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31 Lesson Study and Learning Community ABS-24

EFL teachers^ Perspectives on Lesson Study: Perceiving benefits and Barriers
Rahmawati Upa (a*), Sri Rahayu (b)

Cokroaminoto University of Palopo, Jl. Latammacelling No 19. Palopo


The aims of this research are identifying if and in which ways EFL teachers benefit from participating in LS and what barriers they encounter. A research design on mixed method was used and the data were gained through questionnaires and semi structured interview. There were 5 EFL teachers participated in fulfilling the questionnaires and only 3 were willing to be interviewed. The data from the questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively using SPSS meanwhile the result of the interview were analyzed qualitatively using Hubberman (1994)- data reduction, data display and conclusion. The finding of the researches show some advantages gained by the teachers by doing lesson study. Besides, this research also found some barriers encountered by the teachers in doing Lesson Study. In the end, a number of implications and recommendations are drawn for the education stakeholders.

Keywords: EFL teachers, Perspectives, Lesson Study, benefit, barriers

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32 Lesson Study and Learning Community ABS-26

Problem solving based lesson design: To describe students^ numeracy skills
Eko Susetyarini, Endrik Nurrohman

University of Muhammadiyah Malang


The aims of this research are 1). to describe the problem-based lesson design on the material of the human reproductive system to describe the numeracy skills of Muhammadiyah junior high school students- 2) describe students^ numeracy skills on the material of the human reproductive system using problem-based lesson design in Muhammadiyah Junior High School. The type of research used is descriptive exploratory. Time of research in November 2021. The place of research was carried out at SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Batu City. The research procedure begins with an agreement between the researcher, the principal, and the teacher including: 1) the class and materials used for the research- 2) model teacher who prepares lesson design (plan) 3) Model teacher opens lessons (open class) and reflects (see)- 3) observer who is in charge of observing research activities during open class. Research data collection methods: see the implementation of the plan, open class, and see- discuss research findings on students^ numeracy skills. Problem-based lesson design: designed with cases of disorders (plan 1) and disease (plan 2) of the human reproductive system. Indicators of students^ numeracy skills: 1) are able to use various kinds of numbers and symbols related to basic mathematics to solve problems in various contexts of daily life 2) analyze information displayed in various forms (graphs, tables, charts, diagrams and so on), and (3) interpreting the results of the analysis to predict and make decisions. The data analysis techniques were descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results showed that, the use of problem-based lesson design in terms of the implementation of the plan, open class, and see running smoothly, designing sharing and jumping tasks, there was an increase in numeracy skills from open class I to open class II

Keywords: Problem Solving, Lesson Design, Sharing dan Jumping task, Numeracy skills

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33 Lesson Study and Learning Community ABS-29

Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Learning Designs on the Topic of Salt Hydrolysis Using Natural Materials Indicators to Develop Students^ Collaborative Skills
Dwi Ajni Shafarwati (a*), Asep Supriatna (b), Sumar Hendayana(c)

a) Departement of chemical education, Bandung, University Education of Indonesia.
Jalan. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


A study entitled ^Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Learning Designs on the Topic of Salt Hydrolysis Using Natural Materials Indicators to Develop Students^ Collaborative Skills^ aims to describe the implementation of the learning design and the profile of collaborative skills based on the developed learning design. One of the challenging 21st-century skills is collaborative skills. Schools still use teacher-centered learning which cannot improve collaborative skills optimally and the delivery of material is not contextual with everyday life, technology, and green chemistry/ ESD. This qualitative study used a qualitative method with the analysis of transcripts and student worksheets (LKPD). The instruments used were the assessing salt hydrolysis concept in textbooks and e-books study sheet, the studying lesson plans and teaching materials used by teacher study sheet, interview guidelines, validation sheets for the material design, analysis for students^ worksheets, and audio and video recordings of learning and learning observations which were transcribed. The results showed that learning designs covered students^ problems, predicting students^ responses and teacher assistance/anticipation designed in three stages of preliminary, core, and closing activities. The result of implementation designed shows that learning tends to be student centered. The profile of students^ collaborative skills that develop in the implementation of learning design that appears the most was indicator 2 in sharing tasks 1, 2 and 3, indicator 1 in sharing task 4, indicators 1 and 3 in sharing task 5, and indicator 2 in jumping task.

