kurniawan, 2018). Gender issues are important in education. There is good access and participation for women to continue their education but there are still gender inequalities and subtle discrimination. This article provides a review of the literature on gender issues in vocational education which includes issues and barriers to gender equality in vocational education, explores the potential, challenges , and opportunities that exist in vocational education to obtain more in-depth study materials to create Gender Responsiveness learning methods/strategies .

Keywords: Gender Equality, Gender Responsiveness, Vocational Education

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49 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-29

Sysytematic Literature Review on The Use of English in the Workplace
Tri Mandala Putra (a*), Dr. Cica Yulia, M.Si (b), Dr. Ana, M.Pd (b)

Education University of Indonesia (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)


The use of English in terms of communication greatly contributes to building professional roles, building synergy with colleagues, and solving problems in the workplace. English also certainly has a role for career development in the workplace. The purpose of this article is to conduct a systematic literature review on the use of English in the workplace. The main contribution of this article is to systematically collect, analyze and discuss the knowledge disseminated in this field, support future research and strengthen the literature related to English in the world of work. The data search process in this article uses Denyer and Tranfield models whose 5 systematic steps. In the end, this article produced 12 articles in 4 international journals. An important finding in this article is that the use of English in the workplace is emphasized in communication skills (speaking) rathen than the other skills. English language skills are also considered an opportunity to develop a career globally. The results of this study also provide recommendations to needs analysis experts related to the design and development of learning modules in schools that must consider the incorporation of workplace scenarios.

Keywords: English, Workplace, Communication

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50 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-30

The Application of Virtual Reality (VR) in Vocational Education: a Systematic Review
Amin*, C Yulia, I Widiaty and A G Abdullah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Isola, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154


Virtual Reality (VR) technology, has gained popularity in recent years and its efficacy has been proven in different education fields. This technology visualizes abstract concept so it can be intuitive concept to improve the understanding in describing objects. VR stimulates students to develop communication skills and motivates students to develop skills. Research method that is used here is a systematic reviews with twenty relevant articles. This literature review states that the research before about the use of virtual reality (VR) in skill-based education. In this view, several databases are chosen to collect articles that were published in 2015 to 2020. To fulfill the object of this research, all articles are classified based on analyzed result. That VR can be used in vocation fields such uas medical, language, and laboratory practices.

Keywords: Virtual Reality, Vocational Education

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51 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-31

Syarifah Millatunnisa

Technology and Vocational Education, University of Pendidikan Indonesia


The fashion industry as one industrial parts creative already very open and ready to face Industrial Revolution4.0. The presence of Industry 4.0 is considered moreprofitable because it givesopportunities for companies to grow and develop. draft^smart factory^ seems to be here for answer the challenge this. As sector other industries, fashion industry too did not escape the influence of the Industrial Revolution4.0. Digital transformation strategy implemented withcombine technology as Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Additive manufacturing (3D-Printing) with digital connectivity has been revolutionized most of the manufacturing processes in the fashion industry 4.0 today. This paper aims to examine the impact of the 4.0 industrial revolution in the fashion industry today. The method used in this paper is a literature review that is delivered descriptively, by reviewing certain journals as many as 15 journals, based on the years 2011-2021. The results that can be concluded from this paper are 4.0 . technologiesthese are just a few method industry fashion cancreate personalized clothing for consumers. And process production enables efficient production. In the near future, an increase in the number and efficiency of smart factories expected to make marketing in industry more fashion easy and general.

Keywords: Industry Revolution 4.0, Fashion Industry, Smart Factory

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52 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-32

Comparative Study of Students Career Adaptability in Computer and Network Engineering with Welding Engineering
Danis Rizki Swastika (a*) Sudjani (b)

Program Studi Pendidikan Teknologi dan
Kejuruan, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budi
No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Vocational High Schools prioritize the preparation of students to enter the world of work and develop a professional attitude and it is hoped that graduates will be able to work according to the skill program chosen during school. In preparing for a career, students often have problems such as ambiguity, uncertainty and considerable stress when facing career exploration and career decision making (anxiety caused by career threats, competition and career challenges). Career adaptability is the ability and readiness to face unexpected situations, assignments, and career transitions including participating in school demands to prepare for a career. The purpose of this study was to find out the comparison of career adaptability between students in Computer and Network Engineering and in Welding Engineering. This research method is a quantitative method with comparative analysis, data collection using the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale developed by Savickas, data analysis using Independent T-Test. The results showed that the total respondents were 160 Vocational High School students with 80 Computer and Network Engineering students and 80 Welding Engineering students. The level of student career adaptability is at a high level but there are differences between the sample groups, the career adaptability of students in Computer and Network Engineering is lower than the career adaptability of students in Welding Engineering. The determining factor for the difference in the level of career adaptability of students is thought to be due to the level of career anxiety of students towards career challenges, career obstacles, and career threats which ultimately affect the Confidence dimension. Researchers suggest increasing career adaptability to prepare before entering the world of work. There is a need for further research related to the factors that affect career adaptability, especially career anxiety.