Keywords: salt hydrolysis, collaborative skills, sharing and jumping task

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34 Lesson Study and Learning Community ABS-30

Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Learning Designs on the Topic of Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Solutions Contain Environmental Literacy to Grow Students^ Collaborative Skills
Novi Rukhyatul Alawiyah, Asep Supriatna, dan Sumar Hendayana

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This research, entitled Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Learning Designs on the Topic of Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Solutions Contain Environmental Literacy to Grow Students Collaborative Skills, aims to develop the lesson design of sharing and jumping task learning designs and grow collaborative skills of students during learning through the implementation of the learning design. This
research is motivated by the demands of 21st century learning, one of which is that students can develop collaborative skills. Based on the researchers field study learning in school has been students centered but has not been implemented properly, has not been able to improve collaborative skills, and the material is not yet contain environmental literacy. The method used in this research is qualitative. The instruments used were the assessment sheet for the concept of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions in textbook and ebook, interview guidelines, assessment sheet for RPP used by teachers, and learning design validation sheets. The results of the learning design are obtained which are composed of student situations/issues/problem, predictions of student responses, and anticipation/teacher assistance which are designed for three stages, namely introduction, core activity, and closing. The profile of collaborative skills that grow in the implementation of sharing task is indicators 1 and 2 with a percentage of 100% each, and the jumping task is indicator 1 with a percentage of 82,35%.

Keywords: Electrolytes and nonelectrolyte solutions, collaborative skills, sharing and jumping task.

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35 Lesson Study and Learning Community ABS-31

Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Learning Designs on the Topic of Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Solutions Contain Environmental Literacy to Grow Students Collaborative Skills
Novi Rukhyatul Alawiyah, Asep Supriatna, dan Sumar Hendayana

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This research, entitled ^Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Learning Designs on the Topic of Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Solutions Contain Environmental Literacy to Grow Students^ Collaborative Skills^, aims to develop the lesson design of sharing and jumping task learning designs and grow collaborative skills of students during learning through the implementation of the learning design. This
research is motivated by the demands of 21st century learning, one of which is that students can develop collaborative skills. Based on the researcher^s field study learning in school has been students centered but has not been implemented properly, has not been able to improve collaborative skills, and the material is not yet contain environmental literacy. The method used in this research is qualitative. The instruments used are rubrics for assessing the concept of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions in textbook and ebook, interview guidelines, rubrics for studying RPP used by teachers, validation sheets learning design, LKPD, as well as data collection on learning through audio and video recordings and learning observations converted into transcripts. The results of the learning design are obtained which are composed of student situations/issues/problem, predictions of student responses, and anticipation/teacher assistance which are designed for three stages, namely introduction, core activity, and closing. The profile of collaborative skills that grow in the implementation of sharing task is indicators 1 dan 2 with a percentage of 100% each, and the jumping task is indicator 1 with a percentage of 82,35%.

Keywords: Electrolytes and nonelectrolyte solutions, collaborative skills, sharing and jumping task.

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36 Lesson Study and Learning Community ABS-33

Development and Implementation of Learning Design Sharing and Jumping Task Material Determination of Alkali Content by Acid-Base Titration Using Red Cabbage Indicator to Grow Students^ Collaboration Skills
Anna Haerunnisa, Asep Supriatna, Sumar Hendayana

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This research is entitled ^Development and Implementation of Learning Design Sharing and Jumping Task Material Determination of Alkali Content by Acid-Base Titration Using Red Cabbage Indicator to Grow Students^ Collaboration Skills.^ This study aims to obtain an overview of the implementation of learning designs and the profile of collaborative skills of students in sharing and jumping task Materials for Determining Alkali Levels by Acid-Base Titration Using Red Cabbage Indicators using red cabbage indicators. This research is based on 21st century skills, where 21st century skills are known as ^The 4Cs^ include critical, collaboration, communication, and creative skills. In this study, researchers focused more on collaboration skills. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with qualitative analysis in the form of Didactical Design Research (DDR) with the analysis of transcript and students worksheet (LKPD). The instruments used were a teacher interview guidelines, lesson design validation sheet. Data collection used is in the form of observation and audio and video recordings. The results obtained are in the form of lesson design covered student^ problems , predicting student responses^ and teachers anticipation. This lesson design consists of three stages, preliminary activities, core activities and closing activities. The skill profiles that grew in the implementation of the sharing and jumping task that appeared the most were indicator 1 asking questions, indicator 2 speaking or arguing, and indicator 4 cooperate.

Keywords: Sharing and jumping task, collaboration skills, titration.

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37 Lesson Study and Learning Community ABS-35

Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Lesson Design on the Topic of Balancing Chemical Equations Loaded with Environmental Literacy to Grow Students^ Collaborative Skills
Hana Aulannisa (*), Asep Supriatna, and Sumar Hendayana

Departement of Chemical Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Dr. Setiabudi No.229 Street, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Many students have difficulty in studying balancing chemical equations due to the lack of collaborative skills which are supported through the content of the 21st-century theme, namely environmental literacy. This research aims to obtain an overview of the implementation of sharing and jumping task lesson designs and profiles of collaborative skills that grow on the learning process. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative using didactical design research (DDR) that was conducted on 10th-grade high school students at Cimahi, Indonesia. The instruments used were interview guides, observation sheets, validation sheets, textbook assessment rubrics, lesson plans assessment rubrics, video-audio recording devices, and data collection on learning through audio and video recordings. The developed sharing and jumping task lesson designs composed of student issues/problems, predictions of student responses, and teacher anticipation/assistance. Overall, the results show that the seven indicators were identified during the learning process. Indicator being able to speak and argue was the most often identified during learning while sharing tasks of fellow group members well was the lowest identified indicator.

Keywords: collaborative skills- sharing and jumping task- balancing chemical equation,

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38 Lesson Study and Learning Community ABS-41

Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Design on Limiting Reagent Topics to Develop Students Creative Thinking Skills
Fathia Syifa Nafi^ah

Indonesia University of Education


This study aims to develop the sharing and jumping task learning design and foster students^ creative thinking skills when learning through the implementation of the sharing and jumping task learning design on the topic of limiting reagent material. The research method used is a development method with a DDR (Didactical Design Research) design. It is based on 21st century skills, one of which can develop students^ creative thinking skills. However, based on the results of the study, creative thinking skills are difficult to emerge because during learning, students are less active so they are teacher-centered. In learning research, it was found that students^ learning barriers in the material of the limiting reagent were the concept of the limiting reagent which was abstract and concrete. The research subjects were 23 students of class X. The research instruments used were interview guidelines, video documentation and validation sheets. Data collection and analysis was carried out based on learning observations, teacher interviews, video documentation which were analyzed with Transcript-Based Lesson Study (TBLA) and indicators of Munandar^s creative thinking ability. The results obtained are: (1) The learning design of the limiting reagent sharing and jumping task can foster students^ creative thinking skills. (2) Based on transcript analysis using TBLA, Most students can develop creative thinking skills, especially in indicator one, namely sparking many ideas, many answers, many problem solving, many questions smoothly on fluency thinking skills. However, students experience difficulties in the aspect of original thinking skills (originality) from the three original skill indicators that appear, students are only able to give birth to new and unique expressions.

Keywords: creative thinking skills, sharing and jumping task, limiting reagent, lesson design

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39 Lesson Study and Learning Community ABS-53

Nanda Adin Nisa (a*), Eny Winaryati (b)

a) Chemistry education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang
b) Chemistry education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang


The quality of a learning process can be seen in terms of students^ critical thinking skills in the learning process carried out or from the learning outcomes of students. Lesson study is one of the learning approaches that can increase the effectiveness of collaborative learning. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research using the stages in lesson study, namely planning (plan), implementation (do), reflection (see). As for seeing the critical thinking ability of students by conducting an assessment that refers to the ideal assessment criteria. The application of lesson study with a collaborative learning model affects the critical thinking skills of students in class XI Natural Science SMA X. The analysis of the collaborative learning model is able to improve students^ critical thinking skills which can be seen from the results of the increase in the percentage of the four aspects. In the aspect of formulating problems in the first cycle, an average of 15 was obtained with a percentage of 75% and increased in the second cycle, namely an average of 19 with a percentage of 95%. Aspects of conducting experiments in the first cycle obtained an average of 27 with a percentage of 90% and in the second cycle obtained an average of 28 with a percentage of 93.33%. At the stage of analyzing and presenting the results obtained the same results, namely an average of 14.5 with a percentage of 96.67%. The communicating stage in the cycle obtained an average of 11% with a percentage of 73.33% and an increase in the second stage of 11.75 with a percentage of 78.33%.