Keywords: Career Adaptability, Students, Computer and Network Engineering, Welding Engineering.

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53 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-33

The Analysis of Workplace Adaptation Factors for Women in the Construction Industry
Ummu Salamah, Lilis Widaningsih, Ade Gafar Abdullah

Education University of Indonesia (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)


Construction is a dynamic industry and continues to grow rapidly, thus requiring an increase in the workforce regardless of gender. However, women in the construction industry face barriers such as: discrimination, sexual harassment, wage disparities- and challenges such as: work pressure, working hours, and masculine culture. Therefore, an appropriate workplace adaptation strategy is needed. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that make it easier and more difficult for women to adapt in the construction industry. This study uses a qualitative approach with a systematic literature review method. Searching for articles through the ^Publish or Perish^ software on the Scopus platform, there are 30 articles from 9 international journals that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The result is that there are 3 factors with details of 24 indicators that make it easier and more difficult for women to adapt in the workplace, namely 8 indicators of individual adaptation factors, 11 indicators of interpersonal skills factors, and 5 indicators of organizational support factors. Therefore, to successfully adapt in the workplace, it requires not only the adaptability and interpersonal skills of women, but also the importance of organizational support, both by related companies and government policies.

Keywords: Workplace adaptation, women in industry construction, women in workplace

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54 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-36

WEB-Based Tracer Study in Vocational High School
Toni Kurrokhmat (a*), Dedi Rohendi (b)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Tracer study is a necessity in the world of education, especially in Vocational High Schools. Through a tracer study, schools can find out the number of graduates who are absorbed in the world of work, and become a means of evaluation for school leaders in making policies. This study uses the Systematic Literature Review method with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) strategy. The articles taken are published in 2015-2021 by taking data bases from Google Scholar, DOAJ, and Research Gate. The keywords used include Tracer Study, WEB, and Vocational High School. The search results found that there were 110 articles on Google Scholar, 67 on Research Gate and DOAJ. Screened, there are 36 articles that fit the topic. From the 36 articles, they were re-screened and 5 articles were selected that met the criteria for analysis. The results show that WEB-based tracer study is a way that schools can do to track graduates who have been accepted into the world of work and become a necessity for schools in order to map school policies so that graduates have competencies as expected by the world of work.

Keywords: Tracer Study, WEB-Based, Vocational High School

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55 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-37

Vocational Students Learning Difficulties Factor in Online Learning
A. Amala, L. Widaningsih , T. Megayanti

Architectural Engineering Education Indonesia University of Education


This study aims to determine the factors that affected students learning difficulties when
learning online in the Construction and Property Engineering Expertise Program
2020/2021 at SMK Negeri 4 Kota Tangerang. The data analysis used was confirmatory
factor analysis with a population of all students of the Construction and Property
Engineering expertise program. The sample was taken using non-probability sampling
technique with convenience sampling method. Data collection using a questionnaire
method with a likert scale. The factor analysis procedure uses the calculation of MSA
(Measure of Sampling), KMO (Kaisar Major Olkin), and Bartfect^s Test Sphericity values,
eigenvalues, communalities values, factor extraction, factor loading, and varimax rotation.
Based on research, the 3 causes of learning difficulties when online learning is the
condition of online learning, self-management factors, and facility-support factors. If the
condition factors at the time of online learning are paid attention, then students will better
understand the material given by teachers.

Keywords: Factor Analysis, Learning Difficulties, Online Learning, SMK Negeri 4 Kota Tangerang

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56 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-38

Identification of Gender Concepts in Work-Family Conflict: A Systematic Literature Review
Dwi Tendi Apriyawan* and Dedi Rohendi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Gender inequality that affects work-family conflict has always been the focus of studies around the world. This happens because gender is one of many independent variables which are directly related to work-family conflict. There is frequent disharmony of roles in the demands of work and demands in the family that eventually lead to work-family conflict. Great life pressure accompanied by moral responsibility which is carried out as a mother and worker, often results in mental stress on women. In addition to experiencing mental pressure, conflict of roles experienced by working women also leads to reduced involvement in the family. The method used is a systematic literature review using a number of relevant articles from various journals. After the sorting process is carried out, the articles obtained were studied further. The results of the study show that someone who adheres to the concept of gender inequality produces a negative effect on work-family conflict. Although men and women experience the same effect, but women tend to shoulder a much heavier burden on work-family conflict. Working women who already have families will have a higher tendency to experience work stress, mental pressure, and psychological disorders.