Keywords: lesson study, collaborative learning, critical thinking skills

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40 Lesson Study and Learning Community ABS-55

The Implementation of Lesson Study in Teaching Science of 9th Grade through Simple Electrolyte Solution Detection
Arif Fahrurozi1*), Prihatin Suryaningtyas2), Ika Nurratri Nugrahani3)

SMP Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga


The goal of this activity is to observe learning process in the relation of learning material, students and teacher interaction, and the interaction among the students activeness of the students and curiosity of the students through lesson study. The activity is the collaboration science teachers in Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School. This activity is done in June to August 2022 in the 9th grade academic year 2022/2023. And the step of lesson study are plan, do, and see. Science teachers did lesson plan through chapter design and lesson design. Learning process in science class of 9th grade in Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School use scientific approach 4C in the material of particles (atoms, ions, molecules). In addition, the relation activity is done to evaluate and find the solution so that the futher learning process will be better.

Keywords: Lesson Study, Science Lesson, Particles Materials, Electrolyte Solution

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41 Lesson Study and Learning Community ABS-56

Implementation of Team Games to Improve Science Learning Outcomes for Class VIII in Post-PTMT (Limited Face-to-face Learning)
Prihatin Suryaningtyas

SMP Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga


This study aims to improve science learning outcomes by using the application of team games in post-PTMT. This research is a type of classroom action research (CAR) with the model developed by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. This research consists of two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection stages. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII. Sources of data obtained from teachers and students through observation, evaluation tests. The data analysis technique used a comparative descriptive technique then continued with reflection in cycle 1 and cycle 2. The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes as indicated by the increasing number of students who achieved KKM (completed) from pre-action to cycle II. Completeness of pre-action learning is 3%, cycle I is 83%, and cycle II is 100%. In addition, it is also supported by the improvement of psychomotor learning outcomes and student attitudes. Classroom action research with team games can be said to be successful and effective in limited face-to-face learning because it can achieve predetermined success indicators, which are more than 75% of students^ scores reaching the KKM.

Keywords: Team Games, Action Research, PTMT

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42 Lesson Study in Pandemic Covid-19 ABS-5

Puji Sumarsono

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia


As it was initially introduced in Japan, lesson study (LS) has been widely known and implemented in various education settings in the world wide, starting from early childhood education to higher education institutions. The implementation is also varied such as inter-subject and intra-subject, or subject-based and school-based. This paper is intended to investigate LS during Covid-19 outbreak. The author will apply systematic literature review (SLR). The literature that will be reviewed are all articles related LS which have been published in journals and proceedings during May 2020-July 2022, which indicates time of Covid-19 outbreak. The results will be expected to map LS during Covid-19 so it may enrich the insight of LS.

Keywords: Lesson study, systematic literature review, Covid-19

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43 Lesson Study in Pandemic Covid-19 ABS-19

Analysis of the application of google classroom during the covid-19 pandemic in chemistry learning
Ainun (a*), Kasmudin Mustapa (b), Ratman (c), Meida Esterlina Marpaung (d)

Tadulako University, Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. KM, Tondo, Mantikolure, Palu City, 94148, Indonesia.


Study this aim for analyze the application of google classroom during the covid -19 pandemic in chemistry learning. Population in study this is all students of class XI MIA 1 and XI MIA 2 at SMA N 1 Sarudu which totaling 62 students. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research with research design using pretest and posttest experimental group and control group. Sampling was carried out based on special considerations ( purposive sampling) with the research sample of XI MIA 1 totaling 31 students as an experimental class with a learning model that used google classroom , and XI MIA 2 totaling 31 students as a control class using conventional learning models. Data collection techniques using test techniques. Based on the results research on the analysis of the application of google classroom during the covid-19 pandemic in chemistry learning, researcher could interesting conclusion that there is improvement of student learning outcomes after the implementation of google classroom during the covid-19 pandemic in chemistry learning. This is based on the results of calculations using the SPSS version 25 application where the value of Sig (2- tailed ) = 0.000 <0.05 then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, meaning that there is a significant effect There is a significant difference between the use of Google Classroom in learning chemistry during the covid-19 pandemic on the learning outcomes of SMA N 1 Sarudu students.

Keywords: google classroom, covid-19 pandemic, chemistry learning

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44 Lesson Study in Pandemic Covid-19 ABS-25

Lesson Study During The Covid-19 Pandemic : Systematic Literature Review
Sarah Inayah, Edi Supriyadi, Darhim Darhim

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Lesson Study is a model of the teaching improvement process, which promotes collaboration, helps teachers develop skills and better plan lessons. The literature shows that Lesson Study generally uses a face-to-face approach. However, the situation during the Covid-19 pandemic did not allow this. This study analyzes systematically to find out the extent to which Lesson Study can be applied online from several studies, looking for challenges and further learning opportunities that may arise due to the use of online media in Lesson Study. The selected studies were analyzed qualitatively, and the results showed that: 1) Lesson Study can be applied online with typical efforts namely: Online discussions with colleagues, Platforms for communicating with students, Recorded lessons for online teaching, Recorded lessons for reviewing and evaluating Lessons Study. 2) In general, the challenges faced are the readiness of teachers to carry out online learning and limitations in observing learning through the online environment. 3) It was found that the opportunity for Lesson Study through online sharing was to overcome the time constraint caused by face-to-face arrangements because it offered teachers a long time to build and contribute ideas.

Keywords: Lesson Study, Covid-19, Systematic

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45 Lesson Study in Pandemic Covid-19 ABS-27

Development of Android-based Interactive Learning With a Multiple-representation Approach on The Topic Plant Tissue
Nova Jessyca Aruan

Universitas Negeri Medan


The existence of a pandemic since 2019 makes the learning system in schools inevitably experience change. Existence and understanding of the use of simple applications is no longer something new for students and teachers alike, but a must. Learning Media about the network used at the high school level, there is nothing yet to represent the concept of network macroscopically, sub microscopically, and symbolically as well as adapted to online learning. That is why media development Android-based interactive learning with a multiple-representation approach on the topic plant tissue is present with the hope that students can understand the concepts in the network as a whole. The purpose of developing this media is to develop android-based learning media and to determine the feasibility of the media. Based on the results validation shows that the media is very feasible to use with a percentage 83.7%, so based on this assessment the media is very suitable to be used as a learning resources in class

Keywords: Multiple representations, Plant tissue, Android

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46 Lesson Study in Pandemic Covid-19 ABS-52

Set Lesson Through Interaction Living Things and The InveronmentPlease Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract
Suryaning Fajar Sari*, Arif Fahrurozi, Tri Bekti

SMP Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga


The aim of this activity is to observe learning proccess in the reaction of learning material, interaction between teacher, student and the interaction among the students in learning proccess through lesson study. In general, this activity is the collaboration among Muhammadiyah University in Semarang, PWM Central Java, and all Muhammadiyah schools in Central Java from July to September 2021. In particular, this activity is done in Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School Salatiga in August 2021. Lesson study school based is followed by Mathematics teachers and Science teacher in Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School Salatiga based on some steps (1) plan- (2) do- (3) see. Mathematics and Science teachers create lesson plan in the form of chapter design and lesson design. The implementation of lesson study in Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School Salatiga based on Integrated Learning applied in ^Set lesson through interaction living things and the inveronment^. In Additional, ther is reflection toward implementation stage and find the solution for the problem appears so that the next learning activity will be better.

Keywords: Set, interaction, lesson study, living things

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47 Lesson Study in Pandemic Covid-19 ABS-54

Lesson Study Activities in the Use of Powtoon and Kahoot Applications as Media in Teaching Cartesian Coordinates
Tri Bekti1*, Suryaning Fajar Sari, Ika Nurratri Nugrahani

SMP Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga


The activity of lesson study in the use of Powtoon and Kahoot Aplication as media in teaching Cartesian Coordinates is done in Muhammadiyah Plus Senior High School in August 2021. There are many steps such as plan, do and see. In the plan stage activity, the teacher uses the powtoon aplication and quizes using Kahoot aplication, make the lesson plan, prepare observation sheet for observer and link zoom for learning process. The material appears in Powtoon aplication use local culture by using Salatiga City map and some iconic or popular places in it. In the do step, the teacher does the learning process via online. While the observer observes and writes the result of observation in the observation sheet during teaching-learning process. In the reflection step, the teacher and observer try to give comment or suggestion according to learning process such as the student^s response, student^s antusiastic, and the interaction between student and teacher, or the interaction among the students. Next, evaluation is done so that it finds the solution or better teaching method