Keywords: gender inequality, work-family conflict, work stress

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57 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-39

Career Counseling in Vocational School to Prepare for The World of Work
Mika Kuswanti

Postgraduates School of Technology and Vocational Education
Indonesian University of Education
Bandung, Indonesia


Career counseling is directly related to problems regarding the future of vocational school students in determining and choosing jobs based on all career attitudes they have.Career counseling is presented to provide services in shaping the career patterns of vocational school students towards the world of work. The purpose of this article is to conduct a literature review on the implementation of career counseling in vocational schools for preparation for the world of work. In the process of collecting data, 7 journals were found that support this research. The results of the study found that the implementation of career counseling in vocational schools was not optimal. This is supported by the difficulties of students in finding and determining their careers. Therefore, career counseling is something that supports job readiness in addition to the self-concept that students already have. The results of this study can also be used as recommendations for career counseling officers in order to improve services and optimize the career counseling service system.

Keywords: Career Counseling, Vocational School, World of Work

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58 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-41

Work-Integrated Learning in Vocational Education
Ricky Cahyasari Putra (a*), M. Syaom Barliana (b), Mumu Komaro (b), Aam Hamdani (b)

a) Technical and Vocational Education, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 207 Bandung 40154, Indonesia.
b) Technical and Vocational Education, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 207 Bandung 40154, Indonesia.


Learning models must be designed and adapted so that students have high motivation. Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) is a form of learning model that integrates academic studies with the workplace that provides work experience in improving work skills. The purpose of this library is to find out the description, knowledge and results of research that is focused on the WIL learning model so that the potential and relevance of this model in vocational education programs can be known. Optional Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Methods (PRISMA) were used as the basic method for systematizing and meta-analyses. Full text peer-reviewed articles were searched for four online publication journals, namely Scientdirect, Springer, Taylor and Francis, and Wiley. Articles are searched based on main keywords and focus on educational subjects. From the results of the search and selection process, 29 articles were obtained from the year 2015 to 2020. The results of the literature review showed that the most widely used method was qualitative with 12 publications. The fields of science in the selected WIL articles are relatively dominated by the fields of business and health sciences, each with 6 articles. Articles published have increased in recent years, although in recent years there has been a decline. The most obvious finding from this research is the positive result of increasing graduates in facing the world of work. Overall, we provide a reference for further research by identifying the need for work-integrated learning research.

Keywords: Work-integrated Learning, Vocational Education, Literature review, Meta Analysis Method

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59 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-42

Students^ Learning Interest In Productive Subjects With The Application Of Distance Learning In Vocational High Schools
Y. Marsintyabela, E. Krisnanto, T. Megayanti

Architectural engineering education - UPI


Productive subjects in vocational high schools require hands-on practice and guidance. The existence of distance learning applied to Software Application and Building Interior Design (SABID) subjects as one of the productive subjects due to the covid-19 pandemic caused students^ understanding and interest to decline. This study aims to find out how much influence distance learning has on interest in learning in SABID subjects at SMKN 4 Tangerang Indonesia. The quantitative correlational approach is carried out by distributing questionnaires to the Building Modeling and Information Design Study Program students. The results showed that the distance learning process in SABID subjects at SMKN 4 Tangerang was tolerable. Students^ interest in learning in SABID subjects at SMKN 4 Tangerang was also categorized acceptable. The level of distance learning relationship has a strong effect on students^ interest in learning, with a significant influence reaching 49.4%. The magnitude of the impact of distance learning on students^ interest in education needs to be considered for improving the quality of distance learning in productive subjects.

Keywords: Distance learning, Productive subjects, Students interest, Vocational High School

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60 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-44

Teaching Factory Readiness In Vocational High School
I. Nurfadlilawati, E. Krisnanto, T. Megayanti

Architectural engineering education - UPI


This study aims to determine the readiness to implement teaching factory learning in the Modeling Design and Building Information Vocational Program at SMK Negeri 2 Ciamis Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive research method with a quantitative approach. The level of readiness is seen from four aspects: the teacher aspect, the industrial cooperation aspect, the facilities and infrastructure aspect, the school management aspect. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires, observations, and documentation involving the Principal, vice-principal of the curriculum, head of the building information design and modeling study program, and study program teachers. The study results found that: (1) The teacher aspect with four indicators is ready by 63,82% on apply teaching factory learning. (2) The industrial cooperation aspect with two indicators is ready by 72,57% on apply teaching factory learning. (3) The facilities dan infrastructure aspect with six indicators is very ready by 72,57% on apply teaching factory learning. (4) The school management aspect with five indicators is quite ready by 45,56% on apply teaching factory learning

Keywords: readiness, teaching factory, building information and modeling design, vocational high school

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