Keywords: Lesson Study, Powtoon, Kahoot, Cartesian Coordinates

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48 School Based Lesson Study ABS-4

Yuyu Rahayu, Asep Supriatna, Riandi, Sumar Hendayana



This study aims to reveal the profile students^ critical thinking skills through collaborative learning sharing and jumping tasks on the concept of pressure-based NoS. reveal the profile of students^ critical thinking skills during the collaborative learning sharing and jumping task of the pressure concept based on NOS. the descriptive qualitative research method was used in this study. The collected data was analyzed by TBLA. The research was carried out referring to DDR, It consist of three stages, namely prospective analysis , metapedadidactic analysis and retrospective analysis. The lesson design that was developed then implemented in class VIII at one the junior high schools in Sumedang Regency. The implementation was carried out in two meetings, on the sub-concept of pressure, namely hydrostatic pressure and Pascal^s law. The lesson design sharing & jumping task consists of three learning stages: opening activity, core activity (sharing task 1, sharing task 2, and jumping task), and closing activity. Data collection and analysis were carried out based on learning observations, and recordings audio). The profile of students^ critical thinking skills that were revealed based Ennis indicator in the opening activity of the first meeting were 2 indicators with the highest frequency of 33.3%, while at the second meeting there were 2 indicators with the highest frequency of 37.5%. In the activity of sharing task 1, the first meeting identified as many as 4 indicators of students^ critical thinking skills which were revealed with the highest frequency of 100%. While at the second meeting as many as 4 indicators with the highest frequency of 100%. In sharing task

Keywords: Lesson design, collaborative learning sharing and jumping tasks, critical thinking skills, Pressure, Nature of Science, Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA)

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49 School Based Lesson Study ABS-10

Profile of Students^ Critical Reasoning Skills Through Lesson Study-Based Learning on the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum
Muhammad Aqmal Nurcahyo, Nurussaniah, Yusi Irasandi

Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Kalimantan Barat, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan PGRI Pontianak, Sekolah Dasar Negeri 39 Pontianak Kota


This study aims to describe an initial study of the profile of students^ critical reasoning skills through lesson study-based learning in the independent curriculum. This research belongs to the type of qualitative research with descriptive analysis method because it will describe the profile of students^ critical reasoning skills in Indonesian language learning through the implementation of lesson study. The research subjects were the fourth grade elementary school students with a total of 27 people. The instruments used are observation sheets, dialogue transcripts, test, and documentation. The data processing technique used descriptive statistics. Based on the results of data analysis, as many as 74% of students already have critical reasoning skills and 26% need more guidance to improve their critical reasoning skills. The results of this study can be used for further research related to efforts to improve students^ critical reasoning skills.

Keywords: Critical reasoning skills, lesson study

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50 School Based Lesson Study ABS-13

Collaborative Learning - Contextual Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Student Learning Activities in Lesson Study Activities
Suci Siti Lathifah, Fahrul Rozi, Teguh Sutopo

Pakuan University, SMAN 1 Sukajaya


Collaborative contextual learning based on local wisdom strongly emphasizes group activities, learning interactions, and collaboration between students in carrying out tasks related to local wisdom of local residents. The local wisdom that is integrated in learning is the local wisdom of the Urug indigenous people. In learning with contextual-collaborative methods based on local wisdom, it is directed that students can be actively involved, by carrying out learning activities such as: presenting assignments, paying attention to explanations from teachers or colleagues, discussing, asking, expressing opinions, and answering questions. The objective of collaborative-contextual learning based on local wisdom to be achieved is to increase learning activities and student participation in history subjects. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive and action approach. The target in this study as research subjects were 30 students of class X. Data collection methods used observation (observation sheets), tests (questions/case studies), and documentation (photos, videos). Data analysis using interactive analysis. Based on the data obtained from the research. The results of this study can be concluded that, the stages of collaborative-contextual learning based on local wisdom that have been applied have succeeded in actively involving students during the learning process. This is because, all stages of learning activities emphasize student involvement from beginning to end while learning. Students become more active, the learning atmosphere becomes more conducive, group discussions become more lively because all group members prepare discussion materials well. They also become more enthusiastic and active in each lesson. With better quality of learning, students^ understanding of the learning process becomes better and understanding of the subject matter also becomes better.

Keywords: Collaborative Learning - Contextual Based, Local Wisdom, Student Learning Activities, Lesson Study

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51 School Based Lesson Study ABS-15

Sinta Ratna Sari

SD GagasCeria, Bandung


Pada tahun 2020 SD GagasCeria merancang rencana kerja 4 tahunan sekolah (2020-2024). Salah satu harapan dan sasaran yang muncul dalam rencana kerja tersebut adalah sekolah memiliki sebuah dokumen perecanaan pembelajaran yang berkualitas, yang diperoleh melalui proses evaluasi, refleksi guru dan perbaikan terus menerus berjalan dari tahun ketahun. Kami menyakini, proses refleksi adalah salah satu poin penting, sehingga refleksi menjadi tolak ukur serta ukuran keberhasilan dari sasaran ini. Dalam proses mencapai sasaran di atas, sekolah merasa perlu berkolaborasi dengan pihak akademisi untuk memberikan sudut pandang yang berbeda, serta menjembatani antara praktik-praktik yang terjadi di lapangan dengan teori dan riset-riset pendidikan terbaru. Mulai tahun 2021 SD GagasCeria menjalin kerjasama dengan bapak Sumar Hendayana dalam kerangka pendampingan. Dalam proses ini, pimpinan sekolah tertarik dengan pola belajar yang dibawakan oleh Pak Sumar, karena setelah proses kolaborasi selama 2 tahun ini, guru lebih terlibat dalam upaya memperbaiki proses pembelajarannya di kelas, dan terjadi perbaikan pembelajaran dari siklus pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di tahun sebelumnya. Selain dari sasaran yang sUdah ditentukan Sekolah, guru-guru secara mandiri memilih bagian mana yang ingin diperbaiki dari contoh kelas yang dibuka dan dianalisis bersama. Hal ini ternyata menyebabkan keterlibatan guru dalam pengembangan pembelajaran di kelas muncul dan bisa dijadikan sebagai pola dalam proses pengembangan pembelajaran berikutnya secara mandiri.

Keywords: Kata kunci : Sekolah berbasi lesson study, keterlibatan guru, perbaikan pembelajaran berkelanjutan

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52 School Based Lesson Study ABS-16

Application of creative problem solving learning model to problem solving ability in chemistry material
Iqbal Rahmat Zurajman (a*), Kasmudin Mustapa (b) , Ratman (c), and Dewi Satria Ahmar (d)

Tadulako University, Jl. Soekarno Hatta 9, Tondo, Mantikolure, Palu City, 94148, Indonesia.


This study aims to determine the effect of applying creative problem solving (CPS) learning models on students problem solving abilities in acid-base material. This study uses a quasi experimental research design with a pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this study was class XI MA As adiyah Tolai Parigi Moutong Regency as many as 2 classes consisting of 44 students. The sampling technique in this study was saturated sampling, so class XI A was the control class and XI B was the experimental class, each of which consisted of 22 students. Data collection using a problem solving ability test instrument. The results showed that the level of problem solving ability in the control class using conventional learning models obtained an average value of 70 while the experimental class using creative problem solving learning models obtained an average value of 82. Analysis of each indicator of problem solving ability showed that students had able to understand the problem, plan problem solving, and carry out the solution plan well. However, students have not been able to re examine the results of problem solving properly. The analysis of hypothesis testing using t test shows that the value of sig-(2-tailed) obtained is 0.04 less than 0.05 so that it shows the effect of applying creative problem solving (CPS) learning models on students problem solving abilities in acid-base material.

Keywords: Problem Solving Ability, creative problem solving (CPS) learning model, Acid-Base Material

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53 School Leadership Practices ABS-42

Supervisory Efforts in Improving Science Teacher Competence in Developing Differentiated RPP through the Coaching Method at SMAN 1 GUNUNG HALU

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Barat


This study aims to determine the extent of the success of the coaching method as a form of science teacher competency guidance model in preparing learning implementation plans, especially differentiated lesson plans. The research subjects were 30 teachers at SMAN 1 Gunung Halu, West Bandung. This study used an action research method which was carried out in three cycles in April-June 2022. Based on the observational data from the initial findings before coaching, which was initially 34.52% and after coaching for 3 cycles, the observed value was 86.29 %. So with the coaching method, there is an increase of 51.77%. This shows an increase in teacher competence in preparing differentiated lesson plans through the coaching method.

Keywords: Supervisor, Science Teacher Competence, RPP Differentiated, Coaching

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54 School-University Partnership (SUPER) ABS-36

Improving the Competence of Vocational High School Students with Fiber Optic Network Workshop
Ahmad Fauzi (*), Endah Setyowati, Galura Muhammad Suranegara

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
* ahmad.fauzi[at]upi.edu


Fiber optic cable splicing can be done using a fusion splicer and mechanically. The fiber optic cable that has been connected must also have a low total loss value with splicing loss as one of the parameters. Due to limited equipment and competencies, the fulfillment of the competency evaluation and splicing of fiber optic cables is considered difficult by many students of Computer and Network Engineering Vocational School (TKJ). It is hoped that all participants of this program have the achievement of increasing competence in the field of fiber optic networks as evidenced by a certified internal assessment. Thus, network technicians who are dominated by vocational school graduates have competencies that are in accordance with current network technology developments.

Keywords: Optical Fiber- vocational school- Computer and Network Engineering

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55 School-University Partnership (SUPER) ABS-48

Adopting Lesson Study on Job Training in Japan to The Program of School Field Introduction In Indonesia
Yanti Herlanti

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


: Lesson study is applied as a method to improve the teaching skills of prospective teacher-students when teaching practice in schools. Indonesia uses the term School Field Introduction (PLP) for practical teaching activities in schools, while in Japan the term On Job Training (OTJ) is used. This study examines the differences in lesson study methods that are practiced in universities in Indonesia and Japan, then adapts the lesson study method OTJ in Japan, to apply in the PLP II course at Biology Education, UIN Jakarta. The research method was carried out by direct and indirect observation. Indirect observation is through the YouTube channel of lesson study practices on PLP II at one of the universities in Indonesia. Direct observation and in-depth interviews were conducted with OTJ at the Affiliated Toyama University Junior High School in Japan. The adaptation of the Japanese OTJ was carried out in two stages. The first was carried out in two schools in Jakarta and Depok, involving two teachers and eight students. The second was conducted in one school in Depok, involving one teacher and four students. The results of the study show differences between lesson study have developed in Indonesia and Japan. OTJ in Japan emphasizes collaboration and cooperation among prospective teacher-students in improving teaching skills. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the emphasis is on collegiality among PLP students, tutor teachers, and supervisor lecturers. Applying the Japanese OTJ to PLP II in Biology Education showed that this method can increase student confidence, improve creativity in teaching methods and media, make worksheets, improve classroom management, and improve teaching skills

Keywords: lesson study, on job training, school field introduction

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56 School-University Partnership (SUPER) ABS-51

Sri Utaminingsih

Muria Kudus University


The purpose of this study analyzed the innovation of the Partnership based on Lesson Study Muria Kudus University with schools. The study used the Exploratory Sequential Mixed Method approach, starting with a qualitative research phase and exploring the views of participants, then the results of analysis to build a quantitative phase. Data Sources: University Leaders, Lecturers, Teachers, School Principals, Students and Students. The results of the analysis showed the pattern of partnership of the University of Muria Kudus with a lesson study -based school since 2017-2022 contributed to quality improvement both in Lesson Design and Learning Process, Increasing the Competency of Lecturers and Teachers. Innovation of partnership activities, namely in open class learning, socialization, workshops, national seminars, guest lectures, public lectures, research and service both on campus and in schools by applying the lesson study cycle. The partnership areas of schools are Kudus, Jepara, Pati, Rembang and Demak. The Lesson Study UMK partnership in LN is with the elementry school Al Hidayah Batu Pahat and the Sekolah Kebangsaan (P) Sultan Ibrahim Johor Bahru Malasyia. The results of reflection, lecturer responses, teachers, students and students in Lesson Study activities with very good criteria because learning starts from the problems encountered, learning is more inteuctive and understands how knowledge is taught and learned. Leadership response both at the university and school level with both criteria because Lesson Study is able to improve the culture of collaboration, teacher and lecturer innovation in the student-media-learning methods of student-evaluation and need to be done in a sustainable manner. Furthermore, the innovation of the Lesson Study -based partnership at Merdeka Learning is carried out in 5 Mover Schools involving the Principal, Teachers, Learning Community, Students and Students who are currently in the stage of preparing the Lesson Design

Keywords: Innovation, Partnership, Lesson Study, Muria Kudus University, School

